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LinkedIn user data leaked: Database shows emails, profile data, phones, full names, and more confidential info.
  • I barely do anything with it, but most people here have one, it’s quite normal

  • LinkedIn user data leaked: Database shows emails, profile data, phones, full names, and more confidential info.
  • Great timing, started using linkedin like 2 weeks ago😅

  • ‘Reddit can survive without search’: company reportedly threatens to block Google
  • Same for me, only use it for questions on niche topics mostly, but if they remove themselves from google i won’t do that either.

  • Leaks confirm low takeup for Windows 11
  • I both can’t upgrade most of my devices, and have switched to linux on my home pc (in a dualboot with windows still) but use linux mainly. Been pretty nice so far.

  • At the soup store
  • What’s your favorite soup?

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Isn’t vanced still around? Saw that alot in the past

  • US Arm yes ports rule
  • Unfortunately?

  • Anon is afraid of change
  • Fuck you, i went for so long :(

  • Refrigerator nook of shame.
  • Looks like a good spot to lie down

  • Oh god, it's almost time...
  • Glad im not working in the supermarket anymore

  • X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called
  • Not everyone is paying for the blue checkmark as far as i know

  • *squints*
  • What if someone, i don’t know, doesn’t have their charger with them?

  • Defederated from Update: Refederated!
  • Fair point, i’ll be patiently waiting for the dutch takeover ;)

  • Defederated from Update: Refederated!
  • Sucks to see my home countries instance isn’t being moderated properly

  • title
  • I guess, yeah. Haven’t watched it in a while.

  • My Name rule
  • I have lost. I would become X :(

  • Deleted
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  • No, not every landlord is horrible and renting definitely has it’s place, but it shouldn’t be the only option you get unless you want to spend 700k

    Like the other comment said, it becomes a problem when large groups are buying up all properties

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • -> landlords buy buildings -> less buildings available for sale -> price goes up -> people cant afford buying homes -> people rent

  • Today, I bike to school
  • Biking (and public transport) is indeed life. Signed, another dutch guy

  • nero nero
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