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Is there a Fediverse Live Streaming platform yet?
  • @SamXavia @themadcodger @CoffeeDev I tried. Federating with PeerTube has been a challenge. But I'm hoping this can be improved. See

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    Is there a Fediverse Live Streaming platform yet?
  • @themadcodger @SamXavia There's a #Kbin magazine created for Owncast as well, but it's not very active :)

  • owncast Owncast

    Owncast is a free and open source live video and chat server for your events. Stream your entertainment, education, tv station, performances, games, communities, conferences, or whatever you have to share with an audience without big tech.

    Note: Microblogging services aren't a great place to provide support. Please file support requests at our issue tracker so they don't get overlooked!

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