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When you inhale helium from a balloon, do you weigh less?
  • Weight is purely the effect of gravity on mass. Do you consider yourself to weigh negative weight when you're floating in a pool and the scale is on the bottom of it?

  • When you inhale helium from a balloon, do you weigh less?
  • Less the difference between weight and mass and more the affect of buoyancy on your method of measurement. If you float in water, it doesn't mean you're weightless in water. It just means the buoyant force of the water overpowers gravity.

  • Weekly Warframe: Dagath
  • Tbh I just love running kullervo as a "oops quintuple red crits" melee platform

  • This post hit me like a bus
  • Tbh, I'm not sure how pervasive the idea that dogs are helpless furry children are. Sure people love to treat their pets that way, but it's not like feral dogs don't exist.

    I think they're more domesticated than cats, sure, but you need to look no further than pitbull drama to see that they're complex creatures and more than (submissive pets).

    As it applies to puppygirl posting, there's very little it has to do with characteristics real dogs display. The traits and actions and interactions that are fun and make people feel good will naturally be what draws people to it. I'd imagine there's people out there who like to roleplay dogs realistically but I honestly wouldn't put that under the petplay umbrella.

    Sorry I don't want to be argumentative! You're definitely not wrong about what you're talking about I'm just not sure if you were just talking about neat stuff that's loosely related or were saying something about puppygirl values so I thought I'd vomit some words onto the internet and pretend they have value

  • NSFW Removed
    Odd psychological issue - UCS = Used Condom Syndrome
  • I read parts of it and basically

    Having lots of single dates or low numbers of dates per partner many times that end in sex and don't continue into anything will make you burned out on dating. He dubs this used condom syndrome, imo it's too on the nose.

    He rambles on a lot more about dating and different categories of daters.

    Dudes not wrong about the core idea but his writing needs some serious work and it's a lot of pseudoscience and sterotyping.

  • Had to read it 3 times to make sure
  • Yeah was so happy when I read that. Lovely to see no forced arbitration or class action waiver bs

  • When you inhale helium from a balloon, do you weigh less?
  • That's a fun question, and kind of depends on how you see it. If you're going by "standing on and reading a scale in Earth's atmosphere", I believe the scale would read ever so slightly less. However, this is kind of mixing up weight and how we measure weight. Helium still has mass, it's not negative mass, it still is affected by gravity and gets pulled down by it like everything else. It's just that it's less dense than other gasses in the atmosphere, and so the buoyancy overpowers gravity and it floats. So, you with deflated lungs actually weigh less than you with lungs inflated with helium, even if that's not what the scale reads!

  • Ivy growing on a Flak tower in Vienna park Augarten (OC)
  • I think next time you try this, you should try feathering the edge of the black and white to color border. It seems a bit sharp

  • NSFW
  • Thank you for your kind reality check. I know it's not as bad as it feels... The problem is the feeling is part of the barrier.

  • The dragon's pet
  • Tbh I'd love to be a dragons pet

  • Does anyone actually use the windows key on their keyboard as intended by the OS?
  • Also if anyone comes here and posts “dOnT uSe wINdoWs,” you really are cute.

    Don't use windows?


  • depression_now! pixeltree
    Life would be so much better if I wasn't experiencing it

    I'm so tired. Why bother struggling to find insurance that lets me continue with my therapist. Why bother finding insurance at all. Why bother look for a job. Why put so much effort into a life I'm so tired of living? I know things won't improve. That they can't improve, really. Sometimes it might feel like things are better, but circumstances haven't changed, it's just the drugs making it not feel like it matters. I've given up on all these things that other people take for granted, and yet it still hurts to think about how I'll never get there. I'm so tired of it, and I don't see any way it ever changes. I just don't want to continue on. Why do people have to care about me? If they didn't, then I could just leave and not hurt them. Why isn't acceptable for me to just say "actually, nah, life isn't for me, see you never" and fucking die?

    I'm pretty sure suicide's inevitable. At some point, I'm just not going to care enough about the guilt and go through with it, it's more just a matter of when that'll be. Makes me sad my online friends won't know for sure, but they'll probably guess after a few weeks of being offline. At least I don't have to worry about leaving work on short notice.

    Anon wants more pizza
  • When home is more depressing

  • NSFW
  • Too adhd/social anxiety ridden to go out and meet people, apps are terrible, but it's for the best, because one of the very few times I actually had contact with someone they gave me herpes, and I'm way too depressed to be around. So, uh, yeah, I need help but it's not like anyone really can help. It'd be lovely to be intimate with someone again but I'd feel bad for anyone I let close enough for that. Sorry, overly depressing, you just kinda caught me during a crash and I'm desperate to let it out somewhere.

  • lonely rule
  • Yeah I really wish. It's just not going to happen though. I don't go anywhere or do anything. I just sit around and shovel stimulation into the black hole inside myself at an unsustainable rate to try to distract myself from the fact that that's all things will ever be for me, that's all things ever can be for me. I'm so tired and I desperately just want to give up. Even when things are ok and my mood isn't in the dumpster it hangs over me. I don't want to do this anymore. I'm sick of being a barely functioning human being. I'm just so tired and I want to turn it all off. There's things that I would like to do or have or be, but they just aren't going to happen. I'll never have someone that cares for me. I'll never be able to actually stick with a hobby I enjoy. I'd love to actually be a person I enjoy being, but THAT'S certainly never going to happen.

    I can't kill myself, because too many people still care about me. I wish people would forget about me so I could just leave. There'll probably come a point when I'm too tired to care. Hard to tell when it'll be.

  • NSFW
  • 😭

  • me_irl
  • Good spot

  • Kerrin McAdden, "If They Mean To Have A War, Let It Begin Here".
  • I read it like a verbal reader takes a breath there. It changes the timing and the feeling of it.

  • First woman dies in ‘suicide capsule’ in Switzerland
  • I sincerely hope you never need to. Best of luck

  • I feel attacked...
  • Fuuuuuuuuuuuck

  • Timeline Questions

    Hey all, as I've been thinking about who I want to be and how I want to transition, I've gotten to wondering about people's transition timelines in general. If it's something you're comfortable talking about, how long did it take you from realizing your trans to taking steps to transition? When did you start using different pronouns, when did you come out to people, how long did it take you to know you wanted HRT and then to start it?

    I realized I wasn't cis a few months ago, and have been growing my hair out and experimenting with clothing. I know I want to get permanent facial hair removal, and am interested in HRT but have reservations, and would value hearing others experiences about how long it took them to know what they wanted. I'm a very hesitant and self-doubtful person in general, and I guess just feel a bit lost in how to go about self discovery here.

    Editing to say thank you very much all for sharing, seeing how different everyone's experiences can be is honestly really comforting.

    depression_now! pixeltree
    It's either kill myself or quit my job, so I'm quittingnmy job

    When I can't find another and run out of savings in a few months, that's when Ill kill myself.

    Honestly did a bit of a trial run last night, fastened a bag over my head and snuggled my stuffed animals on the couch to see what it would be like. It's definitely something I can go through with if/when it comes to it. Taking other steps to make life less unbearable first, hence the title. I don't really see my life ending any other way though tbh, just more of a question of when. If I'm lucky, it'll be when the climate change induced famine prices me out of being able to eat and I chose not to starve. Anyways, sorry for making you read this. Fuck.

    Tom Swifty Jokes pixeltree
    "Why can't you ever be on time?" Tom said belatedly.
    Any chance direct messages will be supported any time soon?

    It's the major thing holding me back from buying ad free. Trying to view dms instantly crashes the app and it's very frustrating.

    Stopped being able to be in denial on friday...

    and this popped into my head. As a friend said, it's confusing and scary but ignoring just makes you feel more confused and scared, and that's so accurate.

    pixeltree pixeltree
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