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I have ditched Windows and went with Linux: My Story with Windows, What apps should i get rid of.
  • All proprietary software.
    And, in case you install open source software, look at who is behind the project. I wouldn't want to install open source software sponsored by Microsoft, for example.

  • Minor Threat - Out of Step [Hardcore Punk] (1:21) - 1983
  • Embrace sobriety and thinking.

  • What's a trait you look for in potential partners that seems uniquely in your trait wishlist?
  • I like that the person doesn't go to restaurants and hates them as much as I do, since years ago I decided to stop going to restaurants, so I understand that it can be a problem in a relationship.

  • hehe
  • classic

  • Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of?
  • Possibly more than half of the existing jobs. Some of them because they are enslaving (well, anything done for money to survive is enslaving), but most of them because they are unnecessary. Without their existence, the world would be a more tolerable place.

    Legal assistants.
    Corporate lawyers.
    Most of the jobs within the tech industry.
    The lackeys (according to Graber).
    Selling cell phones or cell phone plans. In general, any job where eloquence is needed to convince another person to do something.
    ANY job within the real estate sector.
    This one is due to personal ideas, but any job within a restaurant. Abolish restaurants.
    Landlords (it is not a formal job per se, but since there are people who make a living from it, I add it. For each of them, only the guillotine awaits).

  • Automated installation of multiple applications after a fresh OS install? (Fedora)
  • I didn't find any script that would install the apps you wanted, but I did find a script that will help you build your own (it's pretty easy). You can take inspiration from this one and modify it, so that whenever you reinstall your system, you'll run your script.

    Research what commands are used in Fedora to install what application and add them to your script. Then, give your .sh file execute permissions and run it. You can do this in a virtual machine first if you want.

  • Distro or Desktop like "classic" macOS
  • I found this post, but it refers to System 6:

    I did a quick search on r/unixporn (I just put in "System N") and found several posts, mostly about System 6 and System 9. Usually they post the links to the dotfiles in the comments. Good luck.

    By the way, I don't think you'll find a specific distribution or desktop for what you want. You'll have to customize several things separately, look for documentation, dotfiles, etc.

  • Feminism and Astrology
  • I agree, and yet it is materialist. Observe and study natural phenomena and astronomical bodies to determine time and develop a calendar to organize as a civilization.

  • Feminism and Astrology
  • Astrology is not just a feminist thing. Feminism is not just a women's thing. I mentioned it primarily because it is the way in which many people who are themselves focused on astrology (and the magical thinking involved) describe themselves.

    Goodbye. :)

  • Feminism and Astrology
  • You are the one who was making it about feminism in your original post despite it having nothing to do with your point.

    And again. I don't understand why it is difficult to think of “people who consider themselves Marxist feminists” and not just “women”. That being the case, it will misunderstand everything and become an attack on the person, not their ideas.

  • Feminism and Astrology
  • The problem I saw is that you are assuming that by "distracted" I mean a "hobby", I don't mean a hobby, I mean an addressing of ideals. I have absolutely no problem with people having hobbies, mainly because it would be so stupid to be against it. Also, you are mistakenly believing that I attacked women in the first instance, I mean, what?

    It's funny that you say 99.9% of people, and then immediately after that you refer to you and your friends. Just because your friends take it as a game, doesn't mean that there are people who don't take it completely seriously, and go around judging other people solely by the position of certain planets and stars, not by their ideas constructed based on their material conditions.

  • Feminism and Astrology
  • Your comparison makes no sense.

    A conjunct of sciences and disciplines together (mathematics, physics, mechanics, computer science, art, drawing, design, animation) versus esperituality and idealism.

  • Feminism and Astrology
  • Sorry, but I never assumed it was women who considered themselves Marxist feminists in the first instance, I wrote "people". And I'm not taking astrology as "a hobby I do in my spare time", I'm referring specifically to the anti-materialism implicit in it, taken worryingly seriously by supposedly materialist people.

  • Feminism and Astrology
  • I know it is difficult to know everything in depth, but it is easy to know when something is so irrational that it is even harmful to the movement itself (in this case, feminism).

    In fact, it is anti-materialist to say "lol i dont get it f*ck all that noise" when you don't know about a subject, since you are ignoring its history, the material conditions that produced that thought, idea, subject, etc.

    I think such people distracted by astrology, sperituality and manifestation, are a problem within the movement. They are not radically useful. Capitalism wants you to be distracted by it, to believe that you, individually, can change the outside with your mentality, and not the outside (your material conditions) to your way of thinking.

  • Feminism and Astrology

    I don't understand why there are so many people who consider themselves "Marxist feminists", but at the same time are distracted by astrology.

    The origin of feminism is working class, and as a working class movement, it is materialist. I don't know if they at least know what dialectical materialism is, since they don't see such an abysmal contradiction between astrology (pseudoscience) and feminism (materialism).

    They remind me of the liberal “feminist” Gloria Steinem.

    And the same with some anarchists.

    What do you think about it?

    'Antinazis' - Non Servium

    Lyrics translated to English:

    I've always tried to self-educate consciously To be clear about who my enemy is Fought a thousand battles, a thousand confrontations A thousand kicks received in the back I've always distinguished What sets our people apart From the trends and changes Building a family Based on trust and respect for our own

    And now you have to endure with a look of helplessness How the sweat you shed was in vain The punches that have been thrown have lost their meaning Leaving aside what coherence is

    We will keep fighting once more Without forgetting who our rival is We will listen to the voice within us That reminds us we are anti-nazis

    Aligned with antifascism Proud of the nonconformity That we carry engraved in our hearts And we will never regret Who we are, were, and will be NON SERVIUM NON SERVIUM ANTI-NAZIS

    We will keep fighting once more Without forgetting who our rival is We will listen to the voice within us That reminds us we are anti-nazis

    Question About Hacking Challenge Websites
    • HackMyVM. It is based on virtual machines. A very good option in case you don't have a good internet connection. Read their manifesto.
    • Wargames ( They are not based on web challenges, but primarily on tasks to improve your skills in GNU/Linux (the easier challenges) and in reverse engineering or privilege escalation (the more difficult ones).
    • Reverse engineering challenges.
    • A wide variety of challenges, from programming and cryptography to malware analysis, forensics, etc.
    • Many challenges focused on hypothetical situations. Very fun.
    • Edit: I forgot this one: A platform developed by anarcho-communist hacker Jeremy Hammond. It has several programming challenges and real-life scenarios.

    I don't recommend HackTheBox or these mainstream platforms because they are paid (with very few challenges or free virtual machines). The person who pays is the one who learns. I hate that so much. No one should pay to learn, knowledge is online and libre.

    Happy hacking, comrade.

  • How do I shoplift stuff?
  • Another piece of advice, in addition to what I’ve read here: try using a moderately large bag, in which you have a somewhat spacious and hidden inner pocket —this is where you’ll put the items you stole. To avoid the detectors at the store entrance, turn that pocket into a Faraday cage. In the main part of your bag, put personal items so that if a guard checks your bag when you leave, they won’t suspect anything upon seeing your personal belongings, such as a jacket, cap, or personal accessory. After placing the stolen items in your Faraday cage, buy a not-too-expensive product (obviously). If they give you a store bag for that product, better. Place the product on top of your personal items in the main pocket.

    To test your Faraday cage, place a cellphone inside it and call the phone. If it rings, it means the cage isn’t working.

    Faraday Cage (Wikipedia). Booster bag (Wikipedia).

  • Gaza officials release 649-page document naming over 34,000 Palestinians killed by Israel
  • The 1st 14 pages the age is listed as 0 (under 1 year old).

    Zionism must be eradicated.

  • Ian Curtis goes Mexican

    Who is Carlitos "El Solovino" (The Justcamed)? Read the description in the video.

    KINO - Close the door behind me, I'm taking off [Post-punk]

    Viktor Tsoi lives!

    qocu qocu [he/him]

    Libre software programmer.

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