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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
9 mo. ago

  • Hah was coming here to say basically this: if you're always tired after sleeping, go get a sleep study. If you do have sleep apnea, absolutely nothing short of medical intervention will make a meaningful difference, and it's an easy place to start.

  • So have you looked at using a N95 filter in a respirator?

    I don't know if that'll work for you, but they certainly stay in place much better than any mask, and there's a wide variety of them that have the filter in various locations so maybe that'd be a better option?

    You look a little bit Fallout while wearing them, but they're super comfortable for hours (because that's how people who wear them use them), cheap to replace the filter when the time comes, and they seal spectacularly well and are easy to fit.

  • For some egg uses – baking

    Depending on what, exactly, you're doing here you don't necessarily need eggs.

    There's a shocking amount of shit that'll react the same was as eggs - the liquid from chickpeas, flaxseed, applesauce, banana, arrowroot powder, soy protien powder, even freaking tofu - in a lot of recipies, so it may be worth figuring out why eggs are in the recipie and find an alternative that'll end up doing the same thing.

  • I'd support that: the new excuses as to why a suspect escaped would be fantastic.

    "Well, I would have caught him but my car died for some reason and I couldn't get out."

    "Well, I would have caught him but I hit a bump and half my car fell off."

    "Well, I would have caught him, but my car caught fire and killed my partner."

    "Well, I would haved caught him but it was raining so my bumper fell off and punctured my tire."

  • Question: how is LinkedIn useful to you?

    For me it's just a non-stop swarm of recruiters from India who want me to kindly listen to their offer of a job that pays less than I'd make picking up garbage, utter sociopaths dredging up some psychotic hustle culture nonsense, and previous people I've worked with/for asking for favors, which of course means free.

    Is it somehow more useful for an actual business?

  • I wouldn't argue with the dude; he's got a clear case of bad-faith-itis. What you did was bad, so you shouldn't have done it, but no I won't tell you how to fix it.

    The absolute best you could have done is cross-posted to a Mastodon/Bluesky/whatever account as well, but you can't just always go around yanking the rug out underneath communities especially if you're in a position where it's not just lazy shitposting and worthless commentary.

    ...that said, you have moved anything you can to being posted somewhere in tandem riiiiiiight?

  • As with all things email, they probably really wanted to make sure that the mails were delivered and thus were using a commercial MTA to ensure that.

    I'd wager, even at 20 or 30 or 40k a year, that's way less than it'd cost to host infra and have at least two if not three engineers available 24/7 to maintain critical infra.

    Looking at my mail, over the years I've gotten a couple hundred email from them around certificates and expirations (and other things), and if you assume there's a couple million sites using these certs, I could easily see how you'd end up in a situation where this could scale in cost very very slowly, until it's suddenly a major drain.

  • That phrase is a direct corpospeak response to the liar ALSO being the head of government and wanting the bigliest, beautifuliest defamation laws.

    I mean the media suck and are a bunch of spinless weasels, but you can kinda understand why you don't call the liar who sues everyone who calls him a liar what he is, which is a liar.

  • I'm just hopeful enough that 'If you do this, you stand a very very good chance of completely destroying a national monument.' is enough to get at least a few of the less-nutty Republicans to balk.

    If nothing else, we love our monuments and symbols, and destroying one to put his face on it is proooobbbbaaaallllllly too far, still.

  • I logged in a few months ago to deal with something with my Quest, and holy shit.

    I didn't follow many people, but every post was some AI generated sexy-single-in-my-area nonsense trying to convince me that I need to call them right now for the hot sex, or something.

    It was fucking bizarre and I'm utterly confused as to what in the hell is going on, since if they're showing me that shit, you know they're shoveling it at everyone too? Like, I cannot fathom why anyone would willingly put up with that shit for cat pictures or whtaever the hell boomers use it for.

  • TBH if it's free, that makes you the product, same as everything else.

    You probably shouldn't be even remotely considering any free option if you're after something with any reasonable amount of privacy.

    I don't have a recommendation for a non-free one, since I just build shit with Twilio when I need things, which isn't really uh, applicable to your desires.

  • I mean this won't happen, but I kinda threw up in my mouth a little bit.

    The one thing keeping me sane is the realization that that old crusty piece of shit will be dead soon, and I'll never have to see their rapist face again.

  • Came here to follow up with this.

    I don't care what magic beans my email provider wants to sell, at the end of the day they're only able to do encryption within their own server which is pointless.

    Anyone who thinks email is not immediately plain-text when they hit the send button (because, frankly, it is) is suffering from some weird marketing-induced delusion, or just plain doesn't understand that proton encrypting something, or SSL in transit is not going to do a single damn thing to improve security.

    Sure my copy of an email is all nice and secure, but the other copy of it almost certainly not, unless you use something like GPG to force the contents to be transmitted encrypted, and fucking nobody uses GPG outside of very limited situations.

  • My bias makes me immediately think that anything they're claiming should be considered suspect.

    Frankly, if an antivaxxer told me the sky was blue, I'd go outside to check.

    This is a case where you should find a second or third source making the same claims, as well as a better source that says how much and specifically what was found in the cookies because it's entirely possible to have dangerous things in something but at levels that are not actually dangerous, and I see no specific units being claimed anywhere.

    And I mean, glyphosphate is something we've sprayed on every inch of the globe at this point anyways and is on every single thing you're going to eat, so sure, it's bad, but it's only bad at certain concentrations. (It's Roundup)

  • Agreed. We can't run the risk that children might think on their own or develop an opinion on things.

    They're here to take care of me when I'm old, and until I'm dead they're going to do exactly what I say, when I say, and how I say.

    We don't need this kind of woke "thinking for yourself" nonsense.

    (Very /s for the person out there that had a bad case of the woosh.)