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It's an older mindset, but I get it.
  • Just buy a modern MP3-Player, because nearly all of them are Android phones without mic, camera and cellular.

  • Are there FLOSS-friendly versions of YubiKey?
  • Yes they are - I own 3. Currently Nitrokey offers multiple different keys, but you most likely want to use the Nitrokey 3A.

  • Companies are not your friend
  • It is a reference to an antifa Sticker that I see often where I live. The original text is: Support your local antifa and don't move to Berlin.

  • Companies are not your friend
  • And don't move to Berlin.

  • Wahlplakate zerstören oder zerstören - diese Strafen drohen
  • Weiterer Protip: Wenn ihr rechte Aufkleber entfernen wollt, dann macht dies nicht mit den Fingernagel, weil Rasierklingen manchmal sich darunter befinden. Lieber überkleben oder ein Schaber verwenden.