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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 yr. ago

  • Connections Puzzle #585

    Wild guess at the start then I figured out green. But I only got purple because it was what was left. But once I read what purple was I smacked my head.

  • I’ve been on late aughts basic cable dramas lately. After finishing Leverage I’ve rolled onto Burn Notice. Very fun and light and god damn but Bruce Campbell is an American treasure. “Spies, a bunch of bitchy little girls.”

  • But it is the fact that it will end that gives our life meaning. If we didn’t know that it’ll end our lives would just be an endless loop where because it all happens nothing will matter. As Todd May says “One has a place in the cosmic process of which one’s own existence is a fleeting moment, but a moment nonetheless”

  • Maybe it’s a because I’m rewatching it right now but the first couple that jumped to my mind was Andy and April from Parks and Rec. Andy is very warm and bubbly and April is not. They’re a very fun couple but I’m not sure about breaking gender roles so much as just not really caring about them. The rest of the couples in P&R are pretty good friendship and passion combos from Ron and Diane’s practical seriousness to Leslie and Ben’s friendly romance. It’s the first place I heard the phrase that’s become my relationship touchstone “I love you, and I like you.”