skepticalifornia @ skepticalifornia Posts 1Comments 11Joined 2 yr. ago

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Do you not understand the concept of deterrence through strength or are you being intentionally dense?
Do you believe for one second that Putin stops with Ukraine if NATO and the US weren't standing in his way?
I tried creating an account, but never got the email confirmation. Everything seemed to work until that point.
Update on this issue. Reddit has apparently started to enforce login requirements for RSS feeds. Since most newsreaders have elected to not pay Reddit for API access, most of them will likely stop working.
However, there is a workaround for now - you can use old.reddit as the feed url, so something like will work, for now.
I expect Reddit to also kill old.reddit at some point as they still have a couple of bullets in their gun to shoot off the rest of their foot.
Same for me, I think there are a lot of us 😀
I just haven't been able to get use to gestures instead of the buttons.
Honestly, I don't think you overeacted at all. It's not a normal thing for someone to ask her to pose nude just out of the blue, and unless you went into the relationship knowing she's a nude model she should respect your feelings on it.
I think it's all part of their assault on open APIs - I have to believe that a tiny percentage of users use RSS, so the traffic can't be that big unless scrapers use RSS.
The great thing Reddit had was the ability to turn any subreddit into an RSS feed by just putting .rss on the end of the URL in place of the "/"
Thankfully RSS is built into Lemmy - every community includes an RSS feed.
It's a good way to see a quick list of all posts in a reader that supports RSS.
Are they updating? Mine are there but nothing new in a couple of days.
Sadly, Reddit appears to have pretty much broken RSS feeds. I use NetNewsWire on iPad and Feeder on Android and both of them are hardly ever updating now. Reddit appears to have implemented rate limiting.
Yet another reason to tell Reddit to go F itself…
Like others here it has to do with my Grandmother - one of my earliest memories was me, about 2, riding in the front seat of a car, and looking over at my grandmother driving and she smiled at me.
This was in the 1960s so kids could ride in the front seat and I probably wasn’t even wearing a lap belt, certainly no car seat.
My grandmother stopped driving not long after that, so I never saw her drive a car except for that one time and I can still picture her face smiling at me.