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I think Sims is a dead franchise now
  • I watched the LGR Video then saw this and it looks bleak. EA promised to update the NHL series into the new Frostbite engine and all we got was the same game with the same glitches plus a bunch of new ones and longer load times. Even now like 4 years later it's not worth playing, a total mess. A real shame Life By You got cancelled I had that on my wishlist and it looked almost finished...

    I still play Sims 3 with the entire pirate pack from time to time, guess the tradition will continue for now

  • This episode drove me to write an essay, Jesus Christ. Maybe the show has driven me to complete insanity, maybe I'm the most cringe mark out there. I've been kind of mesmerized by Kill Tony lately. I used to watch it a few years ago then kind of trailed off it, watching here and there until I changed YouTube accounts and fell off it entirely.

    It started recently appearing in my new account YouTube Recommended right about when Tucker Carlson was on it, then it was Jordan Petersen, then some Dr. Phil guy was on it??, followed by the Biden/Trump one with like 20 million views, so I finally snapped and had to find out what the fuck was going on with this show.

    So for the last few weeks, I've been second-screening a lot of Kill Tony, and I probably still can't tell if I like it or I'm just hate-watching, as apparently a lot of people who watch it do? It's hard to tell how much of the hatred is genuine, or how much is a layer of jokes like The Fighter and the Kid.

    It's easy to fall into watching them one after another, even though a lot of the jokes (sometimes 'jokes') are the same, every episode leaves something to talk about, you know it's cerebral and it leaves you thinking, like David Lucas says... and I think Tony has compared it to WWE, so maybe you MUST either cheer or boo each regular? Is the fandom all about heels that are fun to boo at? I go to local wrestling shows sometimes, there's a certain crowd that always shows up, fun crowd to be in but they have opinions.

    All that just to comment that I thought this episode was funny as fuck. The first guy comes out with the (stolen?) Lizzo jokes, he's kinda funny, then Jeremy comes out and it's like the perfect meta comedy. He has the years of confidence every bucket dumbass thinks they have, has a set that he wrote specifically to murder the typical Austin Kill Tony hack topics, is riding the edge of disability bait, has a musical talent, and OF COURSE the absolute best outcome imaginable happens for the guy. Instant Golden Ticket, a spot on the panel, guy takes over the show entirely!

    After that, everyone they bring out, maybe other then the guy who hits licks and was beat in the head with a baseball bat (and coincidentally kinda resembles the Lizzo guy), is probably going out there with the same confidence in their material and their stage presence and just absolutely eating it. If the bucket pulls are indeed rigged then there is no doubt this is Jeremy week. I saw people complaining about Flintstones Trivia but it's perfect, it's just as stupid and goes as nowhere as any of Tony's little games he plays for power like the Black guy spelling bee or whatever shit of the week it is.

    It had to be meta comedy, right? Because I got it if it was?

    Anyways I'm going to keep watching until after the election because 100% Trump will be brought out as a panellist before then and I want to hear the cope if he loses, it will be something to behold I'm sure. Thanks for coming to my TED-X, my name is smokebuddy and I list pronouns.

  • Erreur d’écran bleu

    At Food Basics grocery store on what I assume is a facial recognition device

    Musk’s plan to axe X's block button is a real win for stalkers and abusers.
  • When I comment that Twitter is trash and I'd never use it, the response I often get is 'it's actually pretty good after you block all the trolls and bots and corporate accounts and politicians and blue checks'... 🙄

  • Rant: I can't believe I miss Shaw
  • If you stop paying by cancelling preauthorized credit, they'll keep billing you and eventually send you to collections. As already mentioned, you could try the CCTS, or call Rogers again and ask for the Office of the President.

    Used to work for them directly once and for call centre contractors for them a couple of times (neither recommended, at all)

  • Vance mocked for saying eggs cost $4 — while standing in front of a dozen for $2.99
  • In Canada there's free range and free run. Free run are the indoor bullshit ones, I bought them a couple of times and the yolks are the same piss-yellow as the cheapest factory eggs. Proper free range are worth the $8 or so a dozen imo, the colour and taste is so much better which must at least mean there are some standards

  • Joe Rogan Podcast

    yeah I ordered this clusterfuck from AliExpress, where should I wear it out in public first?

    Respect your kids.
  • being such a prominent the front page reddit, /r/kidsarefuckingstupid has always disturbed me. Both the content people upload there and the responses seem mean spirited, and the reach is absolutely massive. Seeing that has absolutely made me more mindful of what I'd ever post. Some people's personal moments are just memes to others, and a lot of people out there are just thirsty for anything to post.

  • expectationvsreality smokebuddy [he/him]
    tonight's plans

    I picked it up myself when I went out, didn't use Uber just used it for the promo image and title irony/double entendre. It was actually pretty decent for what's essentially just a overpriced double quarter pounder big mac.

    Microblog Memes smokebuddy [he/him]
    take his ass to the edge
    Movies and TV Shows smokebuddy [he/him]
    The Asylum Strikes Again!

    Screenshot from TV app where I saw that apparently the mockbuster for Twisters was outselling Civil War and Bad Boys Ride or Die... I looked up this thing on IMDB, it is indeed The Asylum, and the User reviews are entirely people who rented/bought it on Apple TV where it was also featured, then realized it wasn't the one with Glen Powell lol

    Political Memes smokebuddy [he/him]
    smooth, rich, chocletty
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    smokebuddy [he/him]

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