What makes you assume children (want to) have long term objectives?
What skin colour do you think people in the area have? Black?
The point of blockchains is decentralization, and as Lemmy users we know that decentralized services are difficult to make popular, even if they're an improvement over their competitors.
There are now Bitcoin Ordinals, which are similar to NFTs but with a sufficient size limit to actually store the media itself.
Why is it impossible? The simplest possible way would be to hold new elections in Gaza for which Hamas do not run.
It would probably lead to a group identical to Hamas being elected, but it would be neither Israel nor Hamas.
What may be impossible is a government that's aligned with western governments, but that's not what is being asked for.
If you're worried about Chinese economy damaging your own, just stop trading with China.
Oh wait, your economy depends on forced cheap labour
But what if I'm doing worse than my old self
The kids usually grow up with a number of mental health issues too.
What is the intended implication of this statement? Are you trying to imply that dating someone because of the colour of their skin (instead of going for someone more fitting, regardless of their skin colour) leads to dysfunctional relationships which have negative impact on their children?
Cromite is an alternative
How about a fully state-controlled economy?
Not capitalism, since there's no private capital; not communism, since there's a state.
still above reddit
Literally everyone relates to this.
If you believe something as common as this is sufficient to diagnose a mental disorder, you might've been misdiagnosed (or your diagnosis was explained insufficiently).
Even if those six were the actual primary and secondary colours, it wouldn't be necessary to have a primary word for each. You can refer them by hue, or by referring to some object.
But you don't - that's why languages lacking these words run into issues as described in the article.
The wheel that you're implying by those six colours is mostly an artistic "distortion" of the 18th century.
But isn't there a good reason it was distorted that way?
Of course some colours take up much more or much less of the visible colour spectrum, but that doesn't mean they have more significance to us.
Like red taking up over five times more of the colour spectrum than yellow doesn't mean that all these reds need to be named. Most red tones are hardly distinguishable to most people. Yellow and red on the other hand can be distinguished with ease.
You won't run into the issue of differently coloured traffic lights in english countries; because while the traffic lights might use slightly different shades of green, they don't use drastically different colours - because we properly named them.
Do people usually help during birth? I would've expected that that's something the nurses do (as someone who isn't trained for that might do something wrong or just be in the way).
I mean, you really should have words for at least 6 distinct colours, those being red, yellow, blue, green, orange and purple.
Additional words for stuff like brown may be left out, but those six colours should be named.
imagine people using software to create digital art