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What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? 13 November
  • We are! I actually got him so into the series he finished well ahead of me lol. But now we are listening through together as we fall asleep :D One Hundred Tales has been a lot of fun, it’s very Tezuka and having watched Pluto recently it’s scratching that very specific itch lol

  • What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? 13 November
  • My partner and I are about a third of the way through Frank Herbert’s ‘God Emperor or Dune’. It’s getting really good!

    I haven’t started it quiiite yet per se but I’ve picked up Osamu Tezuka’s ‘One Hundred Stories’, a period samurai manga retelling of Faust.

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • “Science” isn’t a monolithic entity like a deity is. It’s simply a belief in the natural cause and effect of the universe we live in. In other words, science is merely a way to describe and explain our world, derived from repeated observations. When people say they “believe in science”, it’s not blind worship- the idea is to present findings and observations in such a way that anyone could theoretically replicate the experiment, given the proper equipment.

    On the other hand, faith is the opposite- “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (“Religion” is a system of hierarchical institution based on spiritual faith or beliefs, btw.) Scientists ask questions about the world, and strive to find the answers, but religious folks are content to let those answers simply be “because God”.

    So, to disbelieve in science- rather, the scientific method- is purely a rejection of reality. You can, in fact, reconcile spiritual beliefs with scientific truths to an extent but ultimately, learning more about science leads to its own kind of spiritual understanding and beliefs that tend to reject religion. This is upsetting to diehard religious folks because hierarchies demand constant subjugation of inferiors, and to reject that “place” in the hierarchy is an act of major rebellion in and of itself.

  • Hi fellow kids!
  • Hello! I’m trying to transition away from smoking myself (I use medically and recreationally) because smoking is bad for your lungs, but nothing really beats the instant relief from smoking some flower. I personally haven’t tried one yet but I’ve heard a lot of people use a dry herb vape to some success.

  • Happy snail

    shameless plug: for more #snailposting

    Is it possible to eat in such a way that you'll never have to fart?
  • In short, no. To explain: you have a bunch of beneficial bacteria living inside your digestive tract. These little guys help you digest your food, and in return they get a free meal. This basically means that the food you eat ferments into poo. Fermentation always results in gas being released (think how the plastic wrap on a bowl of dough can puff up as it proves.) So to sum it up, unless you drank a strict water-only diet, anything you eat can give you gas. (Even then, you would probably still naturally swallow some air with the water, and some would make it to the other end as a fart.)

  • My snails playing piggyback

    Their names are Niles (on top) and Chibi (bottom.) When she was little Chibi would play this with Niles as much as she could because it annoyed him. Now he is trying to annoy her, but Chibi is just happy to play her favorite game with her sno (snail bro).

    I understand it's normal to want to be in a relationship, but how do you feel happy when you aren't?
  • Not to get on my socialist soapbox, but we’re so tired and exhausted from work that we don’t have the time or energy to make friends and other connections. The only relationships we really have are romantic ones and even then it’s basically only allowed because it makes more babies to eventually exploit.

    So my advice to you is this: don’t worry so much about romance. Try and cultivate relationships online and in person. If you have friendships that will increase your happiness. Plus you will then have a pool of people who share most of your values, and one or two might emerge as romantic partners.

  • Sushi - “Chula Vista Roll”

    Fresh salmon and cucumber, topped with fresh avocado, tuna, masago, scallions, and ponzu.

    It was great!

    Lemmy vs kbin witch one should in chose terms of privacy and content amount?
  • I’ve been using and enjoying both. I’ve used Lemmy way more because it has a public API which means mobile apps. Kbin is a bit more to my liking and it’s great on desktop, but it regrettably doesn’t have a public API at the moment. Mastodon is okay as a Twit stand-in but having to brute-force a feed is a learning curve.

  • What's with "rule" being in titles?
  • There was a community on the old site called 196, where the only “rule” was that you had to post something before leaving. It leaked over here because of a few splinter communities here popping up on the All feed, but if you look closer most of those posts will be to various 196 communities.

    In other words, it’s not actually an enforceable rule, just one of those social things that pop up.

  • Are you going to try Meta's Threads?
  • I’m actually pretty interested in pixelfed, but for now I have three new social media I am trying to learn (kbin, lemmy, mastodon.)

    I mostly have instagram as a means of communication with a few key people. It’s also kind of my anchor into “mainstream” social media.

    I like microblogging but I prefer a text-first approach; I generally try to avoid using it other than as a messaging app. Lately I’ve been posting a lot on my side account (which is just pictures of my pet snails.) When I do scroll on my main I like my friends’ content (their selfies and art) and I follow a few of my favorite personalities as well (drag queens, local restaurants, Bake Off contestants, etc.)

  • What if the instance that I'm at blocks Threads, but people that I follow are from Instances that don't?
  • If for example you’re on lemmyworld and they defederate from Threads, you won’t see any Threads content, even if you sub to people on, say, kbinsocial who boost Threads content.

    If you view those same profiles from say, shitjustworks, and they haven’t defederated, you will see all of their content plus the Threads content.

  • Happy Treesday

    messy hair, too high to care

    Do you think that dating is hard sometimes...?
  • Dating sucks. For every nice person you meet and make a connection of some sort with there’s three or four who drop off the face of the planet. I get it’s easier to just ghost but it’s pretty shitty. (And this is speaking as someone with social anxiety who has definitely ghosted before lol oops)

  • When we go swimming and spend extended time in water, do the little bugs who live on our skin suffocate and die?
  • I am not a microbiologist. However I do know that bacteria are pretty resilient, and most pathogens and parasites can live for at least a few hours outside of a host. Plus your skin is really not all that smooth at a microscopic level, there are all sorts of little nooks and crannies to hold onto.

    Drowning wouldn’t really be a concern for them, imo, but additives like chlorine are specifically meant to be disinfectants.

  • These resin earrings

    A buddy of mine does crafts workshops around San Diego and I made these at one my partner and I attended recently. I usually wear one at a time and I get such a buzz telling people who ask that I made them myself :)

    Miss my babygirl Lily

    she’s doing fine, I had to give her up to a family member some time ago though

    My haul this week

    ! ! !

    Serving you mostly last week’s stuff (and older) because I keep “forgetting” to clean out my file (because I keep “forgetting” to get a new box.)

    Anyway! The list: *TMNT vs Street Fighter 1 *Amazing Spider-Man 122 (facsimile) *The Quarry *Frank Frazetta’s Mothman 1 *Sudden Death 1 *Jeff Lemire’s Tenement 1 *Nightmare Country Glass House 3 *Octobriana and the Underground 1 *The Neighbors 2 *Star Wars Mandalorian Season Two 1 *Star Wars Vader Black, White, and Red 1 Momoko cvr *Last Ronin hardcover edition (took me long enough!)

    I will try and remember to post back here as I read some of these :) for example I have not seen or read Mando at all so that one is off the table for a bit. I’m also finally working through my backlog a little, which is great but I have literally like two years worth of stuff to read. So.

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