I wish them a 'Merry Christmas' (except at Christmas time) and enjoy their confusion ;-)
Another win for the decentralized Fediverse when a government domain takeback can’t shut it down!
Yes, governence is key. That should ideally have it's users as stakeholders and be for public benefit and not for profit. Oh and be efficient. There's no technical reason why domains should cost more than $5.
There has to be a government connection since the DNS infrastructure in a developed country has to protected against bad actors will necessarily be linked, but not controlled, by national cybersecurity.
Oh and it should be a politically stable country. Problematical for the US?
Another win for the decentralized Fediverse when a government domain takeback can’t shut it down!
Depends on the country. Some are imho better run than com/net/org.
Disclosure: my company is a country registrar.