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Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • since you know by 2020 that modeling categorical logic and categorical truth tables tell you less about the "trumper" than the non-trumper do you [really] want to risk it, framing the trumper, at least, as a "moron" who can't muster the "IQ" points (btw, was everybody jumping on that that new EQ+AQ+SQ wagon to own the Young-Girl's war on war)?

    that paradoxical circumstance where trump acts the fool, because he knows you'll take the bait, in front of his base, amplified by algorithmic blunders: socialism and barbarism/annihilation, have always lived side-by-side. your mythology of technology only cyclically prevents you from seeing that.

  • Lots of negativity towards AI lately, but consider:
  • but it allows for some people to type out one-liners and generate massive blobs of text at the same time that they could be doing their jobs. /codecraft

  • Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
    1. metacognitive myopia explained why people didn't/couldn't update their beliefs about the existence of "weapons of mass destruction etc".
    2. dogwhistling the threat of sexual revolution "comrade kamala" (i.e., he's implying hypocrisy when he doesn't understand what lenin's use of the term "prostitute" meant).
    3. playing the fool until you can't (i.e., making his base feel insightful and "seen" as playfully serious, homophilically/mimetically charismatic; e.g., his base feels like their inference-making is being promoted based on linguistic sympathy through the aura of charisma).
    4. from (3) somewhere in his administration they're letting the would-be "fool" base do the grunt-work and creating cover; see "Optimal Team Formation Under Asymmetric Information".
  • What was Trump actually doing on 9/11? An anniversary fact check. What was Trump actually doing on 9/11? An anniversary fact check.

    The president told yet another story Wednesday about how he experienced the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

    What was Trump actually doing on 9/11? An anniversary fact check.

    (if you Select All and copy really fast behind an adblocker you can get all the text)

    Was Elvis Presley a groomer and pedo? if so why was he so loved and not persecuted and prosecuted?
  • seems more important that people wanted him to, even if he didn't, as what a settlement might imply.

  • Trump is a threat whether he wins or loses, Biden says
  • is the threat better than the existence of the threat? does threatening mean being constantly present?

  • NSFW Removed
    Helmut Newton | Nastassia Kinski for Playboy (1983) | Available for Sale | Artsy
  • for the question "will artsy dot net have to start taking age verification?" to pass nimby codes

  • friendly reminder
  • South Park's comedic antics will be lost on droves of beautiful souls unless The Critic is rebooted.

  • Did it hurt?
  • algorithms of oppression. noble.

  • Removed
    It's probably time to stop recommending Clean Code @ Things Of Interest
  • i'd like to think the motivations to think or practice prime our hinge commitments to attune to noopower such that we privatize our lives in spite of the commons. the available motivations, then, would be the actual problems, adoption and qualities of thinking, the symptoms.

    bcs's On the Origin of Objects might make your day.

  • Removed
    It's probably time to stop recommending Clean Code @ Things Of Interest
  • as someone who observes the interests of theology that has crossed disciplines with computer science, i should only speak from that regard, than as a web developer who puts a dog in the fight of competing styles, insofar as the styles bear ontological commitments. though, obviously the web is suffering in quality due to these dogmatic "software" "engineering" practices, it must be said. there's a wider tendency to advance metaphors which make certain paradigms more attractive to some developers than others based on philosophical prejudices coming from having accepted aristotle's agrilogistic axioms (law of noncontradiction, metaphysics of presence, essentialism). computer science is fundamentally ontotheological, not accidental, and engineers who follow martin are committed to a politicization of the object as more real than what objects are about. their style fails to purposefully and meaningfully ground fundamentally distributed applications, necessarily. someone might contrast martin against authors like brian cantwell smith, to see the orientation from which i speak.

    greater still, we're seeing the outcome of what seems like decades of uncritical adoption of practices, what seems more like political movement than properly philosophical argumentation, everywhere in c.s. and wider applications of it.

  • Majority of Black Americans believe U.S. institutions are conspiring against them, poll finds
  • institution: yet another non-human living asexual hyperobject constantly having sex with itself stopping only to shamefully laugh at the moments in which we respire.

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  • ice cream truck driver

  • Exclusive: Bernie Sanders worries young people are underestimating the threat from Trump
  • as a black person i'm worried that donald trump's batting average isn't showing the potential it should be this season. he should spend more time in the cages.

  • tetranomos epigone

    priorities, but you know how OnlyFans creators be posting to own the discourses #nowplaying

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