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Mozilla faces a privacy complaint over Firefox's tracking
  • Here's the actual paper of the technology (Prio) that it's based on.

    Some problems stand out:

    • It requires that the organisations (Mozilla and ISRG) not collude to decrypt the secret share (probably reasonable)
    • The paper suggests registering end users to protect against Sybil attacks.
    • The scheme requires the organisations to correctly withhold results from advertisers until there are sufficient results.

    I'm not overly familiar with the tech stack but I'd be concerned about browsers using a persistent UUID to send impressions to Mozilla's API.

    The biggest elephant in the room is that seemingly nobody wants the damn thing. It offers nothing to users, except maybe a good feeling inside that they're supporting AdTech. It offers AdTech less than the current deal where they can collect obscene amounts of personal information for targeted advertising.

  • Exposing The Flaw In Our Phone System - YouTube
  • PSA: if your financial institution/government/<other website> is using SMS codes (aka PSTN MFA) for multi-factor authentication they are practically worthless against a determined attacker who can use SIM swap or an SS7 attack to obtain the code. Basically you are secured by a single factor, your password. If your password is compromised it may be sold via black hat marketplaces and purchased by an attacker who would then likely attempt to break that second factor.

    The best way to protect yourself is to use a unique password; a password manager especially helps with this. Sometimes institutions will offer "Authenticator" (TOTP) as a second factor, or PassKey authentication, both secure alternatives to SMS codes.

    Here in Aus I'm working with Electronic Frontiers Australia to try and force some change within government and financial institutions (via the financial regulator). Most banks here use SMS codes and occasionally offer a proprietary app. One of the well-known international banks, ING Bank, even uses a 4 pin code to login to their online banking portal. 😖

    Unfortunately SMS codes are a legacy left from old technology and a lack of understanding or resourcing by organisations that implement it. Authenticator/TOTP tokens have been around for 16 years (and standardised for 13 years), and PassKeys are relatively newer. There is a learning curve but at the very least every organisation should at least provide either TOTP or PassKeys as an option for security-minded users.

  • [discussion] Transporting heavy/bulky stuff?
  • I have a bicycle crate in my rear rack (40L from memory). I can just throw my backpack and/or shopping in there and be on my way. No issues transporting when empty. I avoid riding in the rain but I guess a waterproof bag would help for that. It's durable, the main concern is the rear rack. I had to replace the cheaper rack that I bought last year after the welding snapped in a few places over time (I had it held together with duct tape for a while). My new rack should be much more sturdy this time around.

    I have access to borrow a car which I do every few weeks so I don't need to over engineer my bike setup too much.

  • Australia's internet watchdog says she received "death threats" and that her children were doxxed after she was targeted by Elon Musk for attempting to regulate Xitter
  • Yeah 100% agree. I put in a submission to the joint select committee on social media a while back saying as much. The concept has Meta, X, Microsoft, Google and the big players in mind. Even if it is just the big players it'll have unintended consequences, privacy being the main one. Digital ID providers, public or private, not using standards and only supporting Google Play and Apple App Store is a big issue.

    I personally don't care about the concept of the eSafety Commissioner that much. I think the idea of a government body that looks at cyberbullying cases is possibly misguided (way too high up) but I'm not overly concerned with that aspect. Julie Inman Grant is ex-Microsoft and ex-Adobe, two organisations which are pretty hostile to users' rights. She is constantly requesting more powers to solve an unsolvable problem. There are massive problems with X and Meta, but some of the solutions she puts forward are just draconian like mandatory ID and client-side scanning. Their strategy page is a thinly veiled pro-big tech piece talking about concerns about potential lack of authority in decentralised computing.

    Yeah, eKaren is really not far off the mark as far as name calling goes.

  • Australia's internet watchdog says she received "death threats" and that her children were doxxed after she was targeted by Elon Musk for attempting to regulate Xitter
  • On one hand, the hate that's being directed to the e-Safety commish is disgraceful.

    On the other hand she is effectively proposing an internet licence for all Australians to be able to interact online via mandatory age verification. It applies to all social media sites but the definition of social media is so vague it basically just says a digital service which can be used to communicate with other people. She is deserving of our scrutiny.

  • Should I keep shared or separate k8s clusters?
  • Yeah it is a bit of a pain. I currently only have a few users. Tooling-wise there are ways to tail the journals (if you're using journalctl) and collate them but I haven't gotten around to doing this myself yet.

  • Companies that use desktop Linux
  • That's probably a fair point. I can't say too much as I haven't touched Windows desktop or server too much.

    Could be apples vs oranges here though as we're talking about getting started versus well established setup, but my current employer is looking at adopting Ansible + Packer for imaging and partially Ansible-managing Windows servers where it makes sense because of limitations in SCCM and GPO. As far as I can see across the divide Windows Server isn't all smooth sailing.

  • Companies that use desktop Linux
  • I can't say I've managed Linux desktops at scale (so technically I should leave it there) but I do manage several hundred Linux VMs with Ansible, and I manage all of my PCs with Ansible. Desktops are a different ballgame to servers, dealing with end users and all, but I still don't think it would be that hard once it's been set up.

  • Companies that use desktop Linux
  • That sucks :( I'm pretty much in the same boat. I get to use a Linux desktop at work on the proviso that I don't raise support requests. We use Microsoft for nearly everything so naturally it's an uphill battle. The web UI is quite buggy and "not recommended" by my org. Teams doesn't support Firefox so I have to run a separate browser especially for it.

    But aside from interfacing with Microsoft everything just works, and really nicely.

  • Companies that use desktop Linux

    Basically title. Do you know of any companies that use desktop Linux?

    I can think of two in my area in Brisbane - Adfinis and Red Hat. Both have a pretty small presence here from what I last heard (several employees each).

    My employer allows the Linux team to use Linux but it's discouraged and our lives are made somewhat difficult.

    Should I keep shared or separate k8s clusters?
  • At work we use separate clusters for various things. We built an Ansible collection to manage the lot so it's not too much overhead.

    For home use I skipped K8s and went to rootless Quadlet manifests. Each quadlet is in a separate non-root user with lingering enabled to reduce exposure from a container breakout.

  • What file systems are you using on your devices and why?
  • Technically XFS is also a CoW filesystem, but it doesn't have the vast array of features that ZFS does like volume management, snapshots, send/recv etc. It does have reflink support which I guess is a kind of snapshot for a file.

  • What file systems are you using on your devices and why?
  • OpenZFS is under a completely FOSS license but it's incompatible with the GPL and can't really ever be merged into the Linux kernel. The workaroundids to provide it as source code which gets compiled as a module every time there's a new kernel via dkms.

    More controversially, Canonical ship OpenZFS pre-compiled in Ubuntu which some lawyers believe to be infringing on ZFS' codebase.

    Honestly the OpenZFS situation on Linux is probably the biggest single reason for the growing interest in btrfs and bcachefs, the former slowly becoming default on more Linux distros over time and lots of investment from SUSE and Facebook AFAIK.

  • What file systems are you using on your devices and why?
  • It is fast. It's the recommended filesystem for MinIO and default for RHEL 7 and above. XFS and ext4 are often recommended for databases if no other filesystem-level features (like snapshots) are needed. XFS has slightly more features than ext4 like CoW and reflink support.

  • which git server for a company?
  • The company behind GitLab is seeking buyout offers, so make of that what you will.

    My employer uses GitLab CE and it's pretty good, and it is FOSS. The EE version is "open core" so not really FOSS.

    If I were starting from scratch I'd be looking into Gitea/Forgejo as well.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (


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