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Day one and done
  • For an extra few months of work, you could even grow your own tomatoes and herbs, and mine your own salt.

  • Why are male social workers so different?
  • "Stop scaring the hoes"

    Come on man, do you think referring to woman as hoes is gonna help šŸ˜‚

  • SOLVED: If I pay for Proton Unlimited, do I get unlimited aliases through SimpleLogin's API or only through Proton Pass
  • If you're on Android, you could also set up a work profile and run the VPN with a different connection, and have 3 there.

  • Dread Delusion 1.0 Release Date Trailer
  • I really enjoyed this so much more than I expected to, and was so disappointed when I hit the point the that they had developed up to.

    It's not a perfect game, has a few flaws I found, but the worldbuilding was somethign special. Excited for this.

  • How do I not stop feeling like I am doing nothing outside work?
  • You're not wrong, and I can't believe how spot on you are. I do enjoy dev, and it is something I do in my spare time, I did break the family computer by tinkering and Dad did tell me not to do it again, and I'm still chasing that excitement of the "Mr. T" calculator app I wrote in Haskell 15 years ago.

    I think I just want my job to be just a job the days, instead of this pressure to keep growing, learning the latest tech and keeping up with changes, and then needing to have a portfolio or personal projects to show that I'm still capable.

    Maybe I'm just feeling this way at the moment because I'm job searching and it's so disparaging to be asked what favourite blogs are or the link to my portfolio website or github, or my favourite new feature of language X, and I just think I'm not that person. I've tried reading the books in my spare time and setting up an AWS dev account, but I just don't care.

    Sorry, I just think your post set something off in me about how weird it is that we make this expectation of ourselves only in this industry it seems, and I think the pressure might be a bit unproductive at times.

  • Rebel Wilson Claims a British Royal Family Member Invited Her to a Drug & Orgy Party
  • When you list it out like that, it seems kind of obvious.

  • How do I not stop feeling like I am doing nothing outside work?
  • Why do we devs have this weird need to do our jobs in our free time. We put this weird career specific cultural pressure for some reason.

    Do other careers have this need to do work in your free time? You don't see brick layers itching to work on building a little house on the side, or lawyers just looking for a case to practice on.

    Why is it just devs?

  • Nintendo Forcing Garry's Mod To Delete 20 Years' Worth Of Content
  • How many of those games are suitable for kids 5 and under really..?

  • Am I the only one who's sick of the isekai?
  • Alice in Wonderland is an isekai.

  • it tastes better when you cut it into triangles and it sounds better as an AMV
  • Damn, this brought up some memories.

    I can't believe my GOTO amv jam is still on youtube!

  • Mongolian. Like the barbecue.
  • Its not pronounced randevou though, more like ron-day-voo

  • Mongolian. Like the barbecue.
  • Literally said how its spelt though? Am I missing something?

  • Concerns about
  • went down for a bit and no one knows why. We're seemingly back now though.

    There is only one fully privileged admin (the original owner), and they're not super present. We have two other admins but they're restricted in what they can do (don't have access to the server itself I think?, can't upgrade).

    A couple of users are setting up a new UK lemmy instance in response to this situation. One of those users is very keen for it to be a replacement, hence the posts. Not everyone is on board with it though. It's been put in hold while they iron some things out.

    It's not an "official" replacement for in that sense, but it's another UK instance.

  • Deleted
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  • I've seen them called digital gardens, because they like something you maintain and let grow with no specific purpose.

  • Caramac bars axed as fans heartbroken over discontinuation of much-loved chocolate
  • Boo, one of my favs. Obligatory "fuck Nestle" though.

  • Unambitious Kingā€™s Speech suggests a PM who has lost focus and is looking at a post-election future in Silicon Valley
  • I've been saying this for months. He strikes me as not being in it for his party, his country nor his political legacy. He's doing everything for himself and his business connections.

  • Deleted
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  • Sometimes hearing other peoples opinions can spoil something for you. I'm kind of glad I've never found any online communities based around Xanth now, because that's never even crossed my mind, and I'm sure there are many others that would do the same, where it's just some fun, silly story books from my childhood for now.

  • Deleted
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  • I remember the character, but I mostly read ones that happened after him (the series spans multiple generations).

    I think his name began with a B. I may try to dig through them and find the name of the book.

  • Deleted
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  • I came here to say both of these for the same reasons.

    I read them both after reading some people saying they changed their lives on reddit. Siddhartha had some effect on my I still can't pin down, bit changed how I looked at my life.

  • Success Saturday - 4th Nov 2023

    Hello, hello, hello, and Welcome to Success Saturday.

    Success Saturday is a chance for you to share with the group what you've achieved in the past week.

    So please take the stand and be proud!

    Success Saturday - 4th Nov 2023

    Hello, hello, hello, and Welcome to Success Saturday.

    Success Saturday is a chance for you to share with the group what you've achieved in the past week.

    So please take the stand and be proud!

    Wednesday Whinge - 25th October 2023

    Welcome to the Wednesday Whine.

    Come on in and tell us your woes, worries and whined.

    Success Saturday - 21st October 2023

    Welcome back to Success Saturday.

    Success Saturday is a chance for you to share what's been going right for you this week.

    Did you finally finish a project, or maybe you've started something that's been on your to-do list. Did you win something?

    I bet you have something worth sharing. Go on.

    Success Saturday - 7th October 2023

    Welcome to Success Saturday.

    Gimme your achievements from the week and spread some positive vibes out into the universe.

    Saturday Success - 30th September 2023

    Welcome to Success Saturday.

    Lay it on me people. What have you done this week to make you feel good.

    Share it with me and give me that dopamine by association baby!

    Wednesday Whinge - 27th September 2023

    Welcome to the Wednesdsy Whinge.

    A chance for you to get some stuff off you chest and into writing.

    Moan off at your fellow community members in the safety of a community that's made for it.

    Wednesday Whinge - 20th Sept 2023

    Welcome to the Wednesday Whinge.

    Weather's shit innit?

    Anyway, now the obvious is out of the way. The Wednesday Whinge is a chance to get some of the bad thoughts out of your noggin.

    Unload on your peers and we'll all agree that you really should just quit you job, bin off the partner and kids, or just actually give that neighbour a piece of your mind.

    Success Sunday - 17th Sept 2023

    Welcome to Success Sunday.

    Success Sunday is Success Saturday's convieniently equally alliteratively named substitution when your mod hasn't had a very successful week.

    It's also a chance to share what's gone well for you this week. What have you finally got done? What's been ticked of your todo list?

    What did you manage to pull off against all the odds like the plucky movie underdog you are, with nothing to lose and everything to gain?

    Wednesday Whinge - 12 September 2023

    Welcome to the Wednesday Whinge.

    A chance for you to moan online about all the things everyone in your real life is bored of hearing about.

    A whole fresh new audience to listen to you go on and on about that one thing you just can't get over.

    So go ahead and let it all out! We're really listening this time.

    Success Saturday - 9th September 2023

    Hello, and Welcome to c/BritishSuccess Success Saturday, where we like to celebrate our successes of the week on Saturdays.

    What have you achieved this week, what's gone well. What do you want to rub in eveeyone's fsces and say "I did that!"

    Share it below and let us know!

    Wednesday Whinge - 6th September 2023

    Welcome to the Wednesday Whinge, you bunch of whiners, you.

    Time to get the woes from the past 7 days up out of our heads and down onto paper.

    Success Saturday - 2nd September 2023

    Oooooohhhhh, yes. It's Success Saturday again!

    Success Saturday is a chance to share all the little wins that didn't make it into their own post.!

    I love hearing how well you guys have been doing, so lay it on thick this week and make your mod proud.

    Wednesday Whinge - 30th August 2023

    Welcome to the Wednesday Whinge.

    Cor, last week aye. What went wrong there?

    First the thing with the whatsit. Then the other one broke down. Don't even get me started on Daves antics. Phew...

    What do you all think. What's had you bellyaching this week?

    Success Saturday - 26th August 2923

    Welcome to Success Saturday.

    A chance for us all to reflect on what went well this week.

    Share your success and be rewarded with a hit of that sweet, sweet dopamine by patting yourself on the back.

    Wednesday Whinge - 23rd August 2023

    Welcome to Wednesday Whinge.

    A place for us all come together and get some stuff off our collective chest.

    Fun fact; a grumble is the name for a group of Pugs. So what's had you grumbling this week?

    Success Saturday - 19th August 2023

    Welcome to.Success Saturday.

    A chance for us all to share all our successes this week that didn't make it into their own posts.

    What did you do well this week that made you smile.

    Let's all pat each other on the back

    The Wednesday Whinge - What's got you grumbling this week?

    Welcome to the Wedneaday Whinge.

    A place for all the smaller issues that didn't make it into their own post, a chance to get it all off your chest.

    Come and share your woes, its cathartic!
