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Soeaking is against the law here buddy
  • I cannot spoek again and I must scream

  • Come rule me
  • Yeaah so true. Like something along the style of trailers/public announcements would've been great

  • Two trucks


    How artists feel. [Roonie the Rabbit]
  • Nooo don't give up so easily!! :(

  • It isn't worth it
  • Well, certanly not with that attitude

  • It isn't worth it
  • Yes, ai is a tool. And the person in the screenshot is criticizing a generative gpt-like and midjorney-like ai, which has a massive impact on the climate and almost no useful results.

    In your examples, as I can see, they always train their own model (supernovae research, illegal fishing) or heavily customize it and use it in close conjunction with people (cancer screenings).

    And so I think we talking about two different things, so I want to clarify:

    ai as in neural-network algorithm that can digest massive amounts of data and give meaningful results - absolutely is useful and, I think, the more the time will pass (and more grifters move on to other fields) the more actual useful niches and cases would be solved with neural-nets.

    But, ai as in we-gonna-shove-this-bot-down-your-throut gpt-like bots trained on all the data from all the internet (mostly reddit) that struggle with basic questions, hallucinate glue on pizza, generate 6-fingered hands and are close to useless in any use-case are absolutely abismal and not worth it to ruin our climate for.

  • Deleted
    What's the most likely end of mankind and our world as we know it?
  • Can you explain the last part (about solarpunk) what fatalism do you mean and what goal did they fail? And who are "they"?

  • Please? I'll hug you right back.
  • 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂

  • This is what freedom is about
  • Saving this

  • :D‎
  • :D

  • Share your special interest with anyone who will listen
  • It's not about fixing the garage door, it's about friends we made along the way

  • Late Night Bistro - Milt Kobayashi (b.1950) 🇺🇲🇯🇵
  • Oh my god they are all in love! <3

  • my home rule
  • Literally just admire it with my whole heart

  • Teenagers still doing cinnamon challenge
  • Me when I look at the sun for 0.001 nanoseconds:

  • [Hyprland] my first rice 👀
  • You can get space cadet on arch?? (also: looks really good!)

  • McLArren Technology Center - Woking Surrey
  • With all the buildings and stuff it looks like a printed circuit board

  • Photographer Disqualified from AI image contest after winning with real photo

    POV: Iceland
  • 🤤🤤🤤🤤

  • you like pixelated emojis don't you.

  • Is there a "no-bullshit" offline open-source cryptowallet?

    I always been kinda interested and even fascinated by decentralized currency, thought that it was a cool idea, and then seen how it was absolutely mauled by scams, money laundering and predatory practices in general to the point when even thinking about it was gross. And I kinda forgot about it for a while.

    But recently there appeared a need for me to actually use cryptocurrency (I want to pay for vds where I host my proxy, without linking my credit card), so I started researching what exist now on the market of wallets, and was rather disappointed: most surface level projects are in-browser always online with "super slick ultra cool design" bullshit with the focus on trading. So, I thought about asking more experienced people (that are not some random cryptobros). Here are my requirements:

    • must store all the sensetive data localy on a device as much as possible
    • must be open-source
    • must have desktop app as main (if it has a complimentary mobile app that's fine, but the central point of operation must be desktop app)
    • ideally supports all main stable-coins
    • ideally doesn't have pretentious trading crap, nft shit etc.
    • ideally have a non-bullshit, straight to the point interface (along the lines of monero wallet I guess)

    Also, I think I need to mention that I'm somewhat techsavy, but I'm not super experienced with cryptocurrency, so I'm open to learning things about it. Maybe some of my points are impossible due to how technology works, but I hope I got the "vector" of my wishes across.

    P.S. Sorry for such a long post and thank you if you set aside the time to read it and respond.

    Is an instant glue good enough for PLA?

    I'm making a 3D printed figurine/trophy for my friend as a gift, and I need to glue together base and the figurine itself (it's a giant amongus). My question is: is something like an instant glue, or just regular glue good enough for PLA, or do I need to by some special one?

    ultrahamster64 UltraHamster64

    Fuck it we ball

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