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What does this mean?
  • Bloodborne 2: 120 FPS patch probably

  • Are Sodastreams "frowned upon"?
  • I have bought mine a couple years ago already and have since not used proprietary CO2-tanks from Sodastream themselves as, as you've said, most supermarkets here carry their own brand of CO2-tanks. I usually stick to Lidl, probably something like Soda King or something

  • Are Sodastreams "frowned upon"?

    I like me some carbonated water personally, and tap water in Germany is super clean and tastes nice almost everywhere. However, I've heard of some people before that they dislike Sodastreams for some reason or another. What gives?

    The heist [beetlemoses]
  • Need a ride?

    Climb on back, and we'll be off.

  • It is created at work lol
  • Took me way too long to get this

  • A reminder to love nature
  • I wonder if he was vegan

  • Any tips going in?
  • The thing is, both c/Sekiro as well as c/Bloodborne are super small communities compared to the rest of Lemmy. If I don't post anything, nobody else does. I'd rather a bot repost reddit posts as to have any sort of engagement in the form of upvotes and occasional comments instead of no engagement at all. If there is enough of a steady stream of posts by community members, I can switch off the bot and let the community do its own thing. Until then, I don't see any other way.

    Furthermore, I imagine there are a lot of people reading these posts who have not played the games as much as we have. Every bit of value you can generate by commenting with tips and advice is here to stay and will surely help out people here and there. After all, we want to have a sustainable alternative to the other website's community.

  • Meat is expensive.
  • Just imagine

  • 4 year ruled Lemmy meme to put things into perspective
  • Holy you've been here for four years?

  • Minecraft for PlayStation 5
  • It's about time. A couple years ago, it was such a hassle to buy the PS4 version on PS5. I think I had to buy it in a web browser separate from console to make it work or something

  • When you meet Eileen for the first time.
  • A hoonter is a hoonter even in a dream

  • Good thing I didn't go this way.
  • Holy shit this is so accurate

  • Who would win the fight?
  • The image would be complete if Goku and Batman were in it

  • Removed
    Fuck this guy
  • The issue is that the SoulsFetchBot cannot properly pull videos off reddit, so it just resorts to a low-res screenshot of the preview image. Unfortunately, I don't know how to post a video on Jerboa, or even Lemmy as a whole, so all I can do is delete these posts.

    And the reddit posts themselves are, in all likelihood, just bots, right. Bots have been a widespread issue on reddit for years after all

  • Testicular torsion this mend buttcrack that I CAST EIGHT FUCKING BEARS
  • Literally format-warping. Compare this to a balanced card like Uro

  • Anon makes fun of @ebassi
  • Why is 4chan so weird

  • What do we feel about this guy?
  • I guess there's two types of people. I usually don't mind the boss runback but if it's too long, it just takes away from the experience and wears you down overall. Like, I want to get to know the boss, see their moves, have a crack at their different phases and stuff. The Stakes of Marika alleviated this issue. There's just no skill involved in running back to the boss through fifteen hoops - it's just annoying. My two cents

  • What do we feel about this guy?
  • I liked the boss a lot. Felt like he was appropriately difficult, the lore around him and the other Vileblood hunters was interesting. The only thing I'd criticise is the arduous boss runback 💀

  • And people who don't read make fun of you for it.
  • Gotcha! It's fresh in my mind again because of my SLT apprenticeship where we need to be able to transcribe what our patients say when diagnosing pronunciation errors

  • If FromSoft won't do it

    It's around 40ish FPS on a base PS4 which kinda puts it in an uncanny-valley-sorta area where it looks smoother than the standard 30FPS and also more sluggish at the same time. Still awesome to play

    Second attempt at "RSS feeds"

    As previously mentioned in the first attempt, I spoke to Demigrodrick, the instance admin of, about how their bot processes reddit posts and might have found a solution. They have put in a lot of work to get their instance bot to work on here as I originally envisioned it: not only linking to reddit posts but rather creating proper image posts including the post's body. Now, there seem to be some issues with how these posts are displayed on the numerous Lemmy apps, specifically on Jerboa where it's just linking to the original post.

    I'd like to ask of you to be patient with me/us (the SoulsFetchBot) for the time being since this is just an early implementation that can be iterated upon should any of you find something missing or not working as you'd like the bot to.

    Do feel free to reach out and report any issues - I want to get this working!

    Edit: The issue seems to have been resolved. The update should roll out soon-ish

    Edit 2: Videos cannot be pulled by the bot properly via RSS, so I will just delete video posts whenever I see them for the time being

    Second attempt at "RSS feeds"

    As previously mentioned in the first attempt, I spoke to Demigrodrick, the instance admin of, about how their bot processes reddit posts and might have found a solution. They have put in a lot of work to get their instance bot to work on here as I originally envisioned it: not only linking to reddit posts but rather creating proper image posts including the post's body. Now, there seem to be some issues with how these posts are displayed on the numerous Lemmy apps, specifically on Jerboa where it's just linking to the original post.

    I'd like to ask of you to be patient with me/us (the SoulsFetchBot) for the time being since this is just an early implementation that can be iterated upon should any of you find something missing or not working as you'd like the bot to.

    Do feel free to reach out and report any issues - I want to get this working!

    Edit: The issue seems to have been resolved. The update should roll out soon-ish

    Edit 2: Videos cannot be pulled by the bot properly via RSS, so I will just delete video posts whenever I see them for the time being

    What is your opinion on Lies of P?

    I was a little sceptical about the game because while not actively trying to be Bloodborne 2, the media and fans have been hyping it up to be. After trying the demo, I wasn't really convinced either since the game felt quite clunky to me and the mechanics hadn't hooked me in.

    Now after having jailbroken my PS4 and having given Lies of P another try, I'm actually quite enjoying my time. The mix of bleak atmosphere and colour palette paired with music very reminiscent of Bloodborne, the parry mechanic that reminds me a lot of Sekiro when it comes to boss attacks and their timings, and the new mechanics - like a free heal after dealing enough damage when out of heals - that add a certain quality of life to the genre, makes me enjoy my time quite a lot so far.

    Mind you, I've only played for around 3h or so, but what I've seen so far has been convincing, indeed.

    Have you guys given Lies of P a try? What is your opinion on the game? Where would you rank it in your Souls tierlist?

    v4ld1z Firestorm Druid

    So it begins.

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