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What's Your Favorite IRC Client, and Why?
  • Element, not only is Matrix the future but it handles bridging to irc well

  • Google has more than doubled Play Store's app price limit to $1,000
  • Anyone else triggered by the lack of bezels in that picture?

  • Voluntary Mandatory rule
  • That's the team spirit

  • How to be irresistible
  • Over landing has gone one... step too far

  • Tell Borts I said "Hi"
  • Jorch over here looking like a yeti

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • You are probably right that industrial and packaging are probably major sources, but microfibers in clothes is a big problem too alone causes around half,almost three billion polyester shirts.

    Laundry alone causes around half a million tonnes of plastic microfibres to be released into the ocean every year—the equivalent of almost three billion polyester shirts.

  • Unity adding a fee for devs for each time a game is installed, after certain thresholds
  • GDScript (python)

    I think GFScript is it's own language, but looks definitely inspired by Python

  • Landlords Throw Party to Celebrate Being Able to Evict People Again
  • continued use of the legal term ‘landlord’ is slander against our members and all rental owners.” Instead, they prefer to be called “housing providers.”

    I think I'll stick to "leeches"

  • Romney to Retire, Calling For a ‘New Generation’ Beyond Biden and Trump
  • Before anyone lionizes him for his "principles" remember he helped promote the rediculous birther / birth certificate bullshit:

  • SpaceX projected 20 million Starlink users by 2022—it ended up with 1 million
  • even the US government doesn’t consider crimea to be Ukraine

    *citation needed

  • Apple iPhone 15 relegated to USB 2.0 unless you buy the Pro
  • after a little time most of these handsets see deep discounts and special pricing from carriers

  • Apple iPhone 15 relegated to USB 2.0 unless you buy the Pro
  • it's not universally true, there are plenty of cheap and expensive models with USB 3

  • Apple iPhone 15 relegated to USB 2.0 unless you buy the Pro
  • Apple blazed the trail though, really pushed the idea that saving a millimeter by going to glued/soldered on components is a good idea

  • The Four Best Reddit Alternatives
  • "Lemmy does not have upvote and downvote buttons"

    uh... don't downvote me for posting this

  • vitriolix vitriolix
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