vormadikter @ vormadikter @startrek.website Posts 0Comments 123Joined 2 yr. ago
There was this white singer that got uninvited by fff here in Germany because she wore dreadlocks. Cant have that when you are white it seems. No logical reason necessary, too. Can just brand it "cultural appropriation" and you're good. Oh shit, there is prove that greeks or wikings had dreadlocks? Nae, just gonna ignore that cause it doesnt fit my stereotypical views of the world.
The argument might seem overstreched, but shit like this happens.
Oh fuck, how dare you ask someone on here to actually give reason, facts or prove of anything they make up in their heads! Here, take my downvotes, there is no need to argue if I can just ramble and feel superior to you that way!
/s , obvioisly.
Vielen lieben Dank! Thermometer hab ich auch, ich versuche mal mein Glück :D
Ich liebe diese Dinger. Magst du das Rezept teilen? Ich hab keins und für den Fall dass das Bild "Dein Rezept" zeigt, würde ich mich Saumäßig freuen das nachbacken zu können. Danke im Voraus!
...for a second i thought "damn, why so many hair on her armpit".... And i cannot unsee it.
?? What is this supposed to show? Points for what?
Wie genau tut er dies deiner Meinung nach - was ist nicht gut an diesem Satz deiner Auffassung nach?
Richtig, DU solltest da mal sachlicher drauf schauen. Schön, dass du so selbstkritisch bist und dein fehlendes kritisches Denken bemängelst. Und da sag nochmal jemand, Schwurblern sei nicht zu helfen. Geht doch! ;)
...and without making it compareable to other countries by "per capita" or "share of renewable in total energy production" the numbers mean nothing at all.
Yes, they do shitton and yes they grow like mad in this field. But dont make yourself attackable by being sloppy with your arguments. Dont need to bend the numbers to make them look good.
Then maybe open it and read a bit?
That just causes collateral damage, and everyone even hinting otherwise supports terrorism and is an antisemite /s
Lets remember and spread the word that this might be because of the vast amounts of oil and gas that legally belongs to Palestinians... If they had a country.
To me, the whole "oopsie, we didnt see Hamas prepare for a strike" and now "well, lets eradicate them" just fits to the narrative of "welp, dont want them to have the oil and gas. How can we make sure it will be ours?"
Reading "Dairy Pride" I was very shortly thinking about trans-cows and rainbows and lqbtmoo and so on.... And then came to think that just too many people will not think this is funny, so i wont go into details.
Maybe read the article before posting. Then you would know that the headline is quite right.
...came here to write Mustaine. Beat me to it.
Interesting Zwei-Staaten-Lösung ;)
...well, lets assume for once that it started earlier. Like 50 years earlier. And that for some people on both sides this has been on and off since then.That conflict is old, very old. And to say "it started in October" is just so wrong in many aspects.
Jupp, healthcare should be free for the individual in need. And at the same time it is not "free" because the costs get compensated by taxes. At least that's how it works in Germany, where i am from. So the point of the person you answered to stands: yes, free for individual, covered by state/insurance which gets the money from someone else.
"So, even if you read and watch diverse sources of news about this topic every day, you wont ever know "The Truth" and therefore shall not be able to utter your opinion!
I, on the other hand, might not have any idea of your level of information on this but still can utter my opinion on all of you, because I am the only human to know "The Truth". Too, i dont need to follow my own logic becaue i am so grown up and wise and you are all 6-year olds, gotcha!"
What a brainlet.