wheelie @ wheelie @lemmy.world Posts 0Comments 65Joined 2 yr. ago
Also the part price is almost the same as just giving it to apple to repair themselves.
Why am I eating a lb of pistachios at midnight?
Preemptive strike
Why's it look like the West Bank?
Pallas's cat
Epson salt lol
White man's playground. The junta are greedy fools. Russians want a country like their own, 1 strongman they control. Africans are the only losers.
Should have let Russia annex Ukraine. Sphere of influence right?
In any fish or just one type of fish?
I'll do it. Got a feather and all.
Also a bonus lesson in inertia.
No but that sounds like fun. What did you do?
Think I need a new battery and I only have the phone a few months. Doesn't even last a day.
seize the means of production
Sure they're all nice and great people but I can see the other side, comparing it to BDSM it would be like going to work in a gimp suit.
"Look it's getting away"
They might throw out some sea mines but doubt they would sink a foreign civilian ship directly.
That's just damage from wear and tear. I assume they get heavy use.
Jump in and find out.
Nexus is free and you get a ui with it.