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Pros / cons of riding a bike?
  • You can say disabled, it's not a bad word! :) there are quite a few bike options for disabled people actually. From 3 wheeled bikes to handbike/ebike hybrids. It's awesome.

    Source: I'm a wheelchair user from The Netherlands

  • What are you playing this week? June 10 2024 Edition
  • Im still not sure if I'm buying this one for switch. I love Stardew and pokemon but I feel like "life sims" are just feeling more and more like a chore because they're all so alike.

    Example: I liked coral island for the ocean cleanup part. After that I kinda quit because it became the same old same old again.

  • Locked's 1st Birthday Giveaway! (Winners have been drawn!)
  • Congrats! And great job on the smooth server, y'all are great :)

  • Do you have any non-political/non-religious/ things about yourself that you're less afraid to share online than IRL?
  • Same. I know how I am perceived and that's okay, but I just don't vibe with the whole manhood / womanhood thing. Of course I was raised and conditioned one way but I've always felt alienated by it.

    No way I'm talking about this in real life though. The internet is easier.

  • Was this community banned on I was trying to access some bookmarked posts and comments but they weren't there.
  • I thought it was reversed after they got major backlash? Apparently not

  • I hate leaf blowers with the passion of 1000 suns.
  • All summer it's the weekly lawn mowers and then it's the leaf blowers and year round it's all of the neighbors constantly using drills and saws and other equipment.

    I may be overstimulated in this country.

  • What is the most unhinged conspiracy theory?
  • That avril Lavigne was replaced by a clone is so incredibly silly and I honestly thought it was a joke first, but people are really obsessing over it. She recently did a podcast and acknowledged the conspiracy and laughed about it, what fueled the believers even more.

  • What is the most unhinged conspiracy theory?
  • Sounds like you make content I'm interested in. What's your channel called?

  • Why has no one thought of this before?!
  • Was looking for this comment

  • I Think I Am Committing Voter Fraud
  • bitterballen

  • Should we post here or reddit?
  • Here.

  • What were some of scariest creepypastas?
  • I realize that I have read every single NoSleep ebook that exists, buy ebooks from NoSleep writers, build my own 1000 page ebooks and I've been doing this for 8 years and I can't remember any title. Can't even remember most stories. I do read them right before falling asleep. Am I fried? Lol.

    I do remember a story about a staircase in the middle of the woods, that one was creepy.

    Edit: there was also this story about god knows what that involved calling a certain phone number and people on the NoSleep sub tried it and it actually worked and they got a very creepy voicemail or something. That one had me in a chokehold for a week.

  • I figured out how to make IPTV as easy as using Netflix so you dont have to
  • My country only uses digital now so nothing to be found with antenna. I love finding apps and starting them and finding a menu to watch breaking news that also requires internet. I absolutely adore it.

  • Help with wheelchair software
  • They for sure help a lot with making moving easier! I have them on quite a high setting so it takes me minimal effort. I wanted to use my arms to move my chair because it's good to move as long as you can, but I don't have the strength for a regular chair. You can tweak settings so they aren't as sensitive and you won't tip over. That's what I have setup on the "1" setting.

    It is indeed important to not lift the chair by the push rims. My husband (I don't lift it) grabs the bar behind my backrest and the front bars where the front wheels are attached. It is important not to clamp them in-between anything in the car. I have silicone covers on the rims and in our old small car we took the wheels off and just carefully put them down, push rim downwards. Nothing on top. They still work. Just be gentle.

    I have an aversion to rain and wetness LOL and I can advice some gloves to use when it's wet to prevent slipping hands on the rims. Also a random tip: I use some small leg warmers on my coat sleeves so I can wash them regularly and my coat stays clean.

    The brackets I'm not sure off. I didn't put anything together myself so unfortunately I can't help you out on that.

    Don't apologize for the questions, it's hard to figure out everything in disability world and finding someone who uses the exact same wheels can feel like winning the lottery, lol.

    When you get the app working (and the remote option unlocked), the little hat icon is the learning mode:

  • Help with wheelchair software
  • You can always use my older app trick to unlock all the features and if you need help I can add you on signal messenger to help out more in detail. On/off can be done on the wheels, but it will turn on to the last used setting (1 or 2). If you have the remote, you can use that to change the modes. 1 is indoor use and 2 outdoor.

    General wheel tips:

    • Be sure to practice a lot in practice mode and mode 1.
    • Always use some anti tipping wheels on your chair since these wheels can go whack sometimes if you push too quickly/hard or get stuck (ex: door). I always use mine except when using a handbike.
    • Be very careful changing the parameters and test each change you make well. It's a sensitive boi.
    • Password for getting into the 'professional' mode is $AlBr-MtN25!
  • What skincare products do you use?
  • Second on the biore sunscreen. I can never go back to regular sunscreen.

  • Help with wheelchair software


    I got a new phone yesterday. I also use a wheelchair. The wheels have an app called "e-motion M25" which I used on my old phone. I patched it using lucky patcher since most functions (turn wheels on, cruise control, remote to drive the wheelchair to my current chair) are behind an incredible expensive paywall.

    Since I don't own the wheels (they're technically still insurance property) and the software isn't super reliable, I won't pay over €300 just to use my wheels.

    But I can't seem to patch it on my new phone, even when sharing the patched app directly from my old one. The store simply won't open. I've not been rooted since forever and prefer not to root at all, since it was possible to do so on my old phone.

    Would anybody care to help me out or give me some tips on where to look? Thanks in advance!

    UPDATE after spending my entire morning on the floor, I installed older versions of the app until I found one that worked with luckypatcher. I know it's a small chance but if someone using the same wheels finds this post, you have to figure out how to download luckypatcher and use this version of the app. In lucky patcher create a multi patch APK and make sure to turn off "billing" in the second screen. When opening the store, be careful not to scroll to the complete bottom or else the app wil crash. Buy each pack individually and lucky patcher will handle things from there.

    To every commenter: thank you. Lemmings are the best and capitalism is the devil.

    [question] hide read posts not working?


    I immediately tried our the "swipe" view mode as that was the function on baconreader for reddit I missed the most. I have the "hide read posts" option toggled on in my account settings. However, the posts still show up after swiping through them.

    Is this a setting that I'm missing, or a missing feature?

    I know this has been asked before: question about music

    I don't want to spam the community but I can't for the life of me find a way to search within communities. If anyone knows a way, it'd be greatly appreciated.

    I'm basically looking for the fastest way to get music on my old ipods (nano and classic 5th gen). I once used a de-drm tool to import my Spotify playlists but it took days. Are music torrents mostly private trackers now, or do y'all know a better way to get my stuff on an ipod?

    win95 win95

    not stuart little

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