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What are the best fictional books you’ve ever read?
  • Nice, I like it very much when one can separate between personal fit and quality! :-)

    For me the whole point of the book is to accept the story, while your own sense/mind tells you to not play along, which made me reflect about how much - dare I say everyone of us - plays along everyday... Besides this, I simply like Ishiguros writing style (non native English speaker here, so wonder what a native would think about it.)

    Would love to get a list of books from you that you respect and like (or respect and don't like ;-)).

  • What is your favorite movie of all time?
  • Great pick!

    So many quotes from Casablanca are part of our everyday culture... and AFAIK it is the first movie ever to feature a flashback in a flashback. Combined with the awesome cast of actors this is a masterpiece. :-)

  • What is your favorite movie of all time?
  • One is not enough, and a lot of great movies where already named, still, some great movies are missing:

    • Heat (Michael Mann) Every single time I see it, it is brilliant and I discover something new
    • Jin Roh (The original animation movie), awesome atmosphere and only after the 2nd viewing one can really appreciate it
    • Near Dark (1987) Why the hell did nobody ever produce something like this ever again?
    • Miami Vice (Michael Mann), 'Style over substance', in a great way, although I have the shaky camera
    • Seven Samurai
    • Casablanca
    • Strange Days
    • Point Break
    • XXX (Nobody understood that it was a parody back in the days :-P)
    • What we do in the shadows
    • Brazil
    • Rocky
    • Eternal Sunshine ...
    • The city of lost children
    • Leon the professional
    • Dolls
    • The Killer (The original of course)
    • The last unicorn
    • Dark City
    • The thing
    • The Lost Boys
    • Spirited Away
    • Donnie Darko
    • Rashomon
    • Brother (2000)
    • Parasite
    • Hatsukoi (First Love)

    ... from the top of my mind. :-P

  • Linux reaches 5.25% in Germany
  • Well, I funnily enough also agree with you, having just one widely used browser engine for all platforms sounds great in theory... (Until someone decides to not let you block advertisement anymore...;-))

    Docker is one of the reasons I use Linux and for all practical purposes nearly all open source software is developed for Linux and later ported to the BSDs (if one is lucky) - so, again, I am also using Linux because it runs what I need to run.

    I simply would love to have some practical and relevant options for OSS operating systems. I fully understand that this is not going to happen and Linux won.

    Anyway, have a good day!

  • Linux reaches 5.25% in Germany
  • According to your logic we should all use Google Chrome. ;-)

    Comparing Linux with the BSDs is really apples and oranges. The BSDs have a very nicely integrated base system, everything just works(TM) and everything works together. When you only ever used Linux or Apple with homebrew, you never experienced a system where all basic tools really fit and work together.

    Linux is a pragmatic choice, but it is an Unix-clone made by PC people. The BSDs are a Unix operating system for PCs made by Unix people. We loose something very important if the BSDs get totally out of style/forgotten.

  • Linux reaches 5.25% in Germany
  • I would be happy if something usable comes out of it. OTOH, the classical problem is and has always been driver support. I am not sure I like the plan of running a complete Linux as a subsystem for driver support, and I have doubts Redox will have native drivers for all hardware within the next decade.

  • Linux reaches 5.25% in Germany
  • Sad story. Best OS I ever run was around 2002 NetBSD on a desktop. It is quite bad that Linux is the only viable player for an operating system on desktops/laptops. (With viable I mean has drivers for all of my my hardware and runs the software I need for personal and professional life.)

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Ah, the usual propaganda from the fucking content mafia and the lobbyists they bought:

    “The takedown of Fmovies is a testament to the power of collaboration in protecting the intellectual property rights of creators around the world,” Knapp says.

    “Strengthening intellectual property rights is an important element of the U.S.-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership,” Knapper said

    I'll happily repeat again and again and again:

    • If pirate sites offer a better user experience than your paid offerings, you don't deserve payments at all
    • The money goes mostly to some rich fucks, fucking shareholders, lawyers and bought politicians and and not to the artists/creators of the movies (with some exceptions for the really big names)
    • I will very happily pay a service which is not shitty, not region locked, doesn't annoy me with advertisement and is reasonably priced. The illegal sites are demonstrating that it is possible to sustain such an offer on advertisement alone. Don't give me fucking bullshit that it is not possible for companies like Netflix while most of the subscription fees are going to shareholders and higher management instead into creating new content

    Seriously, fuck all the politicians and governments which act against the benefit of most of their population to conspire with the content mafia.

  • What's your favorite band's best album?
  • Indeed. :-)

    I still insist that the music of our generation growing up was the best time for listening to alternative/metal etc.

    So much innovation, new genres were created, and so much creativity.

    Today most of the music sounds like 'more of the same' and very formulaic to me. I am happy for any recommendation of current music in alternative/metal which is innovativ.

  • Books about the elite / modern nepotism
  • Thank you very much, a great recommendation!

    ... and yes, agreed: I am lucky I had a very good manager once, who didn't pull the usual shit and had human integrity, but people like that are the exception not the rule.

  • Books about the elite / modern nepotism
  • Thanks for the book suggestion, I'll buy it! :-)

    Yes, I also saw it in every job/team/organization, and it seems very human, everyone just likes some people better than others.

    The think which irks me, is that I also sometimes experienced favoritism/nepotism with totally incompetent people I had to directly work with and also several level above my pay grade. Like, if you have two competent people and chose the one you like more, I can totally understand. But if there are competent people and you chose your incompetent crony over literally everybody else, it seems self defeating in the mid/long run.

    I benefited of someone with relative power taking a liking to me later in my career, and all of a sudden I was elevated into a network where things are possible which weren't before. Still at the very bottom of the ladder, but very aware how much difference a few connections can make.

  • Books about the elite / modern nepotism
  • Correct, not all of my examples are about nepotism.

    Thank you for your recommendations, funnily enough I don't suffer from the political/social skills.

    What I cannot wrap my head around are situations, where people through nepotism/favoritism or politics get a position where they fail, which then comes back to the people who put them there. To rephrase it a little bit: "Why not put someone who is 50% competent and 90% loyal on a position instead of someone who is 25% competent and perhaps 95% loyal"? It seems kind of obvious to have a little bit competence, and if it is only for self preservation. (Just to 'objectify' that: Saw higher managers which are totally incompetent (not only my opinion), have a proven track record of failing everything they touch by stupidity (like: that is not how reality works stupid) which got officially demoted after several years, hurting their sponsors. Why didn't their sponsor demote them earlier or put them in the position in the first place?)

  • What's your favorite band's best album?
    • Finch - Say Hello to Sunshine
    • Paledusk - Palehell
    • Faith no more - King for a day, fool for a lifetime
    • Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness
    • Philipp Glass - Glassworks
    • Henryk Mikołaj Górecki - Symphony of sorrowful Songs
    • Fear Factory - Obsolete
    • At The Drive-In - Relationship Of Command
    • Boy sets fire - After The Eulogy
    • Refused - The Shape of Punk to come (not a fan after their sell-out-reunion, but the album is still great)
  • Books about the elite / modern nepotism

    Can anyone recommend me books about the modern elite/modern nepotism and how it works?

    I have experienced/observed modern nepotism several times in my life, to give you some examples:

    • person founds a so called start up with money from person relatives, which boils down to paying other people to do all the work w/o anything resembling a business plan in the first place. Start up is a total failure, person gets job as a specialist for building startups via divine intervention.
    • at several companies there is a level which people who do the work can reach, and above that level people from higher class get positions seemingly out of nowhere (unless they were childhood/study buddies of someone higher up) w/o any qualification/knowledge/experience to do this kind of work
    • from a certain level on (at least in IT where we have more than enough money for it) everything is politics; when discussing technical problems/solutions at that level, the first question is always who is the sponsor behind the initiative and if this comes from the wrong party, the technical merits are of no interest at all
    • a lot of positions even lower level in IT usually are distributed via nepotism/connections, I observed especially SCRUM masters and product owners are chosen for their family names/connections. (Two negative highlights: Product owner was literally boyfriend of company owner and another product owner was son of parent to which company wanted to sell their shit)
    • lower on the list but still annoying and experienced several times: Son of friend of boss/manager/team lead gets internship in company although better candidates are there and often the nepotism sons would never have gotten an internship on their own merits, but end up with fancy internship from known company on their CV.

    I understand that when you deal with a group of people politics are always relevant and inherent to groups.

    My question is literately, how does this all work and why is this so extremely widespread?

    Anyone can recommend some books about this social systems which give some insights?

    Further, when I see what is mounted on money/time/energy because of this nepotism or the current favorite ideas of the elite, how comes no companies (that I know of) interrupt the market with a company slightly less dysfunctional.

    Are there historical examples how elites/nepotism was overthrown w/o a bloody revolution?

    ZRAM configuration and other tweaks for potatoes running Linux

    I posted about ZRAM before, but because of my totally unscientific experiment, personal experience and the common question, which Linux to run on potatoes...

    First, I tweaked ZRAM for my use-case(s) on my hardware, this settings might not be right for your use-cases or your hardware!

    My hardware is a netbook with an Intel Celeron N4120 and 4G RAM (3.64G usable).

    When I recently played around with ZRAM settings, it felt like the zstd algorithm made my netbook noticeable more sluggish. It never felt sluggish with lzo-rle or lz4.

    In a totally unscientific way, I rebooted the computer several times (after a complete update of everything), executed my backup script several times, and measured the last 3 executions. (Didn't touch the netbook during the runs.) The bottleneck of the backup script should not be ZRAM, but it is some reproducible workload that I could execute and measure.

    To my surprise, I could measure a performance difference for my backup scripts, lz4 was consistent fastest in real and sys time w/o tweaks to!

    Changing the to 0 further enhanced the speed for lz4, but with this one toggle, all of a sudden zstd is as fast as lz4 in my benchmark and runs with a more consistent runtime.

    Changing the vm.swapiness to 180 decreased the speed for lz4, to my surprise.

    Obviously the benchmarks are not 100% clean, although the trend for my workload was clearly in favor of lz4/zstd.

    To the best of my knowledge, I ended up with nearly the same tweaks that Google makes for ChromeOS:

    • zstd as algorithm (I think ChromeOS uses lzo-rle)

    • 2*ram as ram-size

    • = 0

    • Install/enable systemd-oomd = 0 seems like a no-brainer when using ZRAM, on my netbook it is literally the switch for 'fast' mode.

    In summary: ZRAM makes my netbook totally usable for everyday tasks, and with tweaking the above settings I run Gnome 3, VS Code and Firefox/Evolution w/o trouble. (Of course, Xfce4 on the same machine is still noticeable more performant.)

    I wonder if we should recommend to people asking for a lightweight distribution for potatoes to check/tweak their ZRAM settings by default.

    Anyway, I would be interested in experiences from other people:

    1. Any other tweaks on my ZRAM or sysctl for potatoes which made a measurable difference for you?
    2. Any other tips to improve quality of life on potatoe machines? (Besides switching to KDE, LXDE, Xfce, etc. ;-))
    3. Any idea why vm.swapiness didn't improve my measurements? To my understanding it should basically have cached more of my files in ZRAM, making the backup run faster. It even slowed the backup down, which I don't understand.


    • zstd beats lz4 on my machine for my benchmark when!
    Firefox enables user tracking Lokjo - EU's Gmaps replacement (

    Attached: 1 image Firefox is just another US-corporate product with an 'open source' sticker on it. Their version 128 update has auto checked a new little privacy breach setting. If you still use a corporate browser, at least do some safety version! We mainly use based on fir...

    Lokjo - EU's Gmaps replacement (

    ... I mean, WTF. Mozilla, you had one job ...


    Just to add a few remarks from the discussions below:

    1. As long as Firefox is sponsored by 'we are not a monopoly' Google, they can provide good things for users. Once advertisement becomes a real revenue stream for Mozilla, the Enshittification will start.
    2. For me it is crossing the line when your browser is spying on you and if 'we' accept it, Mozilla will walk down this path.
    3. This will only be an additional data point for companies spying on you, it will replace none of the existing methodologies. Learn about fingerprinting for example
    4. Mozilla needs to make money/find a business model, agreed. Selling you out to advertisement companies cannot be it.
    5. This is a very transparent attempt of Mozilla to be the man in the middle selling ads, despite the story they tell. At that point I can just use Chrome, Edge or Safari, at least Google has expertise and the money to protect my data and sadly Chrome is the most compatible browser (no fault of Mozilla/Firefox of course).
    6. Mozilla massively acts against the interests of their little remaining user base, which is another dumb move made by a leadership team earning millions while kicking out developers and makes me wonder what will be next.
    How I manage my KDE email How I manage my KDE email

    Every once in a while people ask me about my email routine, so I thought I’d write about it here. Everything I do starts with the philosophy that work and project email is a task queue. There…

    How I manage my KDE email

    Interesting workflow.

    Of course the fact that Nate uses Thunderbird instead of KMail explains a lot. One day I hope KMail/Akonadi get the attention/work they need to become viable options.

    How I manage my KDE email How I manage my KDE email

    Every once in a while people ask me about my email routine, so I thought I’d write about it here. Everything I do starts with the philosophy that work and project email is a task queue. There…

    How I manage my KDE email

    Interesting workflow.

    Of course the fact that Nate uses Thunderbird instead of KMail explains a lot. One day I hope KMail/Akonadi get the attention/work they need to become viable options.

    Leap Micro 6.0 reaches Beta Leap Micro 6.0 reaches Beta

    openSUSE Leap Micro 6.0 Beta is now available! We expect that it will very quickly transition to RC and GA as the infra readiness advances. Leap Micro 6.0 Be...

    Leap Micro 6.0 reaches Beta

    Interesting times ahead! I am really looking forward to the Leap Micro release and hope it advances the state of the art. :-)

    Solved: Problems viewing files with JPEG extension on Linux

    Solved: The files are encrypted, see stackoverflow

    Hope it is ok to ask technical questions in this channel!

    I found a folder of files on one of my back drives which was copied from a very old Sony Ericson cell phone or a SAMSUNG Galaxy S2.

    The folder is called DCIM and in a sub folder called Camera there are files with a .jpg extension.

    This files are not standard JPG files. They start with the following header:

    0000000 0000 0000 3900 c0d8 ac5f d196 2d63 2421 0000010 0003 0200 0000 0010 0200 2d8c 0904 0103 0000020 0000 0000 0000 0000 e960 2861 7025 ba0e 0000030 2424 dcfa 3e3b ee64 0800 c87b a43a a90d 0000040 7287 b815 7ca4 9680 ed65 6216 5f08 4f43 0000050 534e 4c4f 0045 0000 9000 b3e9 1333 92b9 0000060 0002 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000070 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    And the last bytes look like this:

    039fea0 60ff 01fa 6b1e 8ef5 7c6f e69f fd9e 1589 039fef0 2199 dbd9 13fe 337d 2e9f d862 e252 080d

    (obtained via hexdump -n 1024 filename.jpg).

    The file command just returns 'data'.

    The jpgrecovery command simply does not process this files.

    The strings command finds an embedded string "_CONSOLE" !

    If I open the file in a file viewer (shotwell, GIMP, Firefox, Google Chrome), I get the error that the file starts with 0 0, which is correct, as seen in the above hexdump.

    Using identify from the imagemagick package results in:

    20140207_142030.jpg JPG 0x0 16-bit sRGB 3.625MiB 0.000u 0:00.002 identify-im6.q16: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x00 0x00 `20140207_142030.jpg' @ error/jpeg.c/JPEGErrorHandler/338.

    All this commands were executed on Debian 12.

    I have hundreds of files with this JPG extension and for each file the header is starting with 0 0 in this folder, so I assume the problem is not corruption of one file.

    My questions:

    1. What kind of file format is this?
    2. How can I convert the files to JPGs?

    Edit: Added the output of some suggested data/commands to questions Edit: Mark as solved, thanks to .

    Thanks a lot to everyone helping to figure this out/pointing me in the right direction! <3

    Solved: View images with JPEG extensions which are not JPEG files from DCIM folder of phone

    Solution: Indeed it was EncFs file level encryption.

    Thanks a lot for everyone helping!

    Original post below:

    Hope it is ok to ask technical questions in this channel!

    I found a folder of files on one of my back drives which was copied from a very old cell phone or a SAMSUNG Galaxy S2.

    The folder is called DCIM and in a sub folder called Camera there are files with a .jpg extension.

    This files are not standard JPG files. They start with the following header:

    0000000 0000 0000 3900 c0d8 ac5f d196 2d63 2421 0000010 0003 0200 0000 0010 0200 2d8c 0904 0103 0000020 0000 0000 0000 0000 e960 2861 7025 ba0e 0000030 2424 dcfa 3e3b ee64 0800 c87b a43a a90d 0000040 7287 b815 7ca4 9680 ed65 6216 5f08 4f43 0000050 534e 4c4f 0045 0000 9000 b3e9 1333 92b9 0000060 0002 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000070 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    (obtained via hexdump -n 1024 filename.jpg).

    The file command just returns 'data'. The jpgrecovery command simply does not process this files. If I open the file in a file viewer (shotwell), I get the error that the file starts with 0 0, which is correct, as seen in the above hexdump.

    All this commands were executed on Debian 12.

    I have hundreds of files with this JPG extension and for each file the header isstarting with 0 0 in this folder, so I assume the problem is not corruption of one file.

    My questions:

    1. What kind of file format is this?
    2. How can I convert the files to JPGs?
    Why are there so many different AMD/Intel CPUs?

    For years now, I do not buy/create assemble a new computer, because I am totally overwhelmed by the options available to me.

    If we agree there is 'The Paradox of Choice', it seems to make sense to have a much more limited choice between CPU models from a consumer point of view. For example, have for each year an entry, business and a pro model, add extreme for gamer and have each of these models have a version with a beefy integrated CPU.

    But it seems also a good idea for the manufacturers: They have to design, test and build each of their models, create advertisement etc., like configuring their assembly lines alone costs money. Further, compilers have to generate code for a specific architecture, which means that all my software I didn't compile myself ends up using an instruction set of the lowest common CPU, not utilizing whatever I bought fully.

    Apple (not a fan ;-)) shows IMHO how it is done with their Apple Silicon: Basically even I understand which CPU choice would be the right one for me. The Steam Deck is IMHO another success story: As reference hardware I know easily if I can play a game, and it is easy to know if my hardware is faster than a Steam Deck. Compare that to games with hardware requirements like 'AMD TI 5800 8GB RAM' (made up model) which makes my life miserable.

    What I am looking for is fact based knowledge:

    • Why does it make (commercial) sense for AMD/Intel to create so many models?
    • What are their incentives?
    • What would happen, if they would reduce the amount of different CPUs they offer? (Is there historical knowledge?)
    CPU Design: Fetch/Store vs. operating on memory

    What are CPU designs which are not fetch/store but operate directly on RAM?

    I only know about the design of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), where the CPU does not have registers (AFAIK) and operates directly on RAM, with fast access to low addresses in the RAM.

    What CPUs/Systems do you know, which also do not do fetch/store for their operands? Which systems are out there? Why do CPUs like RISC/Arm/AMD64 use fetch/store, what are the tradeoffs? Are there different architectures for CPUs working on operands outside of fetch/store, DMA and stack machines?

    Short games with lots of replay value?

    By posting another question here I realized, that I really enjoy games which are 'short' (Play start to finish in around one hour) and have lots of replay value.

    My favorites are Street Fighter 2, Contra (NES), Slay the Spire, Guilty Gears, etc.

    Any recommendations? I am looking especially for games that are hard but fair and have super tight controls (like Contra)

    What games do you replay regularly/annually ?

    Inspired by a similar question on reddit:

    What games do you replay regularly/annually? (No shame if you skipped a year or two.) I am especially interested in 'comfort' games.

    Only rule is, you should have played the game for the first time at least 5 years back.

    My list:

    • Street Fighter 2 in all variations/on all platforms I have access two. I guess I have been playing it regularly for more than 25 years by now. No Street Fighter after the Alpha/3rd Strike ever captured me like this.

    • Contra / NES This one I play regularly for more than 30 years (at least), to this day my favorite action game and the ultimate benchmark (I played all NES/SNES/Genesis Contras and Operation Galuga, nothing comes close.)

    • Slay the Spire: Hits 5 years of being released, I played since the early access and wasted too much time on this, still fun and perfect on smartphones

    • Doom I/II: I cannot tell you what it is, there are obviously better FPS than Doom I/II, but sometimes, if I just want to blow some steam, Doom is the only thing that delivers. (I think I never played trough all episodes of either Doom I or Doom II

    Contra: Operation Galuga - Demo is online, release 12th of March Contra: Operation Galuga on Steam

    The legendary Contra series returns! This reimagining of the classic run-'n'-gun action game from the ‘80s features new stages, new enemies, new play mechanics, and co-op combat for up to 4 players!

    Contra: Operation Galuga on Steam

    Contra is back. A real, honest, bitching 2D Contra.

    Played the demo multiple times and it really gets the 'Contra' right, one of my main griefs with wannabe Contra clones.

    Already a personal game of the year contender for me!

    Turnkey ready immutable distribution to server podman containers for headless raspberry pi 4?

    I want to configure a Raspberry Pi 4 as a web (application) server.

    Although I could of course simply do it via Raspbian, I would love to use an Immutable/auto updating OS like Fedora Core OS/Fedora IoT/OpenSUSE MicroOS.

    To my surprise, every solution does not look very turnkey ready for Raspberry Pi 4.

    Please correct me, if I am wrong but it seems:

    • For Fedora Core OS/OpenSUSE MicroOS it seems like I have to download the firmware for the Raspberry Pi, partition the sd card by hand and afterwards login to configure WiFi and/or use an ignition file on a separate USB stick on boot

    • For Fedora IoT it seems I need a running Fedora system first (yes, I know about LiveCDs) and I still need to edit by hand the Wifi configuration How to install Fedora IoT on Raspberry Pi 4. Further, it seems Fedora IoT has 'fixed' version numbers and no automatic updates.

    So, my questions:

    • It seems Fedora IoT is the nearest fit for my use case and comparatively the easiest version to setup?
      • Am I missing out on Fedora Core OS or OpenSUSE MicroOS?
      • Are there other viable immutable options from reputable sources?
    • Does anyone know about an immutable distribution, where the initial setup is basically like Raspbians 'dd image to sdcard and copy user credentials and wifi config to the /boot partition.'?
    • How does Fedora IoT handle updates between versions (like Fedora 38 to Fedora 39)
      • Is it a regular update or do I have to tell the OS to update explicitly
    • Most important question: Anyone here has experience with running Rasbian and one of my options in practice and can give some advice/recommendations if immutable is worth it?
    Why are Denis Villeneuve's Dune movies loved by audience and critics?

    When watching movies, I always try to differentiate between my personal enjoyment and the inherent merits of the movies. There are a lot of bad movies, which I totally and thoroughly enjoy watching, and some really great movies, which I don't enjoy that much, but still can respect/appreciate.

    With this prelude, I totally do not get the positive reactions to Denis Villeneuve's Dune movies. At the time I am writing this question, part two has 94% critique and 95% audience score at Rotten Tomatoes, 9.0 at IMDB.

    In my opinion, Dune 1 and Dune 2 have obviously high production values and good special effects. What I do not like is the acting, the pacing, the total flat/simple characters and the whole narration, which is for me a trivial love story between Chani and Paul, plus becoming a leader and get some revenge. I could simply replace the 'Dune' theme with a standard war theme and a few tribes, and I would have exactly the same movie. Also the battle scenes at the end of part 2, they are for me totally cookie cutter war movie/battle aesthetics. (Total waste: There are big Sandworms after all, and combat with personal shields etc.).

    My question is, especially if you very much enjoyed watching the Dune movies:

    • Why did you personally enjoy the movie?
    • Do you think this movies have some inherent merits?
    • How do you like the acting/plot/pacing?
    Exodus Bitcoin Wallet: $490K Swindle Exodus Bitcoin Wallet: $490K Swindle

    Edit: There’s a short follow-up to this post: Exodus Bitcoin Wallet: Follow up. tl;dr: A Bitcoin investor was recently scammed out of 9 Bitcoin (worth around $490K) in a fake “Exodus wallet” desktop application for Linux, published in the Canonical Snap Store. This isn’t the first time, and if nothi...

    I am not a member of the Anti-Snap crowd (although of course the server sources should be open source), but there is obviously a lot to improve. Flathub/Flatpak should also take note!

    Nix/Silverblue users: How big is the advantage if you already have 100% automated your deployments via Ansible?

    There is a similar question on the site which must not be named.

    My question still has a little different spin:

    It seems to me that one of the biggest selling points of Nix is basically infrastructure as code. (Of course being immutable etc. is nice by itself.)

    I wonder now, how big the delta is for people like me: All my desktops/servers are based on Debian stable with heavy customization, but 100% automated via Ansible. It seems to me, that a lot of the vocal Nix user (fans) switched from a pet desktop and discover IaC via Nix, and that they are in the end raving about IaC (which Nix might or might not be a good vehicle for).

    When I gave Silverblue a try, I totally loved it, but then to configure it for my needs, I basically would have needed to configure the host system, some containers and overlays to replicate my Debian setup, so for me it seemed like too much effort to arrive nearly at where I started. (And of course I can use distrobox/podman and have containerized environments on Debian w/o trouble.)

    Am I missing something?

    Bodybuilders with jacked upper bodies and untrained legs: Why?

    Surprisingly often I see guys in the gym, which have a totally jacked/trained upper body but untrained legs.

    The first times I saw a guy like this, I assumed perhaps there are some medical reasons to not train the legs, but by now I saw too many guys like this, even sometimes in a group, for explaining this.

    These guys know obviously how to train and I just wonder why you would invest so much time/energy in your upper body w/o doing a minimum for your legs. It also seems not too functional; what good is your upper body strength in real life if you cannot use it for lifting something heavy, because your legs are too fragile? Further, it looks very unbalanced to my eyes and usually the stars/models have a more balanced look, so I don't even understand where these people get the inspiration/trend.

    Why do dentists always recommend to brush 2 times for 2-3 minutes?

    I almost always read in the news/press that dentists recommend to brush teeth two times a day for 2-3 minutes.

    This drives me crazy, because it does not make sense; The point for dental health is to systematical clean every surface of your teeth twice a day (and use inter-dental brushes/floss once a day). For me, brushing my teeth takes around 6 minutes, if I hurry up. For someone faster it might be possible in 1 minute.

    So, why do dentists always give the 2-3 minutes recommendation?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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