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What's a good FOSS IRC Client?
  • I used both for years but always preferred weechat with the nicklist enabled and at the top, so that it didn't break urls or selecting multi-line text. Although the nicklist feature is moot for huge irc channels the ui and user experience is overall better with weechat in my opinion.

  • Audacious - An Advanced Audio Player
  • I like deadbeef because it reminds me of the foobar2k days. Very simple interface but behind the context menu is hidden tagging, replaygain editing, a robust plugin system, and all the more advanced features I need to keep my collection well groomed.

  • Can somebody solve this puzzle?
  • problem is the late stages of the game the password requirements change when your password's emojis start catching fire.

  • Can somebody solve this puzzle?
  • That programmer has obviously been playing

  • We all have a “Jared” at our company #softwaredeveloper - YouTube
  • The inmates are running the asylum.

  • Comedy shows have laugh tracks cuz they aren't that funny
  • Same reason tiktok and instagram reels are overlaid with that dumb wheezing laugh track.

  • 13ft: Self-Hosted Alternative
  • Just a grammatical nitpick in the readme but as a compound adjective it would be 13-foot Ladder. "That ladder is 13 feet tall" vs "That is a 13-foot tall ladder".

  • GIMP 3.0 Enters String Freeze, Inching Closer To Release
  • Most people here (who didn't grow up in the US 50+ years ago) wouldn't give negative connotations to the software's name. I'm on the side that it is well divorced of an ableist meaning but that's where the disagreement lies and some people are making a big fuss over.

    Should we stop using words like taser and amok as well for having historically racist associations despite being divorces of those meaning?

    Our language is littered with more "land mines" that we realize if we want to make land mines out of them.

  • GIMP 3.0 Enters String Freeze, Inching Closer To Release
  • Do you have evidence of that? That's not what I saw:

    I don’t like the name GIMP. Will you change it?

    With all due respect, no. We’ve been using the name GIMP for more than 20 years and it’s widely known. The name was originally (and remains) an acronym; although the word “gimp” can be used offensively in some cultures, that is not our intent. On top of that, we feel that in the long run, sterilization of language will do more harm than good. GIMP has been quite popular for a long time in search engine results compared to the use of the word “gimp”. So we think we are on the right track to make a positive change and make “gimp” something people actually feel good about. Especially if we add all the features we’ve been meaning to implement and fix the user interface. Finally, if you still have strong feelings about the name “GIMP”, you should feel free to promote the use of the long form GNU Image Manipulation Program or exercise your software freedom to fork and rebrand GIMP.

  • The appearance of your letter spam depends on your keyboard layout.
  • WARS to my fellow Colemak users.

  • To preserve their work — and drafts of history — journalists take archiving into their own hands
  • For some reason I first read the title as "journalists take to archiving their own hands" and thought this was some morbid kind of protest.

  • 13 is just owo taking a nap
  • I think it's saying you start with owo but then do the vertical equivalent of that emoji which would be :3 then 13 I guess is the eyes are closed? That's the best I got.

  • [css-only] I made a thing
  • Very cool! I like how changing either variable gives you a completely different pattern. Though not the same idea here's another fun one:

  • Use volcanic ash to reverse global warming
  • If you want to make a shade without choking life to death how about a big parasol in space?

  • Help transplanting burr oak saplings

    Last autumn I stored several acorns in a 5-inch pot that was filled with potting soil and covered. I took the cover off 2 days ago to discover 7 saplings between 3 and 7 inches long. They are too big for the pot I was storing them in. Are they safe to transplant at this stage? What size pot should I transplant them in? How do I safely move them without damaging them?

    Alternate Helix Editor community Helix Editor -

    # Helix, a post-modern text editor. Ask all your questions related to Helix, or post relevant content for Helix users. This is a non-official Helix community (tho we’d love to be official!). # Useful links []

    Helix Editor -

    Consider posting to the existing one?

    Configuring Xfce4 keybindings

    I found no documentation on how to do this but found this option in the home-manager source code that I might not be using correctly:

    nix home-manager.users.my_username.xfconf = { enable = true; settings."xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts" = { "&lt;Super&gt;space" = "rofi -show drun"; "<Super>space" = "rofi -show drun"; }; };

    Any ideas?

    Here is my full configuration.nix file for full context if that helps. I just started with Nix and NixOS this week so I the config is a bit haphazard at the moment.

    xoggy xoggy
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