Mysterious Giant Spiders Hovering Over the Pacific Ocean
Tony Robbins Motivational workshop for Kids.
Scientists discover 5 1/2 equals 7 1/2. Shocking Proof.
It was not 6 inches.
Absolutely Nothing Sketchy Going On.
Mysterious miniature satellites appearing near reptiles.
Hermetically sealed Pizza is buried in a revolutionary experiment.
Revolutionary New Bunker.
New Trend-Dress like Lobsters and extract whale semen
Revolutionary new freeway to be made from bamboo.
Flight attendant receives pin and blue suit as a gift from the Arabs. Happy as fuck.
Woman discovers method of making really big ice cubes but gets depressed.
"Refugees making huge demands on Federal fashion budget", says a knowledgeable insider.
Fediverse postponing FediFans Launch until Christmas
Anti Aging has gone too far.
Chuck Norris View of peeing into a lake
Canada reduced to Stone age after Lemmy comments
Horse feels belt makes her look fat, loses confidence.