What is the game being played in this Facebook video ?
Youtube haiku where a guy is stuck in slow time after picking up a quarter
A video of cyclist covering a car parked on a bike lane
Short story about space zombies
{TV series or movie unsure] two characters act out scene from Empire Strikes Back for young children
Trying to find an old commercial
[Game] VR RPG
Help finding a war movie
[German weapon] Name of an old German weapon. Possibly medieval. The handle I believe could be unscrewed and could be used as a club during close combat.
What is this forum type/ template called?
[Book] Science fiction book about aliens telling humans to stop developing technology
Character with messy apartment
Youtube video of a window dropping on a man's head
Show where guy in college calls home asking for a photo of his car's hood
A comic strip of devolution. Starts with an office worker pushing a copier out the office tower window, ends up as primitive group chilling around a camp fire.
man stretching his arms wide open (meme?)
What are those wall hangings besides the mirror called ?, I already tried Google but Google was useless
What are rough bricks called ?, I specifically want to know the term to lookup so I can find rough brick 𝗧𝗘𝗫𝗧𝗨𝗥𝗘 on Google instead of the smooth ones.
From what media is this sound clip from?
[YOUTUBE][2012] Minecraft channel featuring my chemistry teacher