- Move to
Hey guys, the new instance is online, actually still in the test phase, but everything is running smoothly, while we at do not know how things will continue because the admin is not available and the website is down. The future of is uncertain. is managed democratically by the non-profit organization in Vienna, where the servers are also located. The administration consists of 3 people and one from the foundation. You can decide for yourself whether you want to move the community to or stay here, but the option is there. Wanna move?
- BReg-Expertinnenkommission stimmt für liberaleres Plädoyer für liberaleres Abtreibungsrecht
Offiziell sollten die erwartet brisanten Ergebnisse erst in der kommenden Woche vorgestellt werden. Doch über den "Spiegel" sickerte schon am Dienstag der Kern dessen durch, was eine Regierungskommission nun vorschlagen wird: Eine Liberalisierung des Abtreibungsrechts in Deutschland.
- Influence of the Church in Germany
Did you know, that [the Church] is …
The second biggest employer in Germany:
- around 1,5 Million employees
- has an own Employment law, that prohibits strikes
Is Germanys biggest real-estate owner:
- Tesla and Louis Vuitton pay rent to the Church
Gets over 500 Million Euro Taxpayer Money per year:
- additionally to their own Church tax
- claim dates back to the 19th century
Doesn‘t need to register in the lobby register:
- the lobby register is meant to show the influence of institutions and people on political decisions
- Pakistan: Arabische Schrift auf Kleid für Koranverse gehalten – Mob greift Frau Arabische Schrift auf Kleid für Koranverse gehalten – Mob greift Frau an
Weil sie in einem Kleid mit aufgedruckter arabischer Schrift in Lahore einkaufen ging, gelangte eine Frau unter Blasphemieverdacht. Ein wütender Mob vermutete in den Zeichen Koranverse und verlangte ihre Bestrafung. Die Polizei konnte die Frau mit Mühe verhüllen und retten und sieht mit Besorgnis ei...
- Staatsleistungen: 618 Millionen Euro für die 618 Millionen Euro für die Kirchen
Die Staatsleistungen der Länder an die evangelische und die katholische Kirche werden sich in diesem Jahr auf 618,362 Millionen Euro belaufen. Davon soll die evangelische Kirche 364 Millionen, die katholische Kirche 254 Millionen Euro erhalten.
- Isn't religion really just an opinion?
So, recently I was talking to a friend and somehow we got to talking about religion and stuff. When I complained that religion is often put on a huge pedestal and that it's really just a glorified opinion and should be subject to the same criticism as any other opinion, they told me that that was a really hot take.
According to them, belief and religion is more than just an opinion since it's such a big part of people's lives. I countered that opinions are also big parts of people's lives and personalities. I mean, a huge chunk of your personality is based on your opinions, right?
We agreed to disagree but I kept thinking about it. I don't get why religion shouldn't just be treated like any other opinion just because people tend to cling to it. I get that
itpeople are emotionally invested but that's not just the case with religion but other opinions too. I would appreciate your thoughts to help me understand better, is it really a hot take? - The Sphere That Isn't The Sphere That Isn't There -
Much like a Kaniza triangle [] where the artist has not drawn a triangle, this sphere was not drawn by the artist and is known as a contour illusion. I like to think this is how theists see god. They see evidence that they conside...
- Are pastors ethical? Survey shows their reputation for honesty is at an all-time Are pastors ethical? Survey shows their reputation for honesty is at an all-time low
Only 32% of Americans say clergy members have high ethical standards
- Christian radio host punished after advising grandma to attend transgender Christian radio host punished after advising grandma to attend transgender wedding
Alastair Begg said compassion would go a long way. Christian ministries are furious.
- Iowa Republicans want public schools to hire untrained Christian Iowa Republicans want public schools to hire untrained Christian chaplains
"This bill is about ministers in the workplace," admitted GOP State Rep. Helena Hayes
- Preacher defends criminally charged colleague, saying critics will be "sniped and taken out" Preacher defends criminally charged colleague, saying critics will be "sniped and taken out"
Pastor Jeremy Pfeil made the death threat during a now-deleted sermon
Pastor Jeremy Pfeil made the death threat during a now-deleted sermon
- Are Religious People more Moral than Atheists? Here are the Facts | Phil Zuckerman
YouTube Video
Click to view this content.
An overview of studies which investigate correlations between morality and religious vs. secular / atheist ideologies presented by Phil Zuckerman who is a professor of sociology and secular studies at the Claremont colleges in California, USA.
Summary: Atheists / secular people not only have morals but are even more moral than religious people.
Note: Of course moral is a matter of perspective. In this context we agree that compassion and empathy are our foundations of moral.
- Question: what are your "favorite" bible verses?
What are your favorite* bible verses or facts that are not taught in Sunday school?
- hilarious, bizarre, hateful, oppressive...
- Is this a hate sub?
I checked the five last posts. There is nothing here but hating on religion. Sad that jerking off to ones own superiority is all that Atheism has to offer.