- Battlefield 2 in Gamestar magazine cover (2/2005)
The cover with text translated by Google: !Screenshot of the cover with text translated by Google cross-posted from:
> Mehr Infos zum Heft:
- BF2142 Reclamation
Hello soldier,
As far as I can see this is the only Battlefield community that covers all battlefield games. I want to bring to your attention that Battlefield 2142 is alive and kicking. There are community servers for both US and EU with active players, mostly during the weekends.
The community is active on Discord:
Please be advised that you need a original copy of the game. The community can't help you getting the game via 'other channels'.
- BF4 is awesome ❤️
Truly love the energy of this game. There are few games other than Battlefield that can give a similar feeling.