Friendly Carnivore
- Opinion - Going Carnivore - Decision Tree
There are many dietary patterns available and in the zeitgeist.
On the macronutrient scale we have 3^3 (27) choices, the most common are:
- HCHFLP - High Carb, High Fat, Low Protein : This is the "standard"/default western diet
- HCLFMP - High Carb, Low Fat, Medium Protein: This is the default "healthy" diet recommended by media
- HCLFHP - High Carb, Low Fat, High Protein: A body builder bulking diet
- MCLFHP - Medium Carb, Low Fat, High Protein: Body builder cutting diet
- LCHFMP - Low Carb, High Fat, Moderate Protein : A diet that maintains the metabolic state of ketosis
MicroNutrients Inside of any macronutrient regime there are essential micronutrients/minerals that are required. Essential means the body does not have the ability to produce them from other sources. There are too many to list here, but using a diet tool like chronometer (free and can use the website) will let you see if your covering your micronutrient targets (Recommend Daily Intakes). One note is that the RDAs are usually minimums (though in some contexts may be more then necessary).
Importantly, VERY importantly, not all foods are ingested by the human body the same, so the amount on the label is not the same that ends up in the body. This is a good paper discussing the bioavailabilty measurements of food, DIAAS seems to be the best scoring system out there to date.
Whole Foods
Regardless of macro and micro nutrient choices, the evidence, and consensus across medical professionals, and zealots, is that eating whole foods from natural sources that are not industrialized and hyper processed is a good guide to health and better outcomes.
If the ingredients for what you are eating are more complex then the name of the thing, you shouldn't eat it. Don't eat food from a factory out of a box and wrapped in plastic!
I.e. shop the outside edge of the grocery store, not the aisles in the middle.
This might be somewhat controversial, but I would include modern seed oils as a type of processed food to be avoided on a Whole food Diet. No vegetable oils that come from a factory please!
Low Carb High Fat / Ketogenic
The LCHF, ketogenic/keto/atkins, macronutrient profile has many benefits - Increasing insulin sensitivity and reducing the issues insulin resistance causes (obesity, hyper tension, pcos, diabetes 2, etc).
The key schism of LCHF diets is over the dietary necessity (or lack thereof) of carbohydrates, this well referenced document is a must read for those who are incredulous. There is NO SUCH THING AS AN ESSENTIAL CARBOHYDRATE - the human body can do gluconeogenesis and produce all the glucose it needs from fat.
Sometimes this LCHF diet is referred to a fed-fasting diet, since it maintains metabolic ketosis even when eating.
The core mechanism of action here is allowing insulin levels to return, and stay at, normal levels throughout the day which enables the body - an amazing homeostasis machine - to function properly. The body is full of feedback mechanisms, like hunger, thirst, satisfaction, etc - to stay in optimal bounds.
Being on a LCHF diet easy to maintain, because your not hungry, you can eat as much as you want - you just let your body self regulate.
NOTE - if you are on some medications, such as high blood pressure, and insulin, changing your diet can change the effectiveness of these medications and should be done under medical supervision. Either with your doctor, a metabolic doctor, or a service such as virta. Watch your biomarkers when you change a diet to make sure your medications are not taking you outside of your targets.
LCHF diets can include Plant based diets (vegetarian/vegan), Animal Based Foods (Carnivore), or any mix in between (just keto, or ketovore)
Insulin Sensitivity
93% of Americans (and probably similar in western countries) have insulin resistance, this can manifest as obesity, or high blood pressure, visceral fat, diabetes, etc. It may not be visible at all - Skinny Fat - Thin Outside Fat Inside (TOFI).
You can use your TG/HDL ratio has a very good approximation for your insulin sensitivity. You want to be <0.9 (mmol/L) or <2 (mg/dL). If your ratio is low, congratulations you are insulin sensitive
Carnivore is a strict subset of a LCHF/Ketogenic diet that restricts itself to only animal sourced foods (ASF). The reasons for doing this can include:
- Better food bioavailability - Need to eat less food
- Inflammation from different plant based foods - oxalate / lectins
- Allergies
- Regenerative and Sustainable farming lifestyle (Local farm can provide biocomplete nutrition without needed to transport rare foods over long distances)
- Ease of adherence (not that many choices, hard to do it wrong, don't have to count carbs)
ASFs are almost entirely digested in the stomach and large intestine, very little makes it to the small intestine - This is why people eating strict carnivore have less frequent bowel movements, and people with gut issues can see impactful quality of life improvements on this intervention
What should you choose?
Ask yourself what your trying to achieve? What issues are you tackling? The only thing that matters in personal health is your personal outcomes. Focus on what works for you, or is specifically sustainable for you.
Weight Loss - Don't lose weigh to get healthy, get healthy to lose weight - A LCHF diet, or even a Whole Food diet, can be used to regain a healthy metabolism
Most of the benefits of Carnivore can be achieved with just LCHF/keto (Even a vegan keto diet). In terms of most effective things you can do, don't worry about carnivore start with LCHF.
If LCHF/Keto isn't enough, such as persistent inflammation, or prolonged gut issues, then Carnivore could be a good option for you.
If your insulin sensitive, you can keep doing whatever you have been doing - Keep being awesome!
I'm sure this conversation will touch on people's passions and triggers, I just ask that when you participate you consider the whole human and speak with each other with compassion and empathy for their choices.
- Sleep and very low carb way of eating
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Eat meat, sleep better.
I have found on zerocarb much more than low carb is sleep
I fall asleep hard and quickly. I wake 7 hours later fully awake immediately. Dreams happen, last night I had two different ones that I recalled when I woke. But as soon as I was awake I could immediately be up and doing stuff.
Alcohol messes with this in all dimensions - slower falling asleep, fuzzier wake up. It's so much better when sober. Sometimes I simply can't fall asleep because I'm too drunk.
- Barry Groves: Homo Carnivorus What We Are Designed to Eat - 52m
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RIP Barry Groves 1936-2013
1:27 Chaotic dietary recommendations and the rise in chronic disease. 3:00 What are we designed to eat? 4:30 Wild animals don’t read diet books or hire personal trainers! 5:25 Why body typing is nonsense. 6:38 Which mammals are designed to eat a high-fat diet? 7:43 How a gorilla’s low-fat diet is NOT a low-fat diet… 10:21 How a ruminants high-carb diet becomes a no-carb diet! 12:42 Why carnivorous animals prefer the fatty parts of their prey. 13:42 Primitive human cultures also ate and preferred high-fat diets. 14:55 Where should our dietary fats come from? 15:20 All primates are NOT vegetarians! 16:28 Primates have been reclassified as omnivores. 17:27 Cave paintings depict hunting, not fruit-picking… 18:08 What ancient poop can tell us about the human diet. 19:30 The impact of climate change on the human brain. 23:10 Why vegetable fats are suitable for brain development. 24:30 Kleiber’s Law. 26:30 Where does energy for the brain come from? 28:19 Small brain, big gut. And the other way around… 29:50 How the Lord dissed Cain’s fruit offering but accepted Abel’s fat. 32:48 Greek meat-thology. 🙂 34:43 The dietary wisdom of cannibals… 37:49 What Mediterraneans really eat! 40:10 Historical causes and modern evidence for a shrinking brain. 43:40 Ancel Keys and his fraudulent CHD data. 44:46 How does an old-fashioned food cause a brand new disease? 46:38 How can you have a fat-free cream when cream is fat? 47:10 The incredible shrinking vegan brain. 49:34 Civilized man is the planet’s only chronically sick animal! 51:59 The answer to our problems.
- Why is it mostly sports medicine doctors who promote low carb / carnivore?
I have a theory: Sports Medicine doctors have the mindset that they are trying to improve immediate performance, they are looking for direct measurable effects. They are the natural experimenters of modern medicine.
Where as most other types of doctors are helping to manage people, and don't really have the expectation that their patients will improve. (Accepted the normality of irreversible degradation)
The LCHF/Keto/Carnivore space is filled with Sports Medicine doctors, more so then any other - at least that is the impression I get.
- The fat of the land (enlarged edition of Not by bread alone) - Stefansson 1956
Vilhjalmur Stefansson's book detailing his time with the Inuit, his eating meat only, the study of him and a fellow explorer's exclusive steak diet, the rise of modern standard American diet.
- Putting on fat
I was surprised today that I seem to have put on some extra fat. Obviously there are pathways for protein to fat and fat to fat, but one piece of advice from the subreddit where I started was
>eat fatty meat until you don't want more
I followed that, the other was for setting the fat percentage
>Eat more fat if digestion is too slow (code for difficult pooing) eat less if it's too fast (loose poo)
I should be eating less fat.
I think I'll change my standard order from Scotch fillet (I think that's rib eye fillet in American) to half Scotch fillet and half something lean
Or I could exercise a lot more. They say you can't outrun a cheeseburger, you definitely can't outrun the fat in a 2 inch Scotch fillet cooked to very very blue
Christmas and New year's drinks may have also contributed either directly (is there a booze to fat pathway?) or by offsetting the food I need
(Fat versus muscle judged by Tanita body composition scales with hand conductors)
- Paper Discussion - Long-Term Intake of Red Meat in Relation to Dementia Risk and Cognitive Function in US Adults
TLDR : Weak Science, Low Relationship, Healthy User Confounders - Nothing burger.
>Results: The dementia analysis included 133,771 participants (65.4% female) with a mean baseline age of 48.9 years, the objective cognitive function analysis included 17,458 female participants with a mean baseline age of 74.3 years, and SCD analysis included 43,966 participants (77.1% female) with a mean baseline age of 77.9 years. Participants with processed red meat intake ≥0.25 serving per day, compared with <0.10 serving per day, had a 13% higher risk of dementia (hazard ratio [HR] 1.13; 95% CI 1.08-1.19; plinearity < 0.001) and a 14% higher risk of SCD (relative risk [RR] 1.14; 95% CI 1.04-1.25; plinearity = 0.004). Higher processed red meat intake was associated with accelerated aging in global cognition (1.61 years per 1 serving per day increment [95% CI 0.20-3.03]) and in verbal memory (1.69 years per 1 serving per day increment [95% CI 0.13-3.25], both plinearity = 0.03). Unprocessed red meat intake of ≥1.00 serving per day, compared with <0.50 serving per day, was associated with a 16% higher risk of SCD (RR 1.16; 95% CI 1.03-1.30; plinearity = 0.04). Replacing 1 serving per day of nuts and legumes for processed red meat was associated with a 19% lower risk of dementia (HR 0.81, 95% CI 0.75-0.86), 1.37 fewer years of cognitive aging (95% CI -2.49 to -0.25), and a 21% lower risk of SCD (RR 0.79, 95% CI 0.68-0.92).
> Discussion: Higher intake of red meat, particularly processed red meat, was associated with a higher risk of developing dementia and worse cognition. Reducing red meat consumption could be included in dietary guidelines to promote cognitive health. Further research is needed to assess the generalizability of these findings to populations with diverse ethnic backgrounds.
Sounds really bad! But, Association is not causation, "could" also means "cloud not"
(I can't find the full paper, if you know a link please share it, I want to read the full paper)
Prospective cohort study, epidemiology, another slice of the Nurses Health Study, and the HPFS. Observational Research, cannot prove causation. The Hazard ratio is 1.13, that's nothing. You have to be at least 2 to even justify further research (unless there is an agenda). As a reference the hazard ratio for smoking was 30!
As always in observational studies, healthy patient confounders need to be considered. The person ignoring current advice eating pizza, fast food, etc is considered a "meat eater", but the person following the guidelines is more or less vegetarian (no processed meat, no red meat at least, not smoking, not drinking) at this point. The big difference between these groups? SUGAR AND CARBS.
Even with this massive confounder the Hazard Ratio was only 1.13 (1.0 means NO Correlation at all)
From this tiny data point, the news is flooded with "Red Meat Causes Dementia"
The research director at Harvard has a well established PBF bias, as well as funding from industry. This paper is just one is a series (there will be another for the next news cycle with the same hazard ratios, saying the same thing). At BEST this type of low probability correlation should be used to setup a real study, a RCT... not to set policy or demonize red meat.
Recall our previous discussion of how you slice the data looking for relationships is just as important as the results with a large body of observational data
- Dr. Berry - 11 Myths about red meat
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Ken goes through the red meat hit list.
For our friends who prefer articles and data you can see the same information here.
Berry also cites his references in the video description
> RCT's replacing animal fat with vegetable oil: Sidney Diet Heart Study:
> 8 year long randomized controlled trial in humans Minnesota Coronary Experiment:
> 5 year long randomized controlled trial in humans
> Corn Oil in Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease:
> 2 year long randomized controlled trial in humans
> If they could do it, why can't we?
- Baconaise
2 egg yolks (room temperature)
1 cup liquid (not hot!) bacon fat/grease
2 tsp vinegar OR lemon juice. All that is required is acid. Technically acetic acid exists in the human body naturally, could also technically be extracted from insect sources. YMMV, but it opens up a lot of options.
1 tsp Dijon mustard, totally optional.
Pinch of salt
Slightly warm the bacon grease in a saucepan and melt over low heat. Do not let it get too hot! It needs to be relatively room temperature!
While the fat is warming, separate your egg yolks from the whites placing the yolks in the bottom of the wide mouth jar. (Save the egg whites for adding back to the mayo to make it softer and easier to spread once refrigerated.)
Add your apple cider vinegar, salt and mustard (if using) to the egg yolks.
Blitz the yolk mixture with the immersion blender until combined.
Once the grease is melted and cooled, slowly pour a small amount of butter into the yolk mixture while blitzing with the immersion blender (about 30 seconds) moving the stick blender up and down and around to ensure ingredients are well combined. You will notice that it immediately begins to emulsify. This is what you want!
Continue to run your immersion blender while slowly slowly adding the cooled, melted bacon grease until completely combined. EXPERT TIP: Work your stick blender up and down to incorporate the melted butter and to ensure proper emulsifying.
Once all the bacon grease is added, you can choose to add the egg whites (this results in a softer, spreadable mayo when it is refrigerated) continue to blend for another 45-60 seconds moving the stick blender around to insure all ingredients are incorporated.
Use warm or seal with the lid and store in the fridge for 3-4 weeks (if it lasts that long!)
Source Richelle Lecourt
- Salsum Sine Salso - Roman Chicken Liver Pate
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>This Roman recipe is called salsum sine salso, which means salt-fish without salted fish and it's actually in the seafood section of the Apicius recipe collection. The original recipe suggests that the prepared liver should be placed in a fish mold so when served it would look like a fish, since I didn't have a fish mold, I used a regular container. The recipe doesn't specify how it should be eaten so I served it as a pate, since the result isn't too different from a pate.
Ingredients: 500g chicken liver 1 tsp salt 1 tsp black pepper Olive oil
>Recipe: clean the chicken liver, first with cold water and then by cutting off any tissue. In a pan, heat some olive oil, then add the liver and fry it for around 5 minutes (the liver should be slightly pink inside). Transfer the liver to a food processor and add the salt and black pepper, blend it all together until it has a pate texture. Drizzle some olive oil on top and let it cool.
- Natural toxins in food - WHO
A helpful WHO resource listing the natural toxins in the food we eat.
None of those toxins are found in ASF (animal sourced foods). The Carnivore diet avoids all of them. Keep being awesome.
- High cholesterol and cardiac health
cross-posted from:
> It's a 1 year old study but pretty strong and highly relevant > > Dr Ken Berry on the study
- How to start your carnivore journey - Dr Hampton - 1h
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>All you need to know to kick start your carnivore diet journey with an carnivore expert.
a very friendly conversational discussion about carnivore curious people, discussing the stigma, the difficulties; A very nice introduction, approachable.
- Why don't you get bored of eating meat? - thoughts
One criticism I've heard online, and had people ask me, is - don't you get bored of eating meat all the time?
My whole life, I've always become bored with food, I need to rotate, I need variety in the diet. But when doing Carnivore that urge is gone.
But now, I literally eat the same thing everyday and I'm perfectly happy, any variation seems like too much work.
- The relation of alimentation and disease - 1888 - Salisbury
Buckle up! This is a 400 page book published in 1888 discussing the benefits of a ASF diet
It's sad how much we "knew", but didn't use in the last 150 years, how many lives could have been improved?
In this book Salisbury putting people on Red Meat and water (indian diet), he found he could reverse rheumatoid arthritis, Ulcerative colitis, gout. He specifically was interested in how the Red Meat diet improved Tuberculosis, and how those already on a red meat diet were far less susceptible to Tuberculosis
The fact this book is old does NOT INVALIDATE IT. This doctor was able to visit and live amongst people who ate "carnivore" diets, and compare their health vs people eating lots of PBF. That is a unique perspective we don't have access to anymore. This is a time capsule that should be the basis of more modern research.
A bit on James Salisbury -
He did, in fact, invent the Salisbury steak.
>his advocacy of a meat-centered diet to promote health, and the term Salisbury steak for a ground beef patty served as the main course has been used in the United States since 1897.
>Salisbury recommended this recipe (somewhat different from modern Salisbury steak recipes) for the treatment of alimentation (digestive disorders):
>> Heat the muscle pulp of lean beef made into cakes and broiled. This pulp should be as free as possible from connective or glue tissue, fat and cartilage. [...]
>> Previous to chopping, the fat, bones, tendons and fasciae should all be cut away, and the lean muscle cut up in pieces an inch or two square. Steaks cut through the centre of the round are the richest and best for this purpose. Beef should be procured from well fatted animals that are from four to six years old.
>> The pulp should not be pressed too firmly together before broiling, or it will taste livery. Simply press it sufficiently to hold it together. Make the cakes from half an inch to an inch thick. Broil slowly and moderately well over a fire free from blaze and smoke. When cooked, put it on a hot plate and season to taste with butter, pepper, salt; also use either Worcestershire or Halford sauce, mustard, horseradish or lemon juice on the meat if desired. Celery may be moderately used as a relish.[5]
Look at that, no carbs in Salisbury's version of the Salisbury steak.
- Carnivore Diet is Ridiculous - Dr Westman Reacts - 21m
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Dr. Westman is one of the most well spoken, thoughtful, and science focused doctors I'm aware of. He does not sugar coat (heh) the known science; it's always worth while to listen to him
- 4 Snack Recipes Ideas - 15m
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- Cheeseburger Balls
- Carnivore Sushi
- Taco Deviled Eggs (with sour cream)
- Smoky Chicken Fundidio
Carnivore Sushi
4 Slices Bacon 2 Slices Liverwurst 8 Slices Turkey, Deli Sliced
- Cook your bacon to desired doneness.
- Lay 2 slices of your deli turkey out, overlapping each other. Cut your liverwurst into strips. Place bacon and strips of your bacon and liverwurst on top and roll up.
Cheeseburger Balls
1 LB Ground Beef 1 tsp Salt Pinch Black Pepper 8 oz Cream Cheese Pork Rind Cumbs
- Add the ground beef to a pan that's set over medium high heat. Season with the salt and pepper and cook until the beef is browned.
- Place the cooked ground beef with the grease and cream cheese into a food processor and process for about 30 second (or longer if you want it to be smoother). Place this into a bowl and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes and up to 4 hours.
- Place at least 1 cup of pork rind crumbs into a bowl. Use a cookie scoop or use your hands to make bite-sized balls of the beef and cream cheese mixture and place it into the pork rinds. Coat evenly and repeat until finished.
Taco Devlied Eggs
4 Large Eggs 2 Tbsp + 1 tsp Sour Cream 1/2 tsp Taco Seasoning + more for topping (Taco Seasoning Recipe Below) 1 1/2 tsp Hot Sauce 3 Tbsp Pork Rind Crums 1 oz Cheddar, Shredded 1/2 Avocado, diced (OPTIONAL)
- Set a pan of water that is one knuckle deep over medium high heat. Bring to a boil. Once boiling, place the eggs gently into the pan and cover with a lid. Let steam for 12 minutes. While the eggs are steaming, get a bowl and add ice water. After 12 minutes, remove the eggs from the pan and place into the ice bath. Let sit in the ice bath for 5 minutes before peeling.
- Split the eggs in half and add the egg yolks to a bowl along with the sour cream, taco seasoning, and hot sauce. Mix thoroughly with a fork and taste for seasoning.
- Spoon the egg yolk mixture back into the eggs. Top each egg with some of the pork rind crumbs, and diced avocado.
Taco Seasoning 1/2 tsp Granulated Garlic 1/2 tsp Granulated Onion 1 tsp Cumin 1 Tbsp Chili Powder 1/8 tsp Oregano 1 tsp Salt 1/4 tsp Black Pepper
Smoky Chicken Fundido
2 LB Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs 1 1/2 tsp Salt 1 tsp Smoked Paprika 1/2 Cup Water or Chicken Broth 3 oz Monterrey Jack, Shredded 4 oz Sharp Cheddar + more for topping, Shredded
- Season the chicken with the salt and smoked paprika. Place into an instant pot along with the water and set to pressure cook, 20 minutes, high pressure (Please follow the directions for your specific pressure cooker).
- Once the chicken has finished, separate the chicken and broth. Shred the chicken with a couple of forks or tongs.
- Preheat the oven to 450°F. Add the cheese to an oven safe non-stick dish along with half of the cooked chicken. Mix these to combine. Top with a little more cheese and place into the oven for 10 minutes or until golden brown on top. Let cool for 5 minutes before enjoying.
- Pork Panko Video Guide - Great for frying! -13m
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No great secret here, you take dry pork rinds, grind them up, and boom - carnivore coating perfect for any panko recipe or bread crumb recipe.
Dip something in eggs, then coat with pork panko.... great deep frying.
You might be asking, Hey! I'm trying to be healthy, why am I watching this lovely, but morbidly obese, women give me advice? Well, Look at her now!
She lost 81kg (180lbs) doing carnivore over 3ish years.
- Field to Table: Harvesting, Butchering, and Preparing Wild Game w/ Outdoor Solutions - Forgotten Weapons - 29m
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- Ultimate Fish Soup Recipe - 8m
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A spicy soup, with rich flavor.
- Devilled Kidneys a British breakfast classic - 9m
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>Devilled kidneys on toast was very popular in the past although you don't see it as often now. Its a pity as the taste is excellent and a wonderful breakfast. If you are squeamish about offal, it may help if you chop up the livers very small.
You will need: Lambs kidneys (Use veal kidneys for a richer taste) a white onion garlic cloves fresh parsley English mustard (dry or pre mixed) Worcestershire sauce Chilli powder or cayenne pepper Double or heavy cream oil or dripping salt and pepper
Personally I'd skip the brandy and toast, but this a great step by step video
- Paper - Assessing the Nutrient Composition of a Carnivore Diet: A Case Study Model - Assessing the Nutrient Composition of a Carnivore Diet: A Case Study Model
Background/Objectives: The rise in chronic metabolic diseases has led to the exploration of alternative diets. The carnivore diet, consisting exclusively of animal products, has gained attention, anecdotally, for imparting benefit for inflammatory conditions beyond that possible by other restrictive...
>Background/Objectives: The rise in chronic metabolic diseases has led to the exploration of alternative diets. The carnivore diet, consisting exclusively of animal products, has gained attention, anecdotally, for imparting benefit for inflammatory conditions beyond that possible by other restrictive dietary approaches. The aim was to assess the micronutrient adequacy of four versions of the carnivore diet against national nutrient reference values (NRVs). Methods: This study assessed the nutrient adequacy of the carnivore diet against national NRVs from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and New Zealand Ministry of Health. Four meal plans for hypothetical average Australian adults were developed and analysed using (Version 1, Xyris Pty Ltd., Brisbane, Australia, 2024), dietary software. Two female and two male plans were included; one set including dairy products and the other set including offal. Results: The carnivore diet met several NRV thresholds for nutrients such as riboflavin, niacin, phosphorus, zinc, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, selenium, and Vitamin A, and exceeded the sodium threshold. However, it fell short in thiamin, magnesium, calcium, and Vitamin C, and in iron, folate, iodine and potassium in some cases. Fibre intake was significantly below recommended levels. Conclusion: The carnivore diet may offer benefits for managing certain chronic conditions. Whether the metabolic contexts from consuming such a diet facilitates a lower requirement of certain nutrients, or whether it poses risks of micronutrient inadequacies remains to be determined. Tailored nutritional guidance and supplementation strategies are recommended to ensure careful consideration of micronutrient intake to prevent deficiencies.
Full paper at above link
- Brick of lard chicken sausage - ordinary sausage - 4m
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- Tallow rendering day
Today is meal prep day, rendering down 5kg of beef suet into tallow.
First chunked the suet, now slowly heating it!
My hands feel very soft, like I took a bath in skin cream!
- Roast Beef Over an Open Fire - Townsends - 10m
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Beef, Salt, Water and a Fire
- Meatball Bake - 4m
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1 lb ground beef 1 lb Italian sausage 3 tbsp chopped parsley 4 oz grated parmesan 2 oz shredded parmesan 16 oz shredded mozzarella 1 1/2 cup heavy cream 1/2 tsp black pepper 1/4 tsp salt 1 tbsp butter 2 eggs
- Cast Iron Scrambled Eggs - Cowboy Kent Rollins - 12m
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Don't crack eggs into the skillet, smooth them out in a bowl first.
Keep the heat low!
Fold the eggs, don't scramble in the pan
Remove from the heat before its fully cooked
He uses mayo and olive oil - which I would prefer to avoid myself, but it does look delicious.
- Lobester Shashimi - Mark Wiens - 20m
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Professional Food Eater is amazing career!
A real mealtime video, heh; He emotes very well for the camera, I almost feel like I'm eating it with him.
- Roast Whole Pig
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The entire process, from the farm to the plate documented in one video. It's perfect, the hair spray bottle used to mist the pig. The Uncle assisting! Reminds me of a hot summer on the farm.
Has english subtitles. This channel has a great cooking series, kind of like being there with them in the back yard.
- Paper - Behavioral Characteristics and Self-Reported Health Status among 2029 Adults Consuming a “Carnivore Diet” - 2021
TLDR - Contrary to common expectations, adults consuming a carnivore diet experienced few adverse effects and instead reported health benefits and high satisfaction. Cardiovascular disease risk factors were variably affected. The generalizability of these findings and the long-term effects of this dietary pattern require further study.
>Background: The “carnivore diet,” based on animal foods and excluding most or all plant foods, has attracted recent popular attention. However, little is known about the health effects and tolerability of this diet, and concerns for nutrient deficiencies and cardiovascular disease risk have been raised.
>Objectives: We obtained descriptive data on the nutritional practices and health status of a large group of carnivore diet consumers.
>Methods: A social media survey was conducted 30 March–24 June, 2020 among adults self-identifying as consuming a carnivore diet for ≥6 mo. Survey questions interrogated motivation, dietary intake patterns, symptoms suggestive of nutritional deficiencies or other adverse effects, satisfaction, prior and current health conditions, anthropometrics, and laboratory data.
>Results: A total of 2029 respondents (median age: 44 y, 67% male) reported consuming a carnivore diet for 14 mo (IQR: 9–20 mo), motivated primarily by health reasons (93%). Red meat consumption was reported as daily or more often by 85%. Under 10% reported consuming vegetables, fruits, or grains more often than monthly, and 37% denied vitamin supplement use. Prevalence of adverse symptoms was low (<1% to 5.5%). Symptoms included gastrointestinal (3.1%–5.5%), muscular (0.3%–4.0%), and dermatologic (0.1%–1.9%). Participants reported high levels of satisfaction and improvements in overall health (95%), well-being (66%–91%), various medical conditions (48%–98%), and median [IQR] BMI (in kg/m 2 ) (from 27.2 [23.5–31.9] to 24.3 [22.1–27.0]). Among a subset reporting current lipids, LDL-cholesterol was markedly elevated (172 mg/dL), whereas HDL-cholesterol (68 mg/dL) and triglycerides (68 mg/dL) were optimal. Participants with diabetes reported benefits including reductions in median [IQR] BMI (4.3 [1.4–7.2]), glycated hemoglobin (0.4% [0%–1.7%]), and diabetes medication use (84%–100%)
From the journal of Current Developments in Nutrition.
- Full text at above link
- Paper - Can a carnivore diet provide all essential nutrients? - Can a carnivore diet provide all essential nutrients? : Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity
tabolic effects of ketogenic diets can impact nutritional needs, sometimes resulting in nutrient-sparing effects. Other studies highlight conflicting hypotheses about the expected effect on metabolic acidosis, and therefore mineral status, of adding alkaline mineral-rich vegetables. Summary A car...
A survey of literature and review of the knowledge on nutritional adequacy of the "carnivore" diet.
>Purpose of review: The aim of this study was to summarize current contributions affecting knowledge and predictions about the nutritional adequacy of plant-free diets, contextualized by historical accounts.
>Recent findings: As demonstrated in recent experiments, nutrient interactions and metabolic effects of ketogenic diets can impact nutritional needs, sometimes resulting in nutrient-sparing effects. Other studies highlight conflicting hypotheses about the expected effect on metabolic acidosis, and therefore mineral status, of adding alkaline mineral-rich vegetables.
>Summary: A carnivore diet is a newly popular, but as yet sparsely studied form of ketogenic diet in which plant foods are eliminated such that all, or almost all, nutrition derives from animal sourced foods. Ketogenic diets are already nutritionally controversial due to their near-complete absence of carbohydrate and high dietary fat content, but most ketogenic diet advocates emphasize the inclusion of plant foods. In this review, we discuss the implications of relying solely on animal sourced foods in terms of essential nutrient status.
> Key Points
- All essential nutrients can be found in animal sourced foods.
- Some such nutrients are not commonly eaten in high enough amounts to meet recommended intakes.
- Studies on individuals eating only meat did not reveal nutrient deficiencies.
- Carnivore diet nutrient profiles and effects on metabolism may reduce or increase the needs for some nutrients.
- More study is warranted to understand long term implications of plant-free diets
>CONCLUSION Every essential nutrient can be found in ASFs, but not always in high levels in commonly eaten ones. Some nutrients are rarer than others and may require planning if the goal is to guarantee meeting established recommended daily allowances. Because of systematic differences in metabolism and food matrix contexts, requirements on a carnivore diet may likewise differ systematically. Historical and clinical data suggest that all acute micronutrient needs can be met without plants, but long-term consequences are unknown. Calcium levels in particular may be compromised over time, and merit further study, especially in order to disentangle effects of acidity, bone growth stimulation and interacting nutrients
Full PDF Here
- Kung chae nampla - Shrimp in fish sauce
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Similar to Japanese Sashimi, this dish uses fresh uncooked shrimp soaked in fish sauce. The quality of this dish requires good shrimp, and excellent fish sauce. >fresh raw shrimp soaked in Thai fish sauce and served with chunks of gourd, cloves of garlic, chilies, and spicy sauce
The video is great energy great video production values. Some of the 1990's sound effects - are just state of the art lol.
- Paper - Meat supplementation improves growth, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes in Kenyan children - 2007
>A randomized, controlled school feeding study was conducted in rural Embu District, Kenya to test for a causal link between animal-source food intake and changes in micronutrient nutrition and growth, cognitive, and behavioral outcomes. Twelve primary schools were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups. Children in Standard I classes received the local plant-based dish githeri as a midmorning school snack supplemented with meat, milk, or fat added to equalize energy content in all feedings. The Control children received no feedings but participated in data collection. Main outcome measures assessed at baseline and longitudinally were 24-h food intake recall, anthropometry, cognitive function, physical activity, and behaviors during school free play. For cognitive function, the Meat group showed the steepest rate of increase on Raven's Progressive Matrices scores and in zone-wide school end-term total and arithmetic test scores. The Plain githeri and Meat groups performed better over time than the Milk and Control groups (P < 0.02-0.03) on arithmetic tests. The Meat group showed the greatest increase in percentage time in high levels of physical activity and in initiative and leadership behaviors compared with all other groups. For growth, in the Milk group only younger and stunted children showed a greater rate of gain in height. The Meat group showed near doubling of upper midarm muscle area, and the Milk group a smaller degree of increase. This is the first randomized, controlled feeding study to examine the effect of meat- vs. milk- vs. plant-based snacks on functional outcomes in children.
Full paper at the above link
- Beshbarmak - Central Asian nomadic traditional dish "five fingers"
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A Central Asian dish focusing on very energy dense foods, hearty, good for cold winters.
>The term beshbarmak means "five fingers" because nomads traditionally eat this dish with their hands.[6] Another name for beshbarmak in Kyrgyz is tuuralgan et, which means crumbled/chopped meat. Beshbarmak is usually made from finely chopped boiled meat, mixed with dough (typically egg noodles) and chyk, an onion sauce. It is typically served on large communal platters, shared between several people,[4] after shorpo, which is a first course of mutton broth served in bowls called kese.
Not exactly carnivore, and the noodles are a carb overload, but not all preparations require the carbs, and they can be skipped (i.e. just don't eat the noodles when its served). Lots of bone marrow in the boiling, and nutrient dense foods!
A much longer full cooking video if you want more details
- Article - Should dietary guidelines recommend low red meat intake? Should dietary guidelines recommend low red meat intake? - PubMed
Mainstream dietary recommendations now commonly advise people to minimize the intake of red meat for health and environmental reasons. Most recently, a major report issued by the EAT-Lancet Commission recommended a planetary reference diet mostly based on plants and with no or very low (14 g/d) cons...
TLDR - There is far from consensus in the vilification of red meat in dietary guidelines. This article dives into the details of the ongoing schism.
>Mainstream dietary recommendations now commonly advise people to minimize the intake of red meat for health and environmental reasons. Most recently, a major report issued by the EAT-Lancet Commission recommended a planetary reference diet mostly based on plants and with no or very low (14 g/d) consumption of red meat. We argue that claims about the health dangers of red meat are not only improbable in the light of our evolutionary history, they are far from being supported by robust scientific evidence.
Full paper at the above link.
- Livestock's Vital Role in Nourishing the World - 24m
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Fascinating talk of improving agriculture in developing areas.
Livestock's Vital Role in Nourishing the World: Ensuring food security through sustainable production systems.
Presentation by Prof Gbola Adesogan, PhD, Univ of Fl, Crop Science Society of America, San Antonio, TX, 13 Nov 2024.
- Vietnamese Chicken Liver Pate Recipe (Pâté) - 6m
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Viet style Pate! I have to say, its really good, goes on anything really.
``` Ingredients (divide these ingredients in half for a smaller batch): 1lb chicken liver 45 grams butter 4 tbsp fish sauce 6 garlic cloves 2-3 shallots 3 tbsp neutral oil 1/2 cup water (add as much or little until you get the desired consistency)
``` Continuing to look for small youtubers with good content! 3600 subs.