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Community (TV show) Community

  • Community BiWeekly Watch-Along!! S01E03: Introduction to Film

    "Hey, man. My name is Jeff.

    I'm trying to lock down the rest of my schedule before the deadline.

    I heard this class was a cakewalk. Are you passing it?

    Stone Stare of confusion and incoherent

    Do you like Dane Cook? Yeah, he's awesome.

    So far so good."

    A weird way to teach accounting, the seizing of life, The start of the amazing "Abed Productions" including a touching movie/story about Abed's Origins (With falafel as a fallback), and the real question... What is krumping?

  • Previous Community BiWeekly Watch-Along!! S01E02: Spanish 101

    "Good afternoon, Greendale Community College! I am your dean with a few corrections to the fall class catalog. Cosmology should be Cosmetology. Astrology should be Astronomy. And The... The students on the cover should be smiling, but I suppose that's a matter of opinion... Whoever is growing a small patch of cannabis behind the gymnasium, congratulations, you have won a cruise... Report to security to claim your tickets. In order to increase awareness of homelessness, security has been given binoculars. In campus news... the debate over our library's PA system continues, with some students suggesting its volume be lowered while others... question its very purpose... More on that story as it unfolds."

    Our first glimpse of the brilliant, yet insanely (emphasis on insane) attractive, Senior "El Tigre Chino" Chang. We learn that Jeff might have a softer side. And that people were excited to see Peirce too.

    Also that Guatemala journalist..... Piñatas and all.

  • Should we start a by weekly/month watch along?

    I had this crazy idea about having a pinned thread changing every 2 weeks/month about an episode in the show, so we can all watch together and then discuss why this show is the best show ever, and we can't wait for the "AND A MOVIE" part of "6 seasons and a movie".

    Watcha think?

  • The Duali-Dean of Man | Community

    Jim Rash is so good. "Can I be perfectly honest with you guys? I think I went too far with this one" 🤣

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    Content posted should be related to "Community" the TV show.

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    Do a search before posting a thread. Chances are it will have been asked or posted before. Frequent/repeat threads will be removed.*

    *With the influx of new viewers, we ask old viewers not to flag content they may have seen numerous times, and we ask new viewers to find a recent existing or similar post and comment there rather than post a new thread.

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    Give threads an appropriate title so people searching can find relevant content easily. If you have a question, ask it in the title. The title should provide info (i.e. season and/or episode in question) as to it's content without having to click on it. Please be considerate of spoilers if possible by adding [Spoiler in title] as a prefix (as a warning) or rewording the title. Use the:



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  • Community Community!
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