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  • Retired NASA Astronaut Urges Government to Investigate "Compelling" UFO Claims Retired NASA Astronaut Urges Government to Investigate "Compelling" UFO Claims

    Ex-astronaut Mark Kelly insists that the US government should do more to investigate credible claims about UFOs.

    Retired NASA Astronaut Urges Government to Investigate "Compelling" UFO Claims

    >In a new interview, retired NASA astronaut and current Arizona senator Mark Kelly insisted that the US government could be doing much more to investigate credible claims about unidentified flying objects.

    >Speaking to GZero founder Ian Bremmer, the former twin astronaut didn't scoff at the idea that the truth may be out there.

    >"I've seen some compelling testimony from navy fighter pilots who... in a position of leadership in a squadron, have seen something very compelling," Kelly said.

    >As video from the GZero interview suggests, the senator and prior commander of the Space Shuttle was likely referencing ex-Naval pilot Ryan Graves' Congressional testimony last summer in which he described seeing a craft so strange while flying off the coast of Virginia a decade ago that his flight commander "immediately" called the mission off.

    >As Bremmer noted, that pilot was convinced that the unexplained object he saw flying over the water near Virginia Beach was "technologically not possible" by any known American or adversarial craft.

    >"In one case," Kelly said, "that is true"...

  • 'Oval-shaped' UFO spotted hovering over Mexico: 'Spectacular video'

    "Several residents of Mexico shared shocking video footage of a UFO seemingly hovering to the ground, drawing a mixed response.

    Videos on social media captured what appeared to be an oval-sized object hovering over the western city of Zitácuaro on September 8.

    The footage shows the UFO-like figure hovering near a tree while a second recording captured it slowly moving in front of the overcast skies.

    The alleged flying saucer sightings were reported in the neighborhoods of El Naranjo and Manzanillos..."

  • Senate Armed Services Committee to hold UFO hearing

    "The Senate Armed Services Committee is looking to hold a UFO hearing after the November elections, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D-N.Y.) office confirmed to The Hill.

    The hearing announcement follows an increase in sightings of what’s officially known as unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, including one purportedly near Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. It would also come more than a year after an explosive House hearing in July 2023, when three former Pentagon officials testified about their experience with or sightings of UAP, warning that a lack of information on the phenomena could pose national security risks.

    Now Gillibrand, who in 2022 helped start the Pentagon’s All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) — created to assess reports of UAP — wants a progress update on the office’s work.

    “It’s a priority for me. I think it’s very important that we continue to make things publicly available,” Gillibrand earlier this month told Matt Laslo’s D.C. “Ask a Pol” podcast.

    She wants “a progress report on how many unidentified aerial phenomena we’ve assessed and analyzed” and for the office to “give examples of what we have identified and give examples of what we haven’t identified.”

    Gillibrand, who chairs the subcommittee under the Senate Armed Services Committee on emerging threats and capabilities, added that she wants AARO “to continue to build credibility.”

    Her office confirmed Tuesday to The Hill that there will be a hearing, likely in November..."

  • UFO hunters believe this metal shard could be alien tech—so they sent it to a national lab UFO Hunters Believe This Metal Shard Could Be Alien Tech—So They Sent It to a National Lab

    The specimen raised eyebrows because it appeared capable of causing levitation.

    UFO Hunters Believe This Metal Shard Could Be Alien Tech—So They Sent It to a National Lab

    > The true origins of the metallic specimen were debated for decades. Eventually, Blink-182 frontman and UFO enthusiast Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy got a hold of it. The organization independently researches possible alien phenomena, and the sample had an apparently unprecedented material structure that could indicate an extraterrestrial technosignature. Then, the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), which investigates unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) for the U.S. government, took over the investigation to learn more about the object’s physical and chemical properties that made it potentially capable of inertial mass reduction—levitation. > > ... > > Analysis showed that the isotopic signatures of magnesium and lead indicated a terrestrial origin. The magnesium’s isotopic signature had undergone some fractionation, or separation of lighter and heavier isotopes, probably due to stress from heat and physical or chemical manufacturing processes. However, it was still within the normal range for magnesium that forms on Earth, not an alien biosignature. > > Strengthening the case for a local origin, the magnesium in this sample also showed a proportion of isotopes that occurs only in our solar system. Scientists know this because the isotopic signature of magnesium originally comes from a particular star-forming region and so is unique to each star system. Magnesium is an extremely common element in the universe, produced in great amounts by larger, older stars that scatter it into space when they die and go supernova. It is often recycled by young star systems, where it forms a unique isotopic signature, depending on the conditions. > >Moving on, the lead in the object also matched the isotopic signatures for lead that originates on Earth. These signatures are so distinct that there is no way they could have come from any other body—even the moon. > >With no alien biosignatures present in the sample, the ORNL scientists turned their attention to technosignatures. Scanning transmission electron microscopy revealed that the crystalline structure of the magnesium was similar to the magnesium in alloys manufactured on Earth. With that confirmed, they tried to determine if the sample could have been part of a terahertz waveguide. > > ... > > To qualify as a piece of alien technology, the sample would need to have a single layer of pure bismuth between layers of the magnesium alloy. This is because unadulterated bismuth can guide energy just like the magnetron in your microwave. Unlike anything in your microwave, bismuth is capable of directing terahertz waves. The problem is that the bismuth in this sample is neither pure nor in a single layer. There are multiple layers of bismuth between the magnesium layers, and the bismuth itself contains lead, both of which would disrupt its functioning as a waveguide. > > ... > > “ORNL has a high level of confidence that all data indicate the material was manufactured terrestrially—albeit using an uncommon mixture of elements by today’s standards—and then incurred damage caused by mechanical and heat stressors,” according to the report.


  • The 'haunted' London Underground station where a man vanished from plain sight The 'haunted' London Underground station where a man vanished from plain sight

    The incident still unnerves the workers who witnessed it over 20 years later

    The 'haunted' London Underground station where a man vanished from plain sight

    "With Halloween just over a month away, London's eeriest tales are resurfacing, and one such spine-chilling story hails from the depths of the London Underground. Frequented by thousands of commuters each day, many are unaware that the Central line platform at Liverpool Street station was the scene of a terrifying ghostly encounter..."

  • 'Vampire child' discovered in garden with bone-chilling detail of horror body 'Vampire child' discovered in garden with bone-chilling detail of horror body

    The skeleton's shocking burial condition is evidence of a superstitious ancient practice used on burials to ensure "demonic entities" cannot rise from the dead

    'Vampire child' discovered in garden with bone-chilling detail of horror body

    > Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of a "child vampire" in a European city with one terrifying detail showing a barbaric ancient practice. > >Excavations carried out on a 13th-century bishop's garden in Chelm, Poland, uncovered a burial marked by two posts - one facing east and another west. The remains found inside, archaeologists confirmed, were that of a young boy, but the grave bore several startling details that set it apart from most others of the time - including one that indicated a gruesome act. > > Researchers working on the site found the body - which had been buried on a hill - was pressed into the ground by stones laid across its torso. Polish officials added that the child appeared to have been decapitated before it was buried, with the collection of details suggesting superstitious locals had feared the presence of a "demonic entity". > > Paweł Wira, head of the Chełm branch of the Provincial Office for the Protection of Monuments in Lublin, said the people who buried the child hoped to prevent a "demonic entity from exiting the grave". He said: "A burial with a face pressed into the ground, cutting off the head or putting stones on the body are some of the burial methods used to prevent a person thought to be a demonic entity from exiting the grave."

  • Isle of Wight alien sighting commemorated by sculpture Mysterious Island alien sighting commemorated by sculpture

    Sculptor David Jones commemorated the myth with a full sized figure of the Sandown Clown.

    "A sculptor has commemorated a popular Isle of Wight myth with a statue of an alien.

    David Jones, from Goldsmith's University in London, spent nine months creating a full size figure of an alien alleged to have visited the Isle of Wight.

    The Sandown Clown is alleged to have been sighted on the footpaths around Sandown Airport and on Lake Common in 1973.

    The sighted alien was encountered by two holidaying children, who described the being to be part alien, part robot and part clown..."

  • Prince Philip was 'meant to meet an alien called Janus in a Chelsea flat' Prince Philip was 'meant to meet an alien called Janus in a Chelsea flat'

    Janus had an 'ethereal otherworldly quality', a documentarianhas said.

    Prince Philip was 'meant to meet an alien called Janus in a Chelsea flat'

    cross-posted from:

    > > Prince Philip was meant to meet an alien called ‘Janus’ at a flat in Chelsea, a new documentary has rather casually claimed. > > > >The King of UFOs, which will be streaming on Amazon and Tubi on September 20, described how the late Duke of Edinburgh’s engineering background made him passionate about all things extraterrestrial. > > > >So meeting an alien was an offer that the husband of Queen Elizabeth struggled to refuse, apparently. > > > > The film’s director, Mark Christopher Lee, told that the meeting was arranged by the Prince’s top aide at the time, Sir Peter Horsley. > > > >‘Horsley actually met this Janus entity in a flat in Chelsea in 1954 – he claimed that it had an ethereal otherworldly quality and it could read his mind and extract information about flying saucers,’ Lee said. > > > > The pair were pencilled in to meet at a flat along Smith Street, a small residential road about a 10-minute walk away from what is now Sloane Square Tube station, on a ‘winter’s evening’. > > > > ‘Horsley wanted Phillip to meet with this Janus as Janus had a message to give him that the world needed saving as Philip was a man of great vision,’ Lee added. > > > >‘Philip didn’t go to the meeting – and it’s most likely that Janus could have been a Russian spy – but Horsley stuck to his belief that Janus was not of this world.’ > > > > ... > > > > Horsley did mention this possible close encounter in his memoir, Sounds From Another Room, in which he described a serious ‘Mr Janus’ with an intimate knowledge of aliens that UFO experts have widely interpreted as being extraterrial.

  • UFO breakthrough as UK's most famous case 'finally solved' with bombshell claim UFO breakthrough as UK's most famous case 'finally solved' with bombshell claim

    Six staggering photographs they took are said to show an odd diamond-shaped object in the sky, seemingly tailed by one or two Harrier jets. The images were reportedly handed to the the Scottish Daily Record by the witnesses for publication.

    UFO breakthrough as UK's most famous case 'finally solved' with bombshell claim

    "A UFO researcher claims to have solved one of the UK's most intriguing UFO mysteries 34 years after it was spectacularly captured on film.

    Dubbed the "Calvine UFO" it was snapped in the Scottish area of the same name by two hikers on August 4, 1990. Six staggering photographs they took are said to show an odd diamond-shaped object in the sky, seemingly tailed by one or two Harrier jets.

    The images were reportedly handed to the the Scottish Daily Record by the witnesses for publication.

    The newspaper handed the prints and negatives to the Ministry of Defence (MOD) for comment, which is said to have returned them, but the story was never published.

    The images and negatives also disappeared..."

  • Why more and more people believe in aliens Why more and more people believe in aliens

    Growing numbers say they have seen a UFO – and even US politicians are getting caught up in the trend

    Why more and more people believe in aliens

    "Belief in aliens is nothing new – reports of UFOs can be found in fourth-century Chinese texts – but over the last few years, there has been a sharp increase in the numbers who truly think the truth is out there.

    In fact, reported Newsweek, the idea is gaining "unprecedented traction" in the US and elsewhere, leading to concerns about the impact it could have.

    In the late 1990s, only 20% of people in the US believed UFO sightings were proof of alien life, said the magazine. That had risen to 34% by 2022, at which time 24% of 1,000 Americans polled also said they had seen a flying saucer.

    Tony Milligan, a senior research fellow at King's College London, told Newsweek the rise was a "political tsunami" that had even caught the attention of US politicians.

    "You don't worry about this stuff when it's 2% of the population... but you don't expect it to be reaching the floor of Congress," he said.

    Depending on the results of November's presidential elections, the topic could go even further, as Donald Trump has vowed to declassify videos of alleged UFOs if he wins. The Republican nominee has had a "decade-long fascination" with the topic, said The Sun.

    The UK is not immune to the growth, Milligan wrote in The Conversation, with around 20% of citizens believing extraterrestrials have visited and an estimated 7% saying they have seen a UFO..."

  • From the archives: UFOs over Russia

    cross-posted from:

    > This article originally appeared in The Skeptic, Volume 4, Issue 2, from 1990. > > There have been numerous reports recently concerning sightings of UFOs in the Soviet Union. The most dramatic have involved aliens perambulating in parks, or even dumping (presumably) unwanted debris from their craft. The bulk of these articles have originated from the official news agency, TASS, which one usually associates with announcements of industrial achievements, or synopses of leadership speeches. As well as fulfilling this prosaic function, it has become a kind of Russian Guardian, chronicling the adventures of aliens, psychic healers and abominable snowmen. This article will examine the Russian UFO stories which have been circulating in recent months. > > ... > > So from apparently sketchy articles in local newspapers, these alien stories spread until they reached international prominence, and just as suddenly disappeared. Commentators outside explained the UFO fever in the Soviet Union variously as the effects of glasnost or to a deep need in the Russian psyche for mystery. Whatever the reason, it is true that Russian UFOs are part of a much livelier paranormal movement than exists in the West. > >Despite being the homeland of dialectical materialism, these phenomena have always been taken seriously. The difference is that now we can hear about it more easily. The episode still leaves one wondering about TASS, though. During the Voronezh incident especially, people seemed inclined to give the agency the benefit of the doubt, simply because it was TASS. Later, however, an Associated Press article carried a quotation which casts this view into question. Complaining that he had been misquoted, Silanov said: ‘Don’t believe all you hear from TASS‘.

  • Another UFO Boss to Break Silence in Major Book Deal: “The Process of Disclosure Has Begun” Another UFO Boss to Break Silence in Major Book Deal: “The Process of Disclosure Has Begun”

    Jay Stratton's memoir promises to reveal "shocking discoveries, challenges and breakthroughs" in the government's research on UFOs/UAPs.

    Another UFO Boss to Break Silence in Major Book Deal: “The Process of Disclosure Has Begun”

    "Another high-ranking government official who investigated UFOs/UAPs is ready to tell their story.

    Jay Stratton, the former director of the U.S. government’s secretive Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force, has struck a memoir deal with HarperCollins. Stratton represents the most senior former U.S government official yet to go public about their direct involvement in the investigation of UAP and non-human intelligence.

    For over 16 years, Stratton worked as a senior intelligence official, leading countless U.S. government investigations of UAP and non-human intelligence, including the “Tic Tac” UAP encountered by Navy fighter pilots and the USS Nimitz Carrier Strike Group in 2004. While much of Stratton’s work is classified, the memoir promises to reveal “all that can be lawfully disclosed, providing a first-hand account of the shocking discoveries, challenges and breakthroughs that have marked the U.S. government’s investigation and understanding of UAP and non-human intelligence, as well as the effects on Stratton and his family.”

    In a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, Stratton said, “We are at the beginning of a new chapter for humanity. The process of disclosure is complex but it has begun"...

  • Montana man records shocking up-close footage of UFO

    "A man in small-town Montana has captured footage of an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) and shared the shocking video that made his wife 'cry' on Reddit.

    The video was recorded on Friday between 10:10 and 10:15 pm, and showed what appears to be a blinking craft streaking across the clear night sky.

    Said to have been spinning and adorned with a series of rotating lights, the apparent object flew over tiny Choteau, home to a population of just over 1,700 people.

    The videos, along with the original poster's in-depth account of the sighting, reveals how the man and his wife first mistook the unknown object for a meteor.

    It comes after Montana was singled out as a hotspot for UFO sightings, with visitors recording some of the most significant and well-documented footage..."

  • Molecular cryptozoology meets the Sasquatch

    cross-posted from:

    > Published :February 2006 > > Most mainstream scientists believe that few species of large mammal remain to be discovered. Nevertheless, there are countless unverified reports of a large, non-human, bipedal primate from Asia (the ‘Yeti’) and North America (‘Sasquatch’ or ‘Bigfoot’). Thus far, none of these reports has been convincingly verified by modern scientific methods . > > However, new species inhabiting remote areas are occasionally described that were previously known only from local and traditional knowledge. > The most recently described large mammal could be the sao la Pseudoryx nghetinhensis, which became known to science in 1992 from three sets of horns found in the possession of hunters in the Vu Quang Nature Reserve in Vietnam . > Subsequent surveys and the morphometric and DNA analysis of >20 specimens revealed that the sao la was a previously undescribed 100-kg bovid distinct from all described genera. > > More recently, in 2003 a new species of African monkey (Lophocebus kipunji) was discovered in southern Tanzania, based on sightings, photographs and recorded distinctive vocalizations. > > Discoveries such as these fuel hope in the cryptozoology community for the existence of more enigmatic creatures, such as the Sasquatch.

  • Mystery as strange UFO spotted over Yorkshire Three Peaks mountain

    "Observers were left puzzled after spotting a strange unidentified object floating above Whernside, one of Yorkshire's Three Peaks mountains.

    The object was reportedly spotted on Saturday afternoon, with photographs taken by at least two people on the ground who were left scratching their heads about what it might be. The area in the Yorkshire Dales is often swarming with Three Peaks walkers heading up or off Whernside which stands at 736m (2,415ft).

    The images were shared on the North Yorkshire Weather Updates page on Facebook, prompting a number of fanciful explanations, and a few plausible ones.

    Someone said it looked a bit like the Starship Enterprise from Star Trek. Other explanations included a puff of smoke from a steam train, an afterburn trail from a jet, and a weather balloon.

    Several people suggested it was possibly a swarm of bees, flying ants or midges, or maybe even starlings. One man said it resembled a 'mosquito ball' as he'd seen similar sights before.

    Quite a number of people posted gifs of various spaceships, aliens, Martians, extra terrestrials, or references to War of the Worlds. Some suggested it was a 'dirty lens' on the camera but two separate photos emerged which suggested this was unlikely.

    One man wrote: "The tent from Leeds Festival a couple of weeks ago, still flying...."

  • People spot 'time-travelling child' holding modern item in eerie photo from 1941 People spot 'time-travelling child' holding modern item in eerie photo from 1941

    People have been left convinced time travel could be real after seeing a photograph taken in Chicago in 1941 featuring a child holding something that wasn't invented until 2010

    People spot 'time-travelling child' holding modern item in eerie photo from 1941

    cross-posted from:

    > > A photo from 1941 has left some people questioning whether time travel could be real. The historic snap, taken by Edward Rosskam on Chicago's South Side, shows a lineup of smartly-dressed children and teenagers standing outside a cinema. > > > >But one boy towards the edge of the photograph has left people scratching their heads. Some social media users are now convinced the young man is holding an Apple iPad. > > > > Taking to Reddit's timetravelerscaught forum, one person captioned the snap: "iPad carrying movie goer, all the way to the right." But not everyone's on board with the time-travel theory – and some people think it could be something much more mundane. > > > > Elaborating on historical cinema etiquette, another chimed in: "Back in the day of early film, ushers scanned the audience for pens and notepads as to prevent bootleg recreations of the film." > > > > Another user added: "If I can time travel, have an iPad and I'm black why in God's name would I go to the South Side of Chicago in 1941 to watch a matinee of 'The Aldrich Family'?!" > > Here is the relevant bit of the photo: > > !

  • Police across US given UFO handbook: 'Craft pose safety risks'

    "Police chiefs of America's largest cities have published the first guide about UAPs, which details chilling encounters and how officers can report such incidents.

    The 11-page document warned that unidentified flying objects 'pose significant safety risks to law enforcement air support units,' urging teams to be vigilant when in helicopters.

    The report also highlights stories from officers who claimed to confront UFOs, specifically one in 2023 where a law employee saw a 'triangle craft with green lights gliding through the sky' before a local resident said something 'ran' nearby.

    The police executives created the reference because 'it's in the interest of law enforcement to be aware of trends and reporting on UAP due to the unknown threat they may pose.'

    The organization, called the Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA), includes nearly 80 executives from major US cities who work together to advance public safety through a range of initiatives, including community outreach, research and policy development and now, UFO investigations..."

  • Ask Ethan: Could we determine if UAPs/UFOs are aliens? Ask Ethan: Could we determine if UAPs/UFOs are aliens?

    Although a great many unidentified sights have been seen in the skies, none have conclusively demonstrated the presence of aliens. So far.

    Ask Ethan: Could we determine if UAPs/UFOs are aliens?

    "Key Takeaways

    For as long as humans have been looking up, we’ve seen objects or phenomena that have defied our conventional explanations for what we’ve known is scientifically possible.

    Many have attributed these sightings to extraterrestrial or even supernatural activity, although no conclusive proof or incontrovertible evidence supporting these claims has ever survived scrutiny.

    What scientific steps could we take to evaluate the activity of an unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) or an unidentified flying object (UFO) to determine if they’re actually “beyond” present Earthly knowledge? Here’s how to do it..."

  • Why are we so fascinated with aliens? Why are we so fascinated with aliens?

    Robert Smith is convinced the aliens have won. "The invasion has happened—it's all over," says the University of Alberta space historian who teaches a course on the history of extraterrestrials.

    Why are we so fascinated with aliens?

    "Robert Smith is convinced the aliens have won. "The invasion has happened—it's all over," says the University of Alberta space historian who teaches a course on the history of extraterrestrials.

    It's not so much that Smith believes in their literal existence, only that aliens have staked their claim in the human imagination..."

  • Ghost towns, haunted hotels, UFOs — it’s America’s spookiest road trip Ghost towns, haunted hotels, UFOs — it’s America’s spookiest road trip

    Area 51 isn’t the only weird thing in the Nevada desert, as our writer discovered when he drove the Extraterrestrial Highway to see if the truth really is out there

    Ghost towns, haunted hotels, UFOs — it’s America’s spookiest road trip

    "Area 51 isn’t the only weird thing in the Nevada desert, as our writer discovered when he drove the Extraterrestrial Highway to see if the truth really is out there.

    ‘That’s where they probe you,” the shop assistant said when I asked her what really goes on at Area 51. She followed this up with a raising of the eyebrows and a waggle of her extended finger. I got the message.

    I was at the Alien Center, my first stop on a 600-mile road trip in rural southern Nevada, making a loop around the huge slab of desert that’s home to a US air force base shrouded in mystery. Built in the Fifties, the base has become a beacon for conspiracy theorists who believe the government uses it to store broken-down spaceships and little green men (with their apparently invasive interrogation techniques). The official line is that Area 51 is a training facility for military aircraft … but they would say that, wouldn’t they.

    The Alien Center is really just a petrol station with your standard diner, gift shop and brothel attached. But since I’d been on Route 95 for a couple of hours after leaving Las Vegas, it seemed a good place to take a breather..."

  • Is this a GHOST haunting an abandoned Japanese school?

    "A British urban explorer claims he has captured an image of a ghost lurking in the hallway of an abandoned school in Japan.

    Ben, who goes by the username @places_forgotten on social media, is a content creator with 1.4 million followers on TikTok. He mainly shares videos and photos of abandoned places around the world.

    It was while he was on a work trip to Japan that Ben decided to pay the derelict building that used to house the school a visit.

    While photographing the abandoned school, which still had homework pinned up on its walls, bags perched on the desks and pictures of the students, Ben claimed to have captured the photographs of a ghost lurking in the hallway.

    Chilling images, shared by the content creator who said he was certain was the only person there, show the figure at the far-end of the corridor..."

  • Royal home 'so haunted' Queen held a service there after staff refused to enter Royal home 'so haunted' Queen held a service there after staff refused to enter

    One room at Sandringham House was said to be so haunted that members of staff refused to enter but the late Queen came up with a clever - and surprising - solution to the problem

    Royal home 'so haunted' Queen held a service there after staff refused to enter

    "The royal residences are no strangers to eerie tales, with Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, and Kensington Palace all having their share of ghostly rumours. But it's Sandringham House that takes the crown for one of the most bizarre incidents, as disclosed in the diaries of the late high-society columnist Kenneth Rose, which came to light posthumously.

    He wrote about a peculiar "little service" held in a downstairs bedroom of the grand 18th Century mansion back in 2000, after staff reported supernatural encounters. A pastor was brought in to conduct the ceremony, attended by none other than the late Queen Mother and her Lady-in-Waiting, Prue Penn, with the late Queen herself present.

    Nestled within a sprawling 20,000-acre estate in the Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Sandringham House is the traditional festive retreat for the Royal Family. Its storied past is peppered with spectral sightings and unexplained occurrences, but there's one particular tale that's bound to send shivers down your spine..."

  • Belief in alien visits to Earth is spiralling out of control – here’s why that’s so dangerous Belief in alien visits to Earth is spiralling out of control – here’s why that’s so dangerous

    The belief in aliens is now rising to the extent that politicians, at least in the US, feel they have to respond.

    Belief in alien visits to Earth is spiralling out of control – here’s why that’s so dangerous

    "The idea that aliens may have visited the Earth is becoming increasingly popular. Around a fifth of UK citizens believe Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials, and an estimated 7% believe that they have seen a UFO.

    The figures are even higher in the US – and rising. The number of people who believe UFO sightings offer likely proof of alien life increased from 20% in 1996 to 34% in 2022. Some 24% of Americans say they’ve seen a UFO.

    This belief is slightly paradoxical as we have zero evidence that aliens even exist. What’s more, given the vast distances between star systems, it seems odd we’d only learn about them from a visit. Evidence for aliens is more likely to come from signals from faraway planets.

    In a paper accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, I argue that the belief in alien visitors is no longer a quirk, but a widespread societal problem..."

  • The Estes method is an update to the ghost hunter’s Spirit Box, with all the same flaws

    cross-posted from:

    > As a result, ghost hunters reinvent the wheel in an attempt to be scientific, only to find it’s a wheel that never worked in the first place, and now they’ve made it even worse. > > The latest trend sweeping through ghost-hunting groups is an excellent example of this issue. A modern twist on traditional spirit communication, the Estes Method (invented by American ghost tour operators), offers a new take on the Spirit Box, which ghost hunters have used to attempt communication with ghosts for decades. > > The Spirit Box rapidly sweeps through radio frequencies, creating a stream of white noise and audio snippets from different broadcast sources. Advocates claim that spirits can manipulate these audio fragments to form words or sentences to communicate with the living. > > The method is simple; the ghost hunter asks a question, and the ghost uses the audio from the Spirit Box to answer them. > > In reality, the messages of ghostly origin result from listener bias, suggestion, and audio illusions. Sentences from the broadcasts are often incomplete, meaning that the phonemes (human speech sounds) can be misheard and, more importantly, misinterpreted as relevant to whatever ghost a ghost hunter is trying to communicate with.

  • UFO expert accuses the Pope of harbouring alien secrets in the Vatican UFO expert accuses the Pope of harbouring alien secrets in the Vatican

    Steve Bassett, a UFO lobbyist in Washington, insists that it's evident the Catholic church is aware of the existence of alien life and has evidence.

    UFO expert accuses the Pope of harbouring alien secrets in the Vatican

    "A UFO expert has levelled accusations at the Pope, alleging that he is concealing "extraordinary" alien secrets within the Vatican.

    Steve Bassett, a UFO lobbyist in Washington, insists that it's evident the Catholic Church is aware of the existence of alien life and has concealed evidence in their archives.

    As the executive director of the Paradigm Research Group, Bassett pointed out that the church has subtly suggested the existence of UFOs in religious artwork.

    He told The Sun: "The Catholic Church, we have always known, has been aware of this subject going back perhaps hundreds and hundreds of years.

    "It's gone so far as to say whoever these beings are, the Church would be happy to baptise them if they wanted to be baptised."

    Bassett alleges that the Vatican library houses centuries of knowledge about aliens, with experts attempting to gain access to the Vatican Apostolic Archives.

    However, they require permission from the Holy See, the supreme governing body of the Catholic Church. They will then need to sift through thousands of years of records, spanning 50 miles, to substantiate their claims.

    This follows last year's statement by former intelligence officer David Grusch at a US congressional hearing, where he claimed the government was concealing evidence of "non-human intelligence".

    Grusch suggested that the US has likely been aware of "non-human" activity since the 1930s and possesses fully intact pieces of "craft" of a "non-human origin".

    He also mentioned that Italy discovered one of the UFOs in 1933, and Pope Pius XII at the time relayed the findings to President Franklin Roosevelt..."

  • Frantic Midlothian pals saw alien 'with yellow eyes and no mouth' perched on tree Frantic Midlothian pals saw alien 'with yellow eyes and no mouth' perched on tree

    Anne Calder, 54, Pamela Pollok, 53 and May Brown, 55 returned to the site of the incident and shared the ordeal that has left them shaken and fearful for the best part of fifty years.

    Frantic Midlothian pals saw alien 'with yellow eyes and no mouth' perched on tree

    "A group of Midlothian childhood friends have revisited a terrifying ‘alien encounter’ that left them traumatised for decades.

    Anne Calder, 54, Pamela Pollok, 53 and May Brown, 55, were part of a group of five friends, all aged between eight and 10, who believe they encountered a ‘creature not of this world’ when walking together in 1978.

    The alleged incident took place on an old railway line which runs underneath the bridge on Suttieslea Road, Newtongrange.

    Frozen in fear, they all give matching descriptions of a three foot tall ‘alien’ perched in a tree on a route they had walked hundreds of times before.

    All three remember the alien as having bright luminous yellow eyes with greenish brown skin and a synthesised sounding voice but strangely no mouth.

    Looking back at the event, they feel the alien may have been communicating with them telepathically.

    After the creature ‘spoke’ with the group, they all claim to have blacked out and said they only remember standing in a field around five minutes away - but not how they got there.

    Anne, who has suffered from night terrors relating to the incident, believes they may have blacked out as they were taken aboard a UFO..."

  • Man stunned after spotting UFO with white and red strobe lights above Scots town Man stunned after spotting UFO with white and red strobe lights above Scots town

    The Coatbridge resident was trying to photograph the Northern Lights at the time.

    Man stunned after spotting UFO with white and red strobe lights above Scots town

    "A man has been left stunned after snapping a UFO in Scotland. The picture, which shows what appears to be strange lights, was taken on Friday night.

    Gearóid, who often photographs the Aurora Borealis, had gone in search of the northern lights and headed to Coatbridge's St. Ambrose High School.

    At around 9.30pm, he went to the football pitch at the North Lanarkshire school with his tripod and dog and took more than 100 images of the night sky.

    He then returned home to see if he was successful. On closer inspection, Gearóid spotted what appeared to be a cluster of red and white lights streaking across the sky in several images, Glasgow Live reports.

    He immediately posted on social media about the mystery. He said: "I go out most nights with my Canon Camera and tripod with my dog about 9.30pm down the park from my house when I think the Aurora Borealis can be seen.

    "That night I took over 100 photos of the sky. When I got home I looked at them on my PC and saw this photo. I said to myself I don't remember seeing that when I took the photo..."

  • They're here: Chilling alien warning from ex-US intelligence officer

    "... allegations have now been made by Elizondo in a shocking new book, Imminent – Inside The Pentagon’s Hunt For UFOs. It’s a book that has been hailed by some as all the more significant because Elizondo isn’t some crackpot amateur UFO sleuth but the former military intelligence officer who actually led that hunt.

    The 52-year-old claims to be the former head of the US Defence Department’s shadowy Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

    And he would like us to know that he didn’t start seeing those small green luminous balls until after he went to work for the AATIP and recognised them for one of the most common types of UFO – or Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) – that are reported.

    In his mind, it could hardly have been a coincidence. Some of his colleagues had reported similar sightings where they lived. Was some ‘more advanced intelligence’ checking out the humans who were investigating them, Elizondo wondered. Inevitably, his book has sent ructions through a UFO world that has spent decades fighting desperately to be taken seriously. He ticks all the boxes in terms of being a ‘credible witness’.

    He had top security clearance and worked for a secret US government UFO investigation unit for seven years. Elizondo claims the evidence for extraterrestrials is hiding in plain sight, here on Earth.

    But he says it is being withheld from us by obstructive Pentagon officials who fear disclosure will cause mass panic. He alleges that clear footage – unveiled a few years ago – of UFOs captured by US fighter pilots, proves that highly advanced spacecraft have been buzzing us for decades. And even worse, our relatively feeble defences are powerless to stop them.

    ‘These craft are not made by humans,’ Elizondo boldly and bluntly states.

    ‘Humanity is in fact not the only intelligent life in the universe, and not the alpha species.’

    These UFO ‘craft’ have been operating with ‘complete impunity all over the world since at least the Second World War’, he insists, and have the ability ‘to move in ways that defy our knowledge of physics... within air, water and space’.

    UFOs, he intones, present ‘at best, a very serious national security issue, and at worst, the possibility of an existential threat to humanity’. To put it mildly, it sounds like the sort of issue someone should have mentioned some time ago. No one has, he says, because a secret cabal of US government officials and major defence contractors have been retrieving the UFOs and their alien occupants since 1947 and hiding them away..."

  • Philosophy professor Jeffrey J Kripal: ‘Thinking about a UFO as some kind of extraterrestrial spaceship is naive’ Philosophy professor Jeffrey J Kripal: ‘Thinking about a UFO as some kind of extraterrestrial spaceship is naive’

    The academic and author draws on quantum mechanics, English romantic philosophy and mysticism to explore a new theory of mind that embraces the paranormal

    Philosophy professor Jeffrey J Kripal: ‘Thinking about a UFO as some kind of extraterrestrial spaceship is naive’

    > Jeffrey J Kripal is a professor of philosophy and religious thought at Rice University in Houston, Texas. He is the author of 10 books on the history of mysticism, psychology and the paranormal. His latest, How to Think Impossibly, draws on a range of sources including gnosticism, quantum physics and English romantic philosophy, to attempt a new theory of mind and the imagination. > >At the root of some of your understanding of imagination, and your argument that current theories of mind leave too much “off the table”, seems to be an experience that happened to you in Kolkata in November 1989. Can you describe what that involved? > >I was working on my first book, Kali’s Child, and I was very sick; I had some kind of flu or food poisoning. I went to bed and I woke up, but my body didn’t wake up. And some kind of strange energy came out of the room or more probably came out of my body. I thought that the electrical circuits in the walls had somehow malfunctioned and I was being electrocuted. I had a classic out-of-body experience, and when I eventually got back into my body and woke up it felt like something had been downloaded into me. Massive amounts of information, and I had no context for any of it. > > ... > > Throughout history, as you write, all cultures have tried to explain individuals who have had these experiences of what you call “impossible thinking”. I suppose, for example, Lives of the Saints is one record of them? > >You need impossible things to happen to become a saint, but they have got to be the right [Roman Catholic] things. But why take things off the table that don’t fit into your worldview? > > ... > > I’m probably being dumb, but I didn’t get the relation between your updating of Coleridge’s model of the imagination – what you call dual-aspect monism, the sense that imagination can take us beyond the false division of mental and material realities – and these experiences like the sighting of ghosts or of giant praying mantises appearing at the end of people’s beds. How do those relate? > >What I’m trying to say in the book is that a lot of people have these strange experiences, but nobody really has a model of the imagination that can explain them. I’m trying to develop one. I’m pushing back against this idea that the imagination is just about imaginary mental states. The example I give a lot is precognitive states: dream-like states, where people see the future as a set of physical events. > > You have recorded and collected many examples in your Archives of the Impossible at Rice University. > >Yes. To me they’re the most stunning because sometimes they’re precise down to very banal details. > > ... > > Let me ask about, for example, your thoughts on UFO sightings. You suggest they happen more frequently to people who’ve had near-death experiences, because, I think you argue, those people’s hold on “normal” reality is weaker? > >I think the normal way of thinking about a UFO as some kind of extraterrestrial spaceship is naive. I think something’s going on that is much more related to our spiritual histories in ways that we don’t understand. We interpret it in this technological way: it’s a spaceship. It can’t be, you know, the world of the dead. God forbid.

  • Bigfoot-watchers gather in New Brunswick to share stories of encounters Bigfoot-watchers gather in New Brunswick to share stories of encounters

    Bigfoot is known by many names and while its origins are still widely considered the stuff of legend, many firmly believe Bigfoot exists

    Bigfoot-watchers gather in New Brunswick to share stories of encounters

    > Tyler Paul, organizer of Saturday’s conference, said he began the New Brunswick Bigfoot Organization two years ago and held its first gathering last year in Sackville. > >The goal, he said, is to encourage more people to talk about their personal experiences. > >Paul believes his first brush with Bigfoot came last June as he hiked a woodland trail with his family in Elgin, N.B. > >“We started hearing this knocking … just this constant, whack, whack, whack, whack,” he said, adding the sounds continued for four or five minutes. > > “And I was kind of getting a little freaked out because I had the kids there and everything, and gave my wife a little look like, ‘is it really what I’m hearing?’ We believe that we found an imprint on the ground.” > >Suzanne Leger of Shediac, N.B., has reported two encounters. She said the first came when she was about seven or eight and playing with a friend in her backyard when they heard “really, really loud screams.” > >“It’s not like an animal, not like a man. And they’re very, very loud and very strong, powerful.” > >The second came this February, she said, during a lunchtime stroll down a trail in Grande-Bigue, N.B.’s Cocagne Park. She heard nothing this time, but said she saw three different sets of footprints, some of which featured indentations that looked like claw marks. Leger said they bore no resemblance to imprints made by animals and is convinced a Bigfoot clan was on the move. > >“It looked like a family,” she said, noting one set of footprints was larger than the others. > >Folklore is filled with centuries worth of suspected Bigfoot sightings, which Leger cites as reason enough to believe her encounters were genuine. > >“People aren’t making this stuff up for hundreds of years. There’s something there that we just haven’t seen,” she said.

  • Netflix will not air documentary of missing Ohio man that was allegedly sacrificed by vampire coven

    cross-posted from:

    > > According to the Times Reporter, the documentary “Vampires in Gem City” was set to expose Dayton as having the second largest vampire coven in the United States and featured the missing person’s case of 26-year-old George Phillip Gall. > > > >It is reported that Gall went missing on October 13, 1994 after getting off a bus near the goth-themed Asylum nightclub. > > > >The bus driver told investigators that Gall walked toward the Asylum nightclub and was never seen again. He was declared dead by the state of Ohio in 2002. > > > >According to Times Reporter, it wasn’t until 2008 that rumors of vampires started after a retired Dayton police officer told The Dayton Daily News that a bartender at the nightclub told him Gall was killed and beheaded for an occult ritual. > > > > It is reported that after Gall’s disappearance in 1994, Williams went to the nightclub undercover and noticed it attracted a large “gothic, vampire-like” crowd. It was while he was undercover that a bartender confided in Williams that Gall’s head was sold inside the club. > > > >Williams told the Dayton Daily News that the bartender gave enough intricate details to make the story believable. Williams also says that Gall’s body was placed in a storm sewer tunnel accessible inside the nightclub. Officers searched for the body but did not find any evidence of the crime, but they did find “occult markings.” > > > >According to Times Reporter, the mystery behind Gall’s disappearance has led to the birth of an urban legend, with many Dayton residents claiming to have seen a headless man approaching them in tunnels to ask where his head was.

  • Turin Shroud may actually be Jesus’s burial cloth, new study suggests Turin Shroud may actually be Jesus’s burial cloth, new study suggests

    Analysis places cloth’s orign in Christ’s time but there is a catch

    Turin Shroud may actually be Jesus’s burial cloth, new study suggests

    > The world’s most studied archaeological artefact has been subject to scrutiny since it first emerged in 1350s, bearing the faint image of a man that some believe to be an imprint of Jesus. > > A few decades after the shroud’s apppearance, Bishop Pierre d’Arcis of Troyes wrote a memorandum in 1389 denouncing it as a forgery. > >But the cloth, housed in the Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Turin, continued to be studied and scrutinised. > >A controversial study carried out in the 1980s dated the shroud to between 1260AD and 1390AD, branding it as a medieval forgery. > > ... > > The new study, using X-rays to inspect linen threads from the shroud, traces its origin all the way back to the time of Jesus. > > Though the study, published in the journal Heritage, falls short of concluding whether the shroud was actually Jesus’s burial cloth, it dates its origin to 2,000 years ago. > >“The experimental results are compatible with the hypothesis that the Turin Shroud is a 2000-year-old relic,” it says, claiming previous analysis might have been flawed due to contamination. > >Researchers say cellulose contained in the shroud’s fibres has aged slowly since the 14th century due to lower room temperatures in Europe. > >This means that most of the cloth’s natural ageing, about 90 per cent, ocurred before the 1300s. > > There is a catch, however. > >Scientists say that the shroud can conclusively be said to be 20 centuries old only if there is further evidence showing the relic was kept safely at an average temperature of about 22C and relative humidity of around 55 per cent for 13 centuries before it emerged.

  • ‘Something is in that room’: Guillermo del Toro disturbed by ‘ghosts’ in Scottish hotel ‘Something is in that room’: Guillermo del Toro disturbed by ‘ghosts’ in Scottish hotel

    The Shape of Water director reports supernatural disturbance while staying in Aberdeen to shoot an adaptation of Frankenstein

    ‘Something is in that room’: Guillermo del Toro disturbed by ‘ghosts’ in Scottish hotel

    > The Shape of Water director Guillermo del Toro has reported being disturbed by a supernatural presence while staying in a hotel in Scotland. > >Del Toro, who is renowned for his films delving into the weird, spooky and occasionally horrific, posted a series of messages on social media saying that the room he had chosen in a hotel in Aberdeen has an “oppressive” atmosphere and that “something is in that room with me”. > > The Mexican director said that he opted to stay in the room after it was vacated by one of his producers: “Odd electrical and physical occurrences scared her into leaving.” Welcoming the opportunity to experience a notoriously “haunted” room, Del Toro later reported: “Nothing has happened yet, but the atmosphere in the room is oppressive and I am not gonna spend much more time there.” He added that he had chosen to not to sleep in it: “I kept [the room] but am sleeping in another room – I need six hours of sleep to have a good shooting day … something is in that room with me.” > >Del Toro is in Scotland to shoot a new adaptation of Mary Shelley’s classic novel Frankenstein, featuring Oscar Isaac as Victor Frankenstein and Jacob Elordi as the Monster. > >He added: “I always stay in ‘the most haunted room’ but only once did I experience anything supernatural. The rest of the time: nothing. I have high hopes.”

  • Ex-Pentagon official alleges US has recovered nonhuman specimens

    > Former Pentagon insider Luis Elizondo says the Department of Defense has a spacecraft crash retrieval program and has recovered nonhuman specimens. > >In a NewsNation special, Elizondo reveals more than any Pentagon official has done before, naming the government agencies and aerospace companies he says possess these alleged spacecraft. > > ... > > Elizondo told NewsNation’s Ross Coulthart that the U.S. government recovered one of two unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) during Roswell 1947. > > ... > > “The United States has been involved in the recovery of objects, vehicles of unknown origin that are neither from our country or any other foreign country that we’re aware of,” Elizondo said. > >“We as a nation have been interested in not only the vehicles themselves but the occupants of these vehicles; to include biological specimens… We’re not alone. We are not alone in this universe and it is a simple fact. The U.S. government has been aware of that fact for decades.” > >The Department of Defense has rebuked Elizondo’s comments in a statement to NewsNation, denying the existence of any “credible evidence of extraterrestrial activity.” > >“As we have stated previously, Luis Elizondo had no assigned responsibilities for the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) while assigned to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security,” Sue Gough, Department of Defense spokesperson told NewsNation.

  • Documentary claims 'paranormal library in Palace' as Charles seeks 'UFO truth' Documentary claims 'paranormal library in Palace' as Charles seeks 'UFO truth'

    The late Prince Philip and the Queen also communicated with UFO believers a number of times, as he explored his interest in the fascinating topic, a new film suggests.

    Documentary claims 'paranormal library in Palace' as Charles seeks 'UFO truth'

    > King Charles has an ongoing fascination with UFOs and the possibility of alien life, a new documentary has sensationally claimed. > > The documentary 'The King of UFOs' also explores reports of the monarch's inherited secret library of books and files on the phenomena plus other subjects such as crop circles and the paranormal. > > It also suggests the late Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth II communicated with UFO believers several times. > >And now King Charles is exploring his own interest in the fascinating topic, according to the documentary. > >One of the most bizarre claims made in the new production is that the then Prince Charles was seen piloting an experimental "UFO-style craft" in Canada in 1975. > >Ufologist and filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee said: "Retired Police CID detective, and now owner of The Great British UFO Learning Centre, John Hanson had regular correspondence with Prince Phillip and The Queen and states that they had their own library of UFO and paranormal books." > >He told "Letters between Hanson and the Queen and Prince Phillip, shown in the film, say they will 'add the book that John sent to them to their own collection/library'." > > Nick Pope, who investigated UFOs for the UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) until 2009, said: "The Royal Family has been interested in UFOs for decades, but this was also a matter of extreme sensitivity as in some ways, the situation was almost counter to the government's position on this, or it was difficult to gel with it. > > ... > > "Prince Philip was very much at the forefront of royal interest in this, although arguably, he was introduced to this by Earl Mountbatten, his uncle. > >"(Prince Philip) had a large collection of UFO books. He subscribed to Flying Saucer Review and a number of other publications, but it was all done carefully, so not to take a subscription and say 'please send to Buckingham Palace.' > > ... > > "As well as looking at an alleged UFO landing and alien visitation on Lord Louis Mountbatten’s estate in England (allegedly witnessed by one of his own employees), the film investigates the late Queen and Prince Phillip’s interest in UFOs and crop circles. > >"The film has exclusive access to unreleased archives and interviews with witnesses and also explores the extraordinary claims that the then Prince Charles piloted an experimental UFO craft in Canada in 1975.


    Previously: Wild claims King Charles 'flew UFO to save lives' in secret military mission

  • Filmmakers Claim to Have Captured 'Champ' on Camera While Making Movie about Lake Monster Filmmakers Claim to Have Captured 'Champ' on Camera While Making Movie about Lake Monster — The Singular Fortean Society

    According to an August 11th press release from Eternal Grace Church, "filmmakers Richard Rossi and Kelly Tabor may have unintentionally captured drone footage of 'Champ,' the lake monster said to inhabit Lake Champlain, while shooting their film, 'Lucy and the Lake Monster'." On their w

    Filmmakers Claim to Have Captured 'Champ' on Camera While Making Movie about Lake Monster — The Singular Fortean Society

    cross-posted from:

    > Filmmakers Richard Rossi and Kelly Tabor may have unintentionally captured drone footage of 'Champ,' the lake monster said to inhabit Lake Champlain, while shooting their film, 'Lucy and the Lake Monster'. > > The press release stated that longtime friends Rossi and Tabor were reviewing footage when they noticed a “large, unknown creature gliding beneath the water's surface” near a boat used in the film. > > A ten-second clip featuring the mysterious object was published to Rossi’s YouTube channel over a week prior to the press release. > > In that footage, the object can be seen below the water’s surface in the lower righthand corner of the frame. > > According to a second press release from August 14th: > > The present document delineates the preliminary scientific evaluation of the Tabor-Rossi Champ footage, juxtaposing it with the renowned 1977 Mansi photograph. A comprehensive and exhaustive analysis is scheduled for dissemination in the following year. > > The Tabor-Rossi footage constitutes the most compelling extant evidence to date supporting the potential survival of a plesiosaur-like species. It incorporates numerous elements that the 1977 Mansi photograph of "Champ" does not possess: > > 1. The inclusion of a boat in the footage, occupied by two individuals, provides a critical reference for scale, thereby facilitating an assessment of the dimensions of the observed organism. The boat's measurements are documented at 11.8333 feet in length and 4.28333 feet in width, with the subject appearing to exceed the size of the vessel. Notably, large sturgeon are documented to reach lengths of up to 7 feet, with the recorded maximum being 8 feet. Conversely, the Mansi photograph lacks any objects for scale reference. > > 2. The original Mansi Polaroid depicts the Champ entity in relatively shallow waters, not exceeding depths of 14 feet, in proximity to the shoreline. In contrast, the Tabor-Rossi footage was captured via drone technology in the deepest section of Bulwagga Bay within Lake Champlain, effectively eliminating the likelihood of misidentification as a rock formation or sand mounds, which are prevalent in shallower aquatic regions. > > 3. An additional caveat regarding the Mansi photograph pertains to the inability of Sandra Mansi to determine the precise location where the image was acquired. In contrast, the Tabor-Rossi footage benefits from the corroborative accounts of multiple eyewitnesses, including cast and crew members, who have unequivocally identified the exact geographic coordinates of their filming location. > > 4. Importantly, Sandra Mansi did not retain the original negative of her photograph. The Tabor-Rossi footage is distinguished by its production in high resolution using a quality drone camera. The five seconds of footage available on YouTube represent only a diminutive sample of the entirety encompassing a broader five-minute segment that includes the subject in question. This raw footage was retained, allowing for enhanced scientific scrutiny through subsequent review. Initial morphological assessments, conducted through pixel and color threshold adjustments, as well as zoom enhancements, reveal concordance with established plesiosaur anatomical features, while presenting proportions inconsistent with sturgeon or alternative explanations. Noteworthy characteristics include, but are not limited to: > > a. A flattened plesiosaur head > > b. Locomotion via reptilian-like fins > > c. A slender, serpentine neck in conjunction with a more robust body structure > > A series of rigorous tests is slated for execution and will be submitted for scientific peer review as part of a scholarly article in the upcoming year, thereby inviting formal academic scrutiny of these findings.

  • Famous Stonehenge stone came from Scotland not Wales Stonehenge: Central Altar Stone from Scotland not Wales

    Stonehenge's famous Altar Stone came from Scotland not Wales as previously thought, new analysis shows.

    Stonehenge: Central Altar Stone from Scotland not Wales

    > The six-tonne Altar Stone at the heart of Stonehenge came from the far north of Scotland rather than south-west Wales as previously thought, new analysis has found.

  • Beast of Cumbria: 'Big cat and cub' spotted in Cumbrian countryside

    > Trail cams have been set up in the Cumbria countryside following a reported sighting of a big cat and her cub. > > A report came into a dedicated Big Cats Facebook group that a couple spotted the feline, described as a 'large black cat', alongside her cub. > >The myth of the elusive 'Beast of Cumbria' is believed to have started when big cats kept as pets in the 1970s were released due to licensing changes. > >Big cat expert Sharon Larkin-Snowden, who discovered Panthera DNA on a sheep's carcass in Cumbria in May of this year, posted the latest sighting reported to be by a couple in the group. > > The post read: "Exciting news! We have had a few reports of a large black cat and her cub. Both look well and healthy. We now know her whereabouts (lair) and are setting up many trail cams in the vicinity in hope of capturing footage of mum and cub.

  • 'Big cat' filmed at West Country spot - 'no average house cat' 'Big cat' filmed at West Country spot - 'no average house cat'

    A couple caught it all on camera - they say it didn't look like 'your average house cat'

    'Big cat' filmed at West Country spot - 'no average house cat'

    > A couple believe they've captured footage of a "big cat" roaming the grounds of a well-known West Country manor house and gardens. They say that it was no ordinary 'house cat'. > >The video, taken last Sunday (August 4) around 7.20pm, shows a black figure moving across the grass at Lanhydrock House, near Bodmin St Neot in Cornwall. The woman who filmed the incident, from St Austell, said it even startled the local deer causing them to "bolt". > > Gemma Smith, who was with her partner Jamie Williamson and their children at the time, said: "Doesn't look like your average house cat.... could it be? ! " She added: "We were halfway up from the manor house and even from that distance you could see it was a big cat. > > "Funnily we did spot a pair of deer down from the manor house on our way up and the female kept looking in that direction and then bolted and her partner followed." She said her phone let her down though and the images came out of poor quality. > > Footage - which you can see at the top of this page - shows what they believe was a bigger-than-average black cat stalking about the National Trust property, seeming to fit the description of the Beast of Bodmin Moor.

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