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The German Language

  • Um, okay. Weekly Deutsch Practice - Week 2

    Ich bin kein OP und kann nicht sehr gut Deutsch, aber ich möchte mehr üben.

    Ich hoffe, dass ich das richtig schreibe:

    Sind sie ein Reddit-Flüchtling?

    Was ist das Beste am Fediversum?

  • [@german]( Two things:

    @german Two things:

    1. New to the Fediverse and interested in seeing how reaching out to your Lemmy via my Mastodon account works.

    2. My main question:

    I came across an interesting sentence on Duolingo today. „Willst du mit mir zur Bank mitkommen." I know mitkommen is a separable verb, so does that mean I can reply, „Ich komme mit dir zur Bank mit' or would you usually omit the final 'mit"?

  • Native speaker happy to help

    Hello German learning community. :)

    I, a native German speaker and language learning enthusiast myself, are happy to help if you have any questions while learning German. Whether it's about grammar, phrases, special wording you need help understanding, any quirks or whatever you'd like to know, just feel free to ask.

    I've decided to not give any unasked advice in other threads or posts, because I don't want to disturb your learning experience. Therefore I make this an open offer so that it's totally up to you if you wanna accept my help or not. :)

    I am not a teacher of any kind, so my help is far away from being professional. But as I said, I like learning languages myself and also exchanging about it and helping each other out. So I'd be glad if I could help you in any way.

    Ich bin gespannt auf eure Fragen und wünsche euch weiterhin viel Erfolg und Spaß beim Lernen!

    Edit: Because of some federation issues I cannot see some comments to my post and if I cannot see them on my instance I can unfortunately not answer to them, as well. So if you ask any question and I'm not reacting then it's not that I'm ignoring you, but it's probably due to federation not happening probably. :( I hope, this will get better in the future with further developement of the threadiverse software.

  • Weekly Deutsch Practice - Week 1

    Hello lemmites! I decided that a great way to get some use out of this community while it gathers steam is to have a mega thread where people can simply come and practice their German with people on similar skill levels. If you're a more fluent speaker, and see any mistakes in someone else's sentences, feel free to correct them and possibly explain why.

    I'm thinking how it'll go is I'll have a prompt for the week that you can answer and I'll try to reply to you, or you can totally ask your own question, or just comment about whatever is going on in your life, or going through your head.

    I'll get the ball rolling: Was ist deine Lieblingsstadt in Deutschland? Warum?

    Meine Lieblingsstadt in Deutschland ist Düsseldorf, weil meine Familie von dort stammt.

  • nachrichten leicht — easy to read German news website Nachrichtenleicht Startseite

    Unser Wochen-Rückblick in Einfacher Sprache. Von der Nachrichten-Redaktion vom Deutschland-Funk.

    I've found this really helpful for reading comprehension and vocabulary, definitely a good resource.

  • What tools/methods have you found the most helpful?

    Hallo und willkommen zu meiner Frage!

    Title says it all, I've been taking my Deutsch seriously for just under a year and have found some good tools that I find helpful for learning, I'm sure everyone will have encountered these before but hey — we're a new community and it's good to get discussions started.

    A book that I'm going through at the minute is called: German Grammar Drills by Ed Swick — recommended by elyssespeaks auf YouTube.

    I've been using LingQ for a few weeks now and I think it's such a simple yet useful tool for boosting vocabulary, it makes it enjoyable to read in another language.

    Anymore for anymore, currently I'm trying to escape being on three different language apps (looking at you Duolingo, Memrise, Speakly).

  • Welcome to c/German on!

    Hey there everybody, I'm DVD.

    I came to the Fediverse/Lemmy recently after the mass exodus from, competitors, like I'm sure many of you have.

    I've been knees deep in learning the German Language since October, and I wanted a community to help myself and others along in this process of language learning, which I noticed Lemmy lacked, so I created c/German.

    I should preface this community by saying that I am probably the least qualified person to run a community such as this. I would probably fail the Goethe B1 Exam for German, and I have never moderated any community before, not on Lemmy nor its competitors.

    But, I saw the need for a place like this, and I stepped up to the plate. If you are seeing this and are interested, feel free to join. If the place isn't quite as lively as you thought it would be, try creating a post or commenting on some existing ones. I promise to work on community engagement as this place (hopefully) grows.

    With that being said, also message me if you are interested in any moderator roles. I will gladly accept others who are willing to make sure this community stays on track, and remains toxic-free.


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