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K-12 Systems Administrators

  • Summer plans 2024

    May is coming up soon! How are your summer plans looking? Like a dumpster fire or a bonfire?

  • Whats on your summer project list?

    Title! This is a jam packed summer for us, and i'm wondering what the summer looks like for y'all

    Our plans include:

    • Replacing the phone system at every school in district
    • Upgrading the NVRs/cameras at every school in the district
    • Implementing a new Tech/HR/Facilities Help Desk system (IncidentIQ)
    • Implementing a new Onboarding/Offboarding procedure for accounts & devices (part of IIQ)
    • Implementing a NMS for our switches & APs (we have a temporary solution at the moment, but this is us finally rolling up our sleeves and getting something usable)
    • Potentially implementing 802.11x for our campus wireless network

    ...and then plenty more that isn't on this list :). All of this is exciting, but im most excited for the iiQ deployment.

  • Welcome to the !K12Sysadmin community!

    Hello all! If you're reading this, you've made your way over to the K12sysadmin community on - welcome aboard!

    Unfortunately, the K12sysadmin subreddit announced in a now-deleted post that they have no intention to support the blackout. Attempts to chat with the head moderator about this issue have been met with modmail mutes. Although that is their choice, that leaves those of us who won't be using Reddit moving forward without refuge.

    I have been a longtime contributor to r/K12sysadmin, and I am an active K12 Systems Administrator within the New England area. Professionally focused forums/listservs have been an invaluable resource throughout my career, and I owe so much to my colleagues who have lent their time and expertise to those trying to find out footing within this space.

    I am opening ! in hopes that we can foster a similar community within the fediverse - I hope you'll join me! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns :)

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1 Active user