Microsoft revives MSN brand with fresh new logo for 2024
Microsoft and Google are at war again
Microsoft Gaming laid off over 2,500 workers this year, but it still found enough spare change to give its CEO a $79 million bonus
Microsoft Is Discontinuing HoloLens 2 As Production Ends
Microsoft’s new Fluent illustrations are more 3D and playful
Taking control of your browser performance when using extensions with Microsoft Edge
Microsoft has scrapped Edge's big UI refresh with rounded tabs
Microsoft Edge's new feature will "most aggressively" limit RAM on Windows 11
Microsoft Edge is ditching rounded corners design for tabs
Microsoft: Exchange Online mistakenly tags emails as malware
Every Microsoft employee is now being judged on their security work
Microsoft is killing Windows | ft. @GamersNexus
Microsoft laid off a DEI team, and its lead wrote an internal email blasting how DEI is 'no longer business critical'
Microsoft closes all physical shops in mainland China
DAE notice Microsoft Outlook emails take HOURS or DAYS to arrive in your inbox? Or is it just me?
Windows 11 just isn't enticing Windows 10 users to upgrade, and its market share is actually falling
A Microsoft survey seems to be gauging user interest in a new gaming handheld
Microsoft is confident Windows on Arm could finally beat Apple
Microsoft Edge will let you control how much RAM it uses soon