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Puzzle Games

  • Let's play Can of Wormholes with the developer! (Interview) - Thinky Games

    I really enjoyed this interview. For those who have tried this game, it reveals interesting facts about the development and the thought process of the (solo!) developer.

  • [Recommendation] Spring Falls Spring Falls on Steam

    Spring Falls is a puzzle game about water, erosion, and watching things grow. Manipulate the landscape and bring wildflowers to life on a peaceful mountainside.

    Spring Falls on Steam

    Spring Falls is a relaxing puzzle game about controlling the flow of water on a hexagonal grid. The difficulty is very tame, and I don't recall spending more than a few minutes on a level. Instead, it has a very soothing, ambient soundtrack layered with the occasional sound of falling rain. I played this during a calm morning sunrise and it was perfect.

    The game takes around 2 hours to complete and can be found on sale for less than 4€. link

  • Steam Cerebral Puzzle Showcase 2023 Cerebral Puzzle Showcase 2023

    Do you love puzzle games? Are you curious about the genre? Already a fan and looking for more puzzle gems? Look no further! The Cerebral Puzzle Showcase is the place to celebrate all the wonderful puzzle games available on Steam, from the meditative to the brain-melting! Organized by Draknek & F...

    Cerebral Puzzle Showcase 2023

    Offers on all kinds of puzzle games - ends on August 7.

    I personally recommend A Monster's Expedition, a great game with many clever tricks and mind-bending mechanics.

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