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  • A way to manage autoupdating apps?

    I am currently experimenting with automating app updates.

    Through Android

    This is not an option as android sucks. Even F-Droid Basic cant do full autoupdates for many apps, as they are not on the supported new SDKs

    Externally from F-Droid

    This is way less secure than using the F-Droid store itself poorly, as there is no verification.

    But in theory you could take the release APKs from the F-Droid website, download and install them. A link looks like this:

    The problem is the naming, which is a pretty random xxx digit and sometimes the date, so you would have to check 999 possible links only to find out that there is no update? Currently I know no better option, maybe using the F-Droid API like all the Android stores do would work well.

    From Github releases

    This is easier, because is an alias to the latest tag. Somehow it is possible to get the tag URL there, and an example Download link looks like this

    This is possible, a kind AI gave me this code:

    ``` #!/bin/bash

    GitHub repository and release URL

    repo_url="" release_url="$repo_url/releases/latest"

    Extract the latest release tag

    latest_tag=$(curl -sI -o /dev/null -w '%{url_effective}' "$release_url" | awk -F"/" '{print $NF}')

    Construct the download link


    Define the folder name

    folder_name="APP-Updates-$(date '+%d-%m-%Y')"

    Create the folder

    mkdir -p "$folder_name"

    Download the latest APK

    wget -nv -P "$folder_name" "$download_url"

    Display success message

    echo "Downloaded App APK: APPNAME-$latest_tag.apk"

    Install the app using waydroid

    waydroid app install "$folder_name/APPNAME-$latest_tag.apk"

    Remove the installed APK

    rm -f "$folder_name/APPNAME-$latest_tag.apk"

    Clean up: Remove the folder

    rm -rf "$folder_name"

    Display completion message

    echo "Updates completed." ```

    This is not checked yet.

    What would your solution look like? I guess using Github and FDroid APIs would be best

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