Buddy baka
Buddy baka
Buddy baka
This just makes me sad ,because someone wasted thermal paste and wasted about 30-50 euros for a design on the back and a red color scheme.
If they’re a repair tech, they have thermal paste in bulk. That was maybe $3 worth of paste. Probably much less.
it looks like Thermal Grizzly Kryonaut which is just about the most expensive thermal paste you can get and I don't think you can get it in bulk
it looks like any other grey thermal paste I've ever seen, what exactly made you think it's this specific expensive paste?
Well there is a tube of that thermal paste in the background
that's a very valid way to find that out😂
my bad
The tube in the background is probably for the real repaste...
I think they meant the design
I know ,but still a waste and what repair technician would do this if someone left a review with this attached no one except evangelion fans would understand the reference others would think the guy was into objectophilia.
"wasted" is completely relative. I would pay 30-50 euros for a cool design of a GPU.
One you can't even see most of the time?
I've never understood this about GPUs, why are they all designed so that the cool-looking decorated part with the fancy heat spreader and fans and LEDs and stuff are facing downwards?
Rgbs most of the time are spread apart and you can see the individual diodes, but the designs probably because the fans but you can still make cool designs with them like usb fans they draw a simple image using blades you do realize how cool that would be!!!
My confusion isn't why they're decorated, but why the decoration is always on the downwards facing side so you can't actually see it once installed.