Like I said over on Matrix, this is the bit that would bother me
I think the one thing to take into account is if !android did grow to silly levels (I joined r/Android when it was at ~1000 users) when you have 2 million users you do need a degree of a separation
Help vampires while I like to try and help, there's too many of you 🙈
Well yeah, but like I also said over on Matrix this post of yours should really include the prior ROM's you've used/problems you encountered to spark more discussion?
It's a bit of a cul-de-sac of a post to be honest.
I don't use any, so I'm curious what the community thinks
yeah I suppose that's the crux of the issue. Some want "more numbers" to view their post whilst not really engaging the !askandroid (or !android) community otherwise :/