Who knew 1989 was an uneventful year in China
Who knew 1989 was an uneventful year in China
Who knew 1989 was an uneventful year in China
I'm saving this cuz I wanna see if anyone defends the CCP
Bonus points if they're from .lemmygrad
Arrogant assholes spewing propaganda while acting like they have the moral high ground. Disgusting.
I think they're defederated
Nice its so much quieter not having to get constant notifications because someone got mad that I said ccp are terrible
Unless this happened in the last couple of days they're not. There was a big discussion recently on one of the federations, and the admin who was from Latvia I believe stated that he was never against the CCCP. That thread was brigaded by hundreds of hex bear posters exclaiming how wonderful and helpful hexbear users were in explaining communism.
Edit - looks like I was wrong and some of the major federations of defederated with HB. Interesting.
You were right; we already got a salty lemmygrad user elsewhere in this thread now
I challenge you to honorable combat. Choose your weapon or face dishonor.
Bat'leth, obvi
How could they be? Your instance is censoring them.
Oh no it's cool, they love authoritarian censorship irl, so this is their jam.
The CPC doesn't deserve defense. The most reactionary Tiananmen protester was more communist than any Dengist since then was.
But muh productive forces!!! You don’t understand, Deng HAD to crush the people’s communes it was the only way to build socialism by 2050!
It's especially wack since deng initially encouraged the people's communes. Only when he realized that the state would have to cede power did it suddenly become bad lol
Anyone who thinks they can dictate a "proper" language is an entitled fool. Linguists literally laugh at you
This same dude came into a programming subreddit earlier and got dragged for their shitty uninformed opinions there too. I’d say they’re a troll, but they got big mad and deleted their comments after a while, so I think they’re just an edgy teenager or something.
do you even participle bro? I feel bad after this, I'll buy you a tshirt, do you want "singular for life" or did you have a better idea?
You might want to brush up on your English skills! In US English Cuz is an informal conjunction of the word 'because' or more rarely cousin.
Here's a link if you want to know more.
^that kidsmad
You ever notice on language drop downs, that the flag for Portuguese is 🇧🇷? Soon, CUZ. Soon.
Poor language does nothing to weaken the strength of a good argument though, does it?
Okay did someone edit their comment? I see a bunch of responses regarding language skills but not the comment that triggered them.