"Violence is never the answer" unless it is white people doing it
"Violence is never the answer" unless it is white people doing it
"Violence is never the answer" unless it is white people doing it
That points to October 7th, 2023. The settler-colonial genocide of Palestinians has been going on for a century.
Could you be specific about the two things you are comparing? Should we go back and look at ukraines history of being invaded by Russia?
We can look back on the history of the two nations, and we can look on the history of Israel's genocide of Palestinians. The major difference is that Israel was formed as a genocidal ethnostate on Palestinian land, whereas the invasion of Ukraine seems to be a proxy war for the US to carve out as many IMF loans as possible while Russia tries to thoroughly demillitarize Ukraine.
Why did Palestine strike back against Israel on October 7th? Why did Russia invade Ukraine?
Russia invaded Ukraine because Russia is out for global domination. It’s obvious.
just like the zionists think it's convenient to count from oct 7 the west conveniently iignored 8 years of ethnic cleansing and terrorism in the east
No, lmao. The Russian Federation is nowhere near powerful enough for that, nor do they have an actual material nor ideological reason for that. It's pretty clear that the Russian Federation simply hates NATO being on its border, especially Ukraine, and is thus trying to demillitarize Ukraine by any means necessary so that it can no longer consider it a potential threat.
There aren't grand delusions of world conquest, nor is there any evidence of a larger plan. If they wanted World Domination, then they would have expanded beyond Ukraine by now in the Russo-Ukrainian war. They haven't, and instead we are seeing pushes for peace talks now that it looks like such talks will be clearly in Russia's favor. If they wanted global conquest, why stop before taking all of Ukraine? Why Ukraine specifically?
I understand detesting the invasion on moral grounds, but inventing reasons just because they sound more scary doesn't get you any closer to solving the problem and ending the war.
It’s “obvious” only if history began on Feb. 24, 2022.
NATO expansion:
NATO in general:
The Maidan coup and fascist paramilitary attacks on eastern & southern Ukraine:
Ah yes the great nato sob story. Because land barriers matter to a country with nuclear deterrence.
The changes made to appease Russia after the invasion of Georgia in 2008 are missing from your lists there… I guess because it goes against your narrative and exposes this idea as insane.
Because land barriers matter to a country with nuclear deterrence.
If that were true, then why did the Cuban missile crisis happen? And didn’t the Kursk incursion disprove the theory that nuclear weapons guarantee deterrence? This is as much about NATO placing nuclear weapons to within minutes of Moscow and other major civilian centers and strategic locations as it is about the three times that Russia was invaded via Ukraine in the last two hundred or so years.