"Violence is never the answer" unless it is white people doing it
"Violence is never the answer" unless it is white people doing it
"Violence is never the answer" unless it is white people doing it
Violence is always the answer. The questions are simple:
How do we gain a political advantage? How do we gain an economic advantage? How do we gain a social advantage?
Anyone that says violence is not the answer doesn't understand the tools that marginalize them and the people they care about.
the lemmyworlds and their orbiters are gonna be upset about this one
There will be violence in Ukraine regardless of whether weapons are sent there or not. The second option will make it so there's noone to police the russians. Pretty much like palestinians can't do much about israelis slaughtering them.
NATO had buit the largest of any European armies there and they were slaughtering the ethnic Russians, nobody was crying about policing them were they?
I don't know what you're talking about.
So what you meant to say is: "I think
NATO had buit the largest of any European armies there and they were slaughtering the ethnic Russians, nobody was crying about policing them were they?
But I have no sources other than my thoughts to support this view."
Ugh, the crying about NATO armies. "They were about to get too strong to attack, so Russia had to attack before they got completely too strong to attack." Yeah, okay vlad
Israel has controlled the USG for decades now. We support Israel because they have been intricately and impressively spying on us since at least the 1980s and bought and paid for most of our politicians. It's just that simple, they own our politicians, and therefore: when they do heinous evil, our politicians look away.
Ukraine was invaded by our largest rival on the world stage as a power grab, and NATO decided to help.
The two situations are not comparable in the slightest.
Other way around, the US supports Israel because it secures the US Empire's interests in the region. Israel does not have nearly the power necessary to control the US, this line of thinking fails to analyze the real standings of the two countries. Presumably unintentionally on your part, the "Israel controls the US" narrative is actually pushed heavily by anti-semites, it perpetuates the notion that Jewish people control the world in a manner that recognizes the genocide of Palestinians. This is why correct analysis is important, as false conclusions aid the fascists. Anti-Zionism is correct, as is Palestinian liberation, but the US is not a victim here but is intentionally perpetuating it.
As for NATO and Ukraine, NATO countries are "helping out" not out of any moral reason, but to make hefty profits off of IMF loans and resource/mineral contracts. Additionally, Russia is not the US Empire's largest rival on the world stage, China is. It's true that Russia goes against the US, but it hasn't been a world power since the dissolution of the USSR, when the reintroduction of Capitalism obliterated Russia's economy.
Redditors please consult the chart:
If you're describing Marxist-Leninists as being interchangeable with "tankies," and MLs are by far the most common form of Marxist and Socialist world-wide, what's the point in denoting the top-left quadrant as "Socialist/Anarchist?" Moreover, Anarchists are not a monolith, many don't support continuing the war.
I think the original is more generous, anti-war-ism is genuinely a relatively positive way of putting it even if critical support for Russia is deemed to be "fully knowledgeable." The original fully acknowledges the principles of never striking first millitarily as a viewpoint with understandable moral basis, while also suggesting that that isn't the complete picture.
le DAE campism! True marxism is being a useless western trot!
hmm... And why would you say supporting Russia and Palestine count has "understanding geopolitics"? I say this as someone who does not know too much about it.
Both work against US Imperial Hegemony. Palestinian liberation is fully supported as it's a national liberation movement for people subjected to settler-colonial genocide, critical support for Russia is due to it currently working against US dominance, which is the primary obstacle for Humanity to progress economically into a more equitable global system.
Both Palestine and Russia are on the western "to be conquered"-list. The difference that Russia can muster enough military power to directly oppose those plans. Palestine is in amuch worse position. Both however, are support worthy because of their place on that list.
Posting to !asklemmygrad@lemmygrad.ml would likely get a lot of good answers.
the comments and the downvotes would be fascinating if it weren't so clear that they come from a place of deeply ingrained willful ignorance.
even the american liberal media is starting to admit that this is true, yet american liberals clutch onto it for whatever reason and i wish i could understand why.
My guess is that their thinking is based on the sunk cost fallacy. The Western ruling class has been wasting everybody’s tax dollars on this conflict for several years now and nobody wants to see all of that dosh go to waste by letting Kiev and Moscow sign a peace treaty that inhibits NATO expansion.
What I find upsetting is how so many people can dismiss the antisemites in the Ukrainian military and other institutions with half-baked excuses like ‘it’s okay because the neo-Nazis are all gone now’ (which they aren’t), ‘it’s okay because they have a Jewish president’ (who isn’t fixing the problem), and ‘it’s okay because Russia’s got neo-Nazis too’ (which is irrelevant; they aren’t the ones benefitting from our tax dollars). I know that it doesn’t bother neoclassical liberals to keep beating their war drums, but that they can gloss over Ukrainian antisemitism as a nonissue and an open and shut case… just astonishes me.
I feel like you've built two straw-men and conflated them together. I haven't seen anybody arguing either case on the left side of the meme in response to the images depicted (or similar) on the right side of the meme. People wanting to send weapons to Ukraine generally tend to also say it doesn't have a Nazi problem (and may compare Russia with Nazis), and people wanting pacifism in Palestine also don't like weapons and support sent to Israel.
I don't want weapons sent to Nazis in Ukraine that are going to be Europe's new flavor of domestic terrorist when the funding and weapons run dry because Europe thinks cutting all their social services is enough to do a "Slava Ukraini!" :D
Surely this wont spawn a new generation of right-wing domestic terrorists in Europe that have an easily antagonized base already susceptible to right-wing propaganda. Not at all. Then again, the west truly sows what it reaps.
Why do you always think it's Russian trolls? Is there really nothing criticizable anymore about this war romance y'all got going for Ukraine? Any critical minds just have to be 'Putin's puppies'? I'm so fucking tired of this simplistic ass Marvel heroes viewpoint.
Well you see, as you increasingly slip into McCarthyist paranoia, your definition of "Russian troll" is going to grow ever more expansive as it approaches "everyone who disagrees with me". As a result, it's going to seem like there's more of them to you
It's also packed with naive commies, it's a palvovian conditioning.
To be clear, Lemmy is developed and maintained by Communists, there are going to be many Communists on Lemmy in general. Going around and calling Communists McCarthyian terms like "commie" is just stoking rage, I don't see what that fixes.
Yes, it's the commies who are the naive ones. \s
Love how in the first image you show the best part of the Palestinian people (which I do think is very much in the majority), but then in the second image you show the worst part of the Ukrainian people (which are very much in the minority).
The ultimate lib move: exaggerating the villainy of their political opponents (or just straight up lying) and downplaying anything that's inconvenient to their "chivalrous" and "noble" narrative, namely their naked imperialism:
That's hardly a 'lib move', more like an ingrained human reaction to justify practically every action ever.
Are you saying I am doing that here? The only thing I said was saying that the image is a little bit weird. Or do you think the majority of ukraine are nazi’s?
Whoever doesn't obey USA's commands, USA calls a dictator, and then starts a vilifying campaign to justify intervening and getting rid of him/them. The EU always plays along and certainly Ukraine will not be an exception because it's all business to them (Putin included) and war is the most profitable of all businesses.
I'm just blocking them and moving on. Think reporting will do any good?
Do you find it hard to sleep at night, knowing that the Spectre could be lurking in your room?