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What is the communist position on the definition of fascism?
  • I would argue that calling Imperial America fascist is an exaggeration, but that hardly makes it less worthy of our opposition. In Fascist Italy, there was a systematic crackdown on the trade unions, a gradual elimination of opposition parties (starting with socialist ones, which were to be smashed rather than absorbed), a gradual deprecation of the pseudodemocracy, and the ruling class promoted a predominantly petty bourgeois and violently anticommunist movement (Fascism) into an institutional power without even pretending to consult the masses. Imperial America’s suppression of the lower classes has not become that intense (at least not yet).

    Michael Parenti laid down a good explanation of Fascism, and he derived much of his theory from Daniel Guerin’s excellent Fascism and Big Business. If you want to study Fascism seriously, that is the book that you want to start out with.

    Briefer, communist explanations for Fascism include Clara Zetkin’s The Struggle Against Fascism and Leon Trotsky’s pamplet Fascism: What it is and how to fight it. (I know that you’ll all roll your eyes at me for recommending one of Trotsky’s works—and I do agree that this one is imperfect, to put it succinctly—but I doubt that you’ll strongly disagree with his summary of Fascism either.) For a moderner explanation, I recommend Bes D. Marx’s ‘Why Did Mussolini Move From Marxism To Fascism?

    My own summary is that Fascism was the militant and predominantly petty bourgeois movement that the haute‐bourgeoisie promoted to institutional power to preserve and strengthen capitalism at all costs.

  • What is the communist position on the definition of fascism?
  • “Fascism is Imperialism/Colonialism turned inward.” hit the mark pretty well


  • Holy fuck, r/neoliberal just destroyed communism, shut this site down
  • My appreciation for the Jewish community is what inspires me to carry out this work.

  • Israeli official warns power grid not prepared for war with Hezbollah
  • I heard a rumour that a settler wanted to set up a statue of Adolf Schicklgruber there because of his régime’s contributions to Zionism. I don’t know if anybody seriously suggested that, but it does sound plausible.

  • Israeli army strapped wounded Palestinian to jeep
  • Apart from driving over and crushing their victims, the practice that earned the Blackshirts notoriety in Italy during Mussolini’s rise to power in the early 1920s had been the killing of opponents by dragging them to their death. Given the numerous lorries available to them in Addis Ababa, both from the military and the [Fascist] government transport company, it was perhaps inevitable that they would use the same method during the massacre of Addis Ababa.

    Kirubel Beshah, an Ethiopian witness who had been a student at the Teferi Mekonnin School and who after Liberation would teach mathematics there, reported, ‘Ethiopian blood flowed like water everywhere. Saddest of all was that at first they tied dead bodies to the back of their trucks, and pulled them along the road while shouting and singing, but later, they also started to tie the living to their trucks, so as not to waste bullets. It was very disturbing to see human bodies being torn to pieces alive, by stones and bushes.’²⁹

    (Emphasis added. Source.)

  • Are we the baddies?
  • Finland.

  • Are you a 'tankie'
  • Finland.

  • I found a hate subreddit where photos of homeless people and their camps are posted, and referred to as vermin, etc.
  • I found a hate subreddit where photos of homeless people and their camps are posted, and referred to as vermin, etc.

    You mean a Zionist subreddit?

    Behold, a pale horse: /r/PortlandCriddlers.

    Is that a Zionist subreddit?

  • Wikipedia calls top Jewish civil rights org ‘unreliable’ on Israel-Palestine crisis
  • In a statement to the JTA, the ADL said the Wikipedia decision was part of a “campaign to delegitimize the ADL.”

    How amusing, as if there were some shadowy cabal masterminding a coordinated attempt to bring down their memetic organization.

    The only ‘campaign to delegitimize the ADL’ is its own kamikaze mission to mindlessly recategorize all opposition to a crappy régime as antisemitism while leaving actual victims of white supremacy in the dust. I predict that the ADL is either going to fall into obscurity or outright vanish after the last apartheid régime collapses.

  • Israeli official warns power grid not prepared for war with Hezbollah
  • Would somebody care to explain to me how anybody (Jewish or otherwise) is supposed to feel safe in this piss bucket? The ‘safety’ is supposed to be the neocolony’s selling point and yet I have no clue how the hell it’s safe.

  • "I’m the hacker that brought down North Korea’s Internet For Over A Week. AMA"
  • The very fact that he is bragging in public about his ‘ties to the DoD’ makes me doubt that he has any; this is the first time in my life that I have seen anybody do that. Would the Department of Defense want any of its interests or employés bragging about their international exploits? I mean, for fuck’s sake, I’ve taken surveys that’ve threatened me with legal action if I talked about something as insignificant as prepublished advertisements.

  • i need my truck for work, Jed
  • I still can’t believe that they’re on the market. They look like rejected concept cars.

  • pikachushocked.jpg
  • Greg Doucette is the only conservative whom I respect, and even he agrees that the conservative media in general are worthless.

  • They cant understand why the white Irish could feel sympathy for brown people.
  • Oh boy, just wait until Zionists find out that Irish Jews exist!

  • History Anarcho-Bolshevik
    British Imperial Revival in the Early Cold War: The Malayan ‘Emergency’ History Matters - British Imperial Revival in the Early Cold War: The Malayan ‘Emergency’

    Liam Raine | 23 November 2020 ◇ Modern history | Asian History | British history | Global history | Imperial history

    History Matters - British Imperial Revival in the Early Cold War: The Malayan ‘Emergency’

    >Recent scholarship by John Newsinger argues that Clement Attlee’s Labour government was as much a resurgent colonial warfare state as a domestic welfare state in the immediate postwar years.[2] Anne Deighton argues that Britain’s rôle in ideological battlegrounds of the nascent Cold War is demonstrably greater than traditional interpretations have suggested.[3] > >One concrete example of postwar Britain as a colonial Cold Warrior state is the Malayan Emergency of 1948–60. The conflict has been described by Malaysian‐born anthropologist Yao Souchou as ‘a small, distant war’ not for its inconsequentiality in global affairs, but for its relegation to the side‐lines of the historiography of the Cold War. [4] Bringing the conflict to the forefront of our attention, I believe, challenges the broad narrative of postwar ‘decline’ and demonstrates the continued international influence of the British state in the post‐war period. > >The ‘Emergency’ was the longest conflict fought by British forces in the twentieth century. With the aim of achieving national independence, the Malayan Communist Party (MCP) fought a bitter campaign of insurgency against the British colonial government of Malaya and its local and Commonwealth allies. Despite their determined (and British‐supported) resistance to [Axis] occupation, the MCP were ultimately defeated. More than just a decisive victory for the British empire, the campaign in Malaya was in fact the only conclusive military success by the Western powers in the entirety of the Cold War period.[5] > >! >THE BRITISH ARMY IN MALAYA, 1957 (HU 51581) Men of the 48th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, in action against a terrorist hide-out near Segri Sembilan, Malaya. Courtesy of the Imperial War Museum, © IWM. Used on an IWM non-commercial licence. [Accessed 22 November 2020] > >Because of its abundant tin and rubber resources, Malaya, according to the British Colonial Sectary, was ‘by far the most important source of dollars in the Colonial Empire’.[6] With the British economy profoundly weakened by the loss of the former Indian territories, further capitulation in Asia was simply not acceptable. Although Marshall Plan aid chiefly funded Britain’s extensive (and expensive) programmes of urban revival and welfare reforms, a direct consequence of the economic recovery of ‘the West’ was the continuation of European colonialism for another two decades.[7] > >The release of classified Foreign Office files has expanded our understanding of Britain’s propaganda machine in the early Cold War period. The intent of the Information Research Department (IRD) to promote Britain as a socialist ‘Third Force’ in world politics via its attacks on the Soviet Union and Communism is only now being adequately explored.[8] These offensive tactics were mirrored by a defensive approach to events in Malaya. Repeating the rhetoric used to describe the Jewish Irgun and Lehi in Palestine, British state propaganda relied on the dual euphemism of the ‘banditry’ of Malayan Communist rebels and the ‘emergency’ of their anti-colonial independence war in international representations of the conflict.[9] > >The conflict was presented as arising from an international communist movement. It was done so with nuance: too strong a line could further align the Malayan Chinese ethnic group with the MCP; the opposite could have given the impression that the British were crushing a true nationalist movement. After the proclamation of American anti-colonial policy in the 1947 Truman Doctrine, the chief aim of British propaganda was to ‘manipulate the American colossus’ into thinking that political and economic support of an archaic colonial régime was ‘the corollary of [Communist] containment’.[10] To this, end, as the war continued, international British propaganda utilised the carefully chosen term ‘Communist terrorists’ in their representations of the MCP.[11] > >In terms of national propaganda, a great deal of scholarly attention is often given to the figure of Sir Gerald Templer. Serving as Director of Operations and High Commissioner of Malaya from 1951 to 1954, his view that ‘the answer [to defeating the insurgency] lies not in pouring more troops into the jungle but in the hearts and minds of the [Malayan] people’ has dominated conventional historical analysis of the conflict.[12] A defining component of contemporary ‘cultural Cold War’ strategies, we must remain wary of attributing the ‘hearts and minds’ metaphor too much importance in Britain’s victory over the MCP. Indeed, the position of Templer as a semi-mythic figure in the historiography of the conflict simultaneously empowers the actions of the Western élite and obscures the reality of the counter-insurgency tactics the British utilised throughout the conflict. > >! >THE MALAYAN EMERGENCY 1948–1960 (D 87947) Men of 22 Special Air Service Regiment practice carrying a casualty to a waiting helicopter during a training exercise in a jungle clearing at Ulu Langat, near Kuala Lumpur. Courtesy of the Imperial War Museum, © IWM. Used on an IWM non-commercial licence. [Accessed 20 November 2020] > >Based on racially motivated colonial attitudes exemplified by events of the 1948 Batang Kali massacre, Bennett argues that mass arrests, deportation and destruction of property corresponded to a deliberate British campaign of ‘counter-terror’.[13] The forced re-settlement of over 500,000 Malayans in ‘New Villages’ with the ostensible aim of removing Communist influence were in fact little more than concentration camps built to keep the rural Chinese population under strict surveillance and control.[14] The tactics employed by the British state against the MCP demonstrated a resolve to maintain dominance of the colonial periphery by often brutal means. > >A colonial attitude of imperial retrenchment, implemented through and influencing a nascent Cold War framework, saw Malaya as a continued source of colonial power for the British state. Britain successfully re-imposed colonial order by armed intervention, protecting its markets and control of natural resources essential to economic recovery. An extensive and influential network of regional intelligence informed international and national propaganda strategies to manipulate public opinion with the objective of the furtherance of British colonial Cold War objectives. Brutal and systematic detention, deportation and violence facilitated the crushing of the MCP revolt.

    What grief for a dying planet looks like: Climate scientists on the edge ‘I had to do it’: Climate scientists risk jobs, jail to save dying planet

    Overwhelmed scientists embrace civil disobedience and specialised therapy to deal with rising eco-anxiety.

    ‘I had to do it’: Climate scientists risk jobs, jail to save dying planet

    >Overwhelmed by the severity of the climate impacts and the resulting human suffering, Abramoff, who was completing her postdoctorate in France at the time, began volunteering for Extinction Rebellion, helping proofread the activist group’s documents and media statements. Once she returned to the U.S. to take up her position at Oak Ridge, she was ready to risk arrest, which she did when she joined the global Scientist Rebellion protest in Washington, D.C., on April 6. > >She couldn’t sleep the night before, she recalls. However, she wasn’t nervous about the experience of being in a processing cell “but of not actually being able to accomplish the task, which was to chain myself with four other women to the White House gate”, she says. “And we managed it.” > >Abramoff went on to be arrested six more times, most recently for chaining herself to the Mountain Valley Pipeline, whose approval U.S. President Joe Biden signed into law last year. The $6.6bn pipeline, which is set to carry 56.6 million cubic metres (2 billion cubic feet) of shelled gas a day across West Virginia and Virginia, is estimated to emit 89 million metric tonnes of greenhouse gases a year. > >In an opinion piece for The New York Times that she penned shortly after her dismissal from Oak Ridge, Abramoff describes how being a “well-behaved scientist” did not have any tangible effects. “I’m all for decorum, but not when it will cost us the earth,” she writes.

    79°F "Heat Wave"
  • In which region do you live? Northern Europe?

  • *notices your Anschluss* OWO what’s dis?

    Found these while I was looking for WWII adventure games. At first I thought that they were only ragebait, but judging by the effort put into them and the designers’ other products it looks like they made these with the unironic intention of appealing to Nazisploitation fetishists… and that’s pretty sad.

    Worst of all: they involve heterosex… that’s just wrong.

    ‘Lesbian goth foxes,’ the story of Esmae and Mala 'Lesbian goth foxes,' the story of Esmae and Mala

    Mikayla Raines, a founder of SaveAFox Rescue in Faribault, Minn., speaks about the relationship between two female foxes that have captured the attention of social media and are now known as the “lesbian goth foxes” due to their coat and inseparable connection.

    'Lesbian goth foxes,' the story of Esmae and Mala
    Palestinian youth movement in Gaza: ‘Time for revolutionary escalation of the global Intifada’ Palestinian youth movement in Gaza: ‘Time for revolutionary escalation of the global Intifada’

    The following call was sent on May 29, 2024, by the Secretariat of Palestinian Student Frameworks – Gaza Strip and reprinted on Resistance News Network.   To the global student movement to stop the genocidal war:   It is time for revolutionary escalation of the global student Intifada for Pale

    Palestinian youth movement in Gaza: ‘Time for revolutionary escalation of the global Intifada’

    >Today we turn to high school students all over the world to participate widely in the struggles and activities of the university student movement, organizing demonstrations, sit-ins and vigils, writing petitions and letters and organizing educational days about the Palestinian struggle and the goals of the Palestinian people for liberation and return. > >Secondary schools constitute a strong fortress and a great support for university students everywhere. Once again, we send special greetings to our brothers and sisters, the students of Palestine in the diaspora and to our comrades and colleagues in Students for Justice in Palestine, the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, Palestine Action and the academic boycott and divestment campaigns. We salute everyone who participated and participates in student encampments at every university, college and school. > >The duty and responsibility of Palestinian students in the Gaza Strip and all of occupied Palestine is steadfastness, commitment, resistance, unity and alignment with the resistance and the people until the U.S. — Zionist aggression stops and the occupation is defeated and removed from our land — all our land, from the river to the sea. > >Long live the struggle of Palestine’s students for return and liberation! Long live international solidarity, and together we will be victorious!

    U.S. pier technology designed for opening new theaters of war U.S. pier technology designed for opening new theaters of war

    The United States has completed construction of a military landing site — mischaracterized as a pier to receive humanitarian aid — off the coast of Gaza. Soon after the $320 million “floating pier” was finished, part of it broke off and floated away. But this “still functional” port remains a grave

    U.S. pier technology designed for opening new theaters of war

    >Another clear aim for the U.S. and [its neocolony] is to bypass the Red Sea, over which the Yemeni resistance has established an effective blockade to all [neocolony]-bound ships. Since Ansarallah secured control of the Red Sea, the number of trade vessels passing through the Suez Canal have dropped by 40%. The world’s largest shipping companies are now avoiding the Red Sea entirely and instead taking the much longer and costlier route around the Cape of Good Hope, past South Africa. > >This means a much costlier war for global capitalism, which is already estimated to cost at least 10% of [the neocolony’s] GDP — $50 billion — before the end of the year. The amount of money the ruling class must invest will be far higher, considering that 12% of the world’s oil and natural gas shipments used to pass through the Red Sea. Since the Resistance took control of commercial choke points, vessels carrying an estimated 2.5 million barrels of oil per day must now find another way to their destinations. (, Dec. 4, 2023) > >A [neoimperialist] port in Gaza would mean the Red Sea channels could be bypassed by sea and over land. However, the [neo]imperialist powers’ assumption that they have safe passage through the Mediterranean Sea may prove mistaken. > >During his May 23 remarks, Al-Houthi also announced Ansarallah’s missile and drone strikes on attempted blockade runners in the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden, and that “one of our military operations during this week was carried out towards the Mediterranean Sea.” (, May 23) > >These strikes represent the “fourth stage of escalation” announced by Ansarallah military spokesperson Yahya Sare’e earlier this month. “[Yemen] will target all ships headed to [neocolonial] ports in any area we reach regardless of their nationality and destination.” (Palestine Chronicle, May 3) > >Despite whatever benevolent motives are proffered by for-profit media, the U.S. floating pier in Gaza is not about humanitarian aid, nor has any aid been delivered. And the Palestinian resistance is under no illusions to the contrary. > >“Palestinian resistance is capable of hitting the base, but it will also be a sitting duck for other regional resistance groups,” said Palestinian journalist Wesam Bahrani. > >“The evidence on the ground suggests this U.S. military base, when constructed, may not survive for too long. While the United States may be capable of building a military base off the Gaza shore, the Axis of Resistance is also capable of sinking it.” (, March 20)

    Rafah massacre confirms: the neocolony refuses ICJ order to halt extermination Rafah massacre confirms: Israel refuses ICJ order to halt genocide

    Israel’s murderous May 26 airstrike targeting Palestinians living in tents in Rafah killed nearly 50 people, with many being burnt alive or decapitated. This massacre underlines the Israeli regime’s defiance of the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) May 24 ruling that Israel must suspend its mil

    Rafah massacre confirms: Israel refuses ICJ order to halt genocide

    >The […] pariah state has chosen to again display its arrogance and contempt for international institutions. What is new since last October, however, is that these United Nations institutions have finally charged [neocolonial] officials and the [neocolony] itself with serious war crimes. > >Have no illusions regarding these courts. Neither the ICJ nor the ICC on their own can stop the genocide or arrest [neocolonial] leaders. They have no apparatus to enforce their decisions. That the courts declared these rulings, however, indicates a change in the world’s attitude toward [the neocolony]. > >The ICJ, also called the World Court, was established in 1945 as the U.N. was being set up and the U.S. was dominant worldwide economically and militarily; the ICJ adjudicates general disputes between nations, which all U.N. members recognize. > >In 2001 the Rome Statute, which has been ratified by 124 nations, but not by the U.S., [its neocolony], India, China or Russia, established the ICC. The ICC can investigate and charge individuals with crimes like genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and aggression, like the charges brought against Netanyahu and Galant. To date nearly all such cases have been brought against political leaders in Africa or of other less powerful or rich states. > >The ICC also charged three leaders of Hamas with war crimes regarding the events of October 7. This charge has no basis, as the October 7 uprising was the legitimate response of a colonial population to 76 years of oppression, which is a right under the U.N. Charter. The charges are thus a travesty, as Hamas, along with other resistance forces, had a right to take up arms against the occupation. > >Despite these spurious charges against Hamas leaders, that [neocolonial] government officials might face arrest in world capitals is an unexpected defeat, not only for [neocolonialism], but also for U.S. [neo]imperialist interests. > >That these cases were decided in the two international courts is important not because they resolve [neocolonial] aggression — nor do they punish U.S. [neo]imperialism for backing and arming this aggression — but as a symptom that mass worldwide anger against the […] régime has reached new levels. The popular anger against [the neocolony] is so strong and widespread that it has pushed governments to react.

    (Emphasis original.)

    Bad Hasbara theme song Bad Hasbara Theme Song (With Lyrics)

    People have been demanding the theme song to Bad Hasbara be its own video, so I made a crappy little music video for it. Thank you to Dog Man Pizza Party and Edo The Reliable for helping me redo the instrumental track so that it stops being demonetized. Shoutout to Eamonn Patrick Downes who made the...

    Bad Hasbara Theme Song (With Lyrics)

    The world’s most moral podcast: מַה שְּׁלוֹמְךָ, b— עֶרֶב וְבֹּקֶר טוֹב We invented the cherry tomato And Waze, USB drives, and the Iron Dome Israeli salad, Uzi, stents, and Jaffa’s orange groves Microchips was us iPhone cameras, us Taco salads, us תּוֹדָה רַבָּה, Moses Olive Garden, us White phosphorus Sabra hummus Hasbara sus “And you use water irrigated by Israel. You take medicine that was invented in Israel. You use cell phones—there’s a chip in there, that is made in Israel. All of that is Israel.” Jumping‐jacks was us Push‐ups was us Krav Maga, us All karaté, us Taking molly, us Michael Jackson, us Yamaha keyboards…us! Jar Jar Binks not us Andor was us Heath Ledger Joker, us Endless breadsticks, us Happy Meals was us McDonald’s was us Being happy, us Bikram yoga, us Eating food, us Breathing air, us Drinking water, us We invented all that shit.

    Hamas condemns Zionism’s régime, U.S. for Rafah massacre Hamas condemns Israel, U.S. for Rafah massacre

    The following remarks were given by senior Hamas leader Osama Hamdan, at a press conference on May 27, 2024, and published on Resistance News Network: For the 234th day, the Zionist occupation continues its brutal aggression and genocide against our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, commi

    Hamas condemns Israel, U.S. for Rafah massacre

    >The massacres of the occupation continue in Rafah, Jabalia, and Gaza, the latest being the burning of tents around the UNRWA [United Nations Relief and Works Agency] headquarters, where U.S. bombs and missiles of hatred and terrorism targeted thousands of our people, most of whom were children, women, patients, and elderly, burning their pure bodies and tearing their bodies into pieces. > >The toll of the tent massacre in Rafah is 45 martyrs, including 23 women, children, and elderly, and 249 wounded. > >All the massacres committed by the occupation against civilians and innocents of our people are in areas classified by the enemy itself as safe, indicating its insistence and deliberate execution of these massacres, and its desperate attempts to displace our people through lies and claims to justify its horrific crimes against civilians. > >The timing of these massacres in the past two days is a challenge from the Zionist-Nazi government of the criminal Netanyahu to the recent decisions of the International Court of Justice, which ordered the halt of the military operation in Rafah. > >The international community is facing a historic responsibility to put an end to this Zionist arrogance, and to stop the aggression of this rogue entity that tries to impose itself above international law, above accountability for its crimes and massacres, with the full sponsorship of the U.S. administration, which is a partner in all these crimes with its political support, equipment that kills our people, and unlimited funding for the crime of genocide in Gaza. > >This massacre and heinous crime come as a retaliatory attempt by the Zionist enemy and its defeated and crushed army, soon by God’s will, after their inability to confront the men of Allah, the men of great courage, the men of Al-Qassam Brigades and the Palestinian resistance factions, the fighters of our heroic people in the battlefields. > >The burning of tents in Rafah comes to cover up the strategic and field failure that haunt the leaders of this defeated army since October 7, receiving successive painful blows at the blessed hands of our heroes, the last of which was the heroic operation in Jabalia.

    Palestinian resistance strikes Tel Aviv for first time since February Hamas strikes Tel Aviv for first time since February

    The rockets were fired from the southern city of Rafah, where Israel is currently carrying out an indiscriminate military operation

    Hamas strikes Tel Aviv for first time since February

    >The Qassam Brigades “bombarded Tel Aviv with a large rocket barrage in response to the Zionist massacres against civilians,” it said in a statement on Sunday afternoon. > >The [neocolonial] army admitted that the rockets were launched from Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, where the [neocolonial] army is carrying out extensive operations under the cover of indiscriminate bombardment from its fighter jets. > >The rockets were reportedly fired from very close to where [neocolonial] forces are stationed. They appeared to be long-range rockets, and [the] Iron Dome had great difficulty intercepting them. > >Video footage and images circulating social media confirm that rockets made impact in several areas, causing damage and resulting in three injuries. > >[…] > >"Ten rockets fell in the center of the country, and the media is in an uproar — the country is in turmoil. Every day, dozens of rockets are fired towards the […] conflict zone settlements and the Galilee, including anti-tank missiles and suicide drones, and the country remains silent. Once again, it's proof that the north is not being counted," said the head of the Mateh Asher settler council in the Galilee, Moshe Davidovitz.

    Northern settlement severs ties with Tel Aviv, demands army withdrawal! Northern Israeli settlement severs ties with Tel Aviv, demands army withdrawal: Report

    Under constant fire from Hezbollah, settlers in the north accuse their government of failing to protect them

    Northern Israeli settlement severs ties with Tel Aviv, demands army withdrawal: Report

    >“The Margaliot settlement has decided to sever contact with the […] government and withdraw all soldiers from Margaliot. A notification has been sent to the termination officer. Additionally, we are closing the settlement's operations center and gates. No one, including the military, will be allowed to enter or leave the settlement. The emergency squad will find another place to stay,” said Eitan Davidi, Chairman of Margaliot settlement. > >“Margaliot does not need protection from Hezbollah but from the […] government, which is crushing the settlement with its decisions. Margaliot is directly harmed by the government […] decisions, causing more damage than Hezbollah's anti-tank missiles,” he added. > >[…] > >Settler communities from the north announced earlier this month a plan to secede […] and establish an independent State of Galilee in protest of […] Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s lack of urgency in returning them to their homes.

    French imperialism stunned: Indigenous people of Kanaky revolt French imperialism stunned: Indigenous people of Kanaky revolt

    May 23 − In a direct blow to French imperialism, the Indigenous people of a large island archipelago in the South Pacific began a heroic uprising in early May to prevent the colonial power from turning their islands into an integral part of France. The French call the island group Nouvelle Ca

    French imperialism stunned: Indigenous people of Kanaky revolt

    >Hundreds of people have been injured and 400 Kanaks arrested. The French authorities also prevented the Kanak people from using social media — in this case TikTok — to prevent scenes of the brutality of the repressive forces from reaching the world, including the people in mainland France. > >According to reports from anti-imperialists in Europe, the French corporate media presented the revolt in the terms the ruling class uses to slander any popular uprising against its interests. This media described the Kanak struggle as “violent” and “barbaric.” They used phrases similar to how the […] corporate media describes Palestinians and the U.S. media describes uprisings against racist police. > >This latest revolt in Kanaky was provoked by a change in the voting regulations that the French government has tried to impose. The new rules aim to guarantee that Kanaky remains part of France. They deny independence and self-determination for the Indigenous population, who comprise about 40% of the total 300,000 inhabitants.

    Chew a Jew

    >A tale by Herman of Bologna in the Viaticum narrationum (ca. 1280–1290) describes the rather comical story of how a Jew of Cologne, having received communion, kept the host in his mouth; when he removed it, he discovered that it had turned into a tiny child. When he put it back in his mouth, it had become so hard he could not chew it or swallow it, and eventually, admitting the miracle, he was converted. This was in fact the first literary tale in which a Jew ingested the Eucharist. Many versions of this tale continued to be circulated in the later Middle Ages.172

    (Emphasis added. Source.)

    The campus encampment movement for Palestine is going well 2024 campus encampment movement: Rebellion is justified!

    Beanblossom, a member of the Marxist Youth League Propaganda Committee, gave this talk on May 15 to a meeting of the Buffalo Workers World Party branch. A movement that began on April 17 with the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University in New York City has since spread to universities

    2024 campus encampment movement: Rebellion is justified!

    >Whether each individual encampment lasts a few hours or a few days or is smashed immediately is not the point, because each attempt helps to raise the level of the struggle as a whole, by inspiring others to take organized action of a similar sort and by teaching the movement new lessons. Each attempt shows the administrators, the politicians and the pigs that we will not stop fighting back against the war machine until the seemingly endless money-faucet to [Zionism’s neocolony] runs dry, until the bombs stop dropping and until we put an end to the genocide. > >Look at a map of the encampments now that have been put up in countries all over the world. Look at London. Look at Paris and Mexico City. Look at the massive solidarity demonstrations taking place in Türkiye and Yemen. The fight for an end to the genocide of the Palestinian people is a truly international one today, and we cannot afford to ignore how the flames of the student movement right here in the center of the empire have worked to rejuvenate and embolden the global struggle. > >Many of us will go further. We will not stop until […] apartheid falls, because we see in the illegal Zionist occupation the same kind of militaristic, white supremacist society that the U.S. empire is. We see that [Zionism’s neocolony] is just its most visible [outpost], a testing ground for new drones, new bombs and new crowd control devices to be used on working-class and oppressed peoples all over the globe.

    Seattle students establish Popular University for Gaza Students establish Popular University for Gaza

    Seattle Since April 29, students at the University of Washington in Seattle have set up a 100-tent encampment on the central campus. Their “Popular University for Gaza” camp is inspired by the heroic struggle of the Columbia University students and others. The camp was started by the stude

    Students establish Popular University for Gaza

    >The camp was started by the student coalition United Front for Palestinian Liberation, composed of Palestinians and other anti-imperialist protest groups. The students regularly engage with chants, speeches, political education talks, dancing and music, as well as organizing the logistics of food donations and other supplies. > >The camp has three demands: Divest from [Zionism], cut ties with Boeing and end all anti-Palestinian oppression. > >On May 12, Pursuit NW, a pro-imperialist Zionist group, threatened to stage a march and “cut a buzz-saw” through the Popular University camp. With a day’s notice, the camp was able to stop the Zionist threat. Hundreds of militant camp defenders staged a rally at the entrance and Pursuit NW members were prevented from entering and had to march somewhere else.

    As corals bleach worldwide, some outlets are willing to name the cause: fossil fuels As Corals Bleach Worldwide, Some Outlets Are Willing to Name the Cause: Fossil Fuels

    Reporting on coral bleaching should not only link it to climate change, but to climate change's main culprit: the fossil fuel industry.

    As Corals Bleach Worldwide, Some Outlets Are Willing to Name the Cause: Fossil Fuels

    >While they might look like plants, corals are actually invertebrate animals related to jellyfish. They get their vibrant colors from tiny algae that live on them and provide them with food. But when ocean temperatures become too hot, corals get stressed and expel the algae, losing their food source and color. Starving coral can recover if their environments improve, but the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicts that even with the Paris Agreement’s allotted warming of 1.5°C over pre-industrial levels, 70–90% of the world’s coral reefs will still die. > >Because coral reefs provide such vibrant ecosystems for sea life, mass coral death will impact economies and food security for humans as well. By protecting coasts, sustaining fisheries, generating tourism and creating jobs, it is estimated that coral reefs provide ecosystem services worth trillions of dollars each year (MIT Science Policy Review, 8/20/20; GCRMN, 10/5/21). > >In the past year alone, we’ve seen staggering and unprecedented ocean temperatures amid widespread heatwaves. Last summer, water temperatures of more than 100°F were recorded off the coast of Florida (ABC, 7/25/23). Scientists say the El Niño weather phenomenon, solar activity and a massive underwater volcanic eruption have played a role in recent supercharged ocean temperatures, but the biggest cause of this coral crisis is undisputed: climate change. The IPCC reports that it’s “virtually certain” ocean temperatures have risen unabated since 1970, absorbing more than 90% of excess heat from the climate system. We also know that the burning of fossil fuels changes the climate more than any other human activity does. > >Therefore, in order to give the public the most complete understanding of what’s going on—and how we can fix it—reporting on coral bleaching should not only link the phenomenon to climate change, but link climate change to its main culprit: the fossil fuel industry. While much reporting deserves credit for clearly making this connection, some reports from major outlets were still behind, implying the climate crisis might be some sort of act of God, rather than something humans have caused—and have the power to mitigate.

    (Emphasis original.)

    Portland, Oregon postal activists join national rallies Portland postal activists join national rallies

    Portland, Oregon Postal workers, retirees, union officials and community supporters rallied outside the East Portland post office on May 9 demanding an end to recent mail delays and job cuts. Many demonstrators wore red T-shirts saying “Dump DeJoy and his 10-year plan.” Portland, Oregon, was wher

    Portland postal activists join national rallies

    >Rural post offices are being hit with “Local Transportation Optimization.” This occurs in locations over 50 miles from a processing plant with a population of less than 30,000. Instead of there being two mail trucks a day, the evening truck, which picks up the day’s outgoing mail, is being eliminated. This adds an extra day in delivery time to much of the area’s mail. Nearly half of Oregon’s post offices, and 10,000 across the U.S., are being affected. > >The USPS has refused to answer concerns by Oregon Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden, and Representatives Earl Blumenauer and Suzanne Bonamici, who have called on the postal service to hold a local “Listening Session.” > >The Postal Board of Governors has also refused to attend a local community hearing called by the Portland City Council and U.S. Postal Service representatives. The meeting was to give elected officials, including senators and House representatives, a chance to raise concerns about the impact of these recent changes in the USPS on jobs and quality of service. > >Rallies to demand improved postal services and to protect good, living-wage union jobs were held during the week of May 6 in more than 85 cities in 36 states.

    Cleveland: After encampment, struggle continues Cleveland: After encampment, struggle continues

    Cleveland After 11 defiant days, students at Case Western Reserve University closed down  their Palestine Solidarity Encampment on May 9. Activists from the Palestinian community and the progressive movement assisted in a well-organized and disciplined take-down. Nevertheless, CWRU President Eric

    Cleveland: After encampment, struggle continues

    >When the encampment opened on April 29, 21 participants were detained in the morning but released without charge. Since then Kaler has repeatedly attempted to intimidate students and supporters. But emails accusing Palestine backers of illegal activity and posted signs reading “No trespassing, private property” and “No encampments” were ignored or defaced. > >Now a number of students are facing academic discipline for participating in the encampment. > >When students painted a pro-Palestine mural on the “Spirit Rock” — on which students have painted graffiti for years — on May 7, CWRU hired contractors to paint over it at 5:00 a.m. The contractors spray-painted the campers who defended the mural, which the contractors destroyed. CWRU’s suspension in March of the campus Students for Justice in Palestine chapter was for “gluing” leaflets in unauthorized locations, including the Spirit Rock. > >On the last day of the encampment, students moved their protest to the university administration building, where they held a sit-in to demand CWRU divest from companies doing business with [Zionism]. The day before, hundreds of people attended a nearby “All Out for Rafah” demonstration. > >Encampment participants spoke during the public comment section at the Cuyahoga County Council meeting on May 14, where local activists pressed the Council to fully divest from […] apartheid.

    ‘What does "ending capitalism" have to do with Palestine?’

    At this point I am nearly convinced that most antisocialists seriously think that capitalism is just when good stuff happens. Even if we had the most obvious and unambiguous example linking capitalism to atrocities — the Kill Corp. employing somebody whose job is literally just to go around and massacre innocents for the sake of shareholders and mad $$$ — antisocialists would still be scratching their heads wondering what that has to do with capitalism. While so far I haven’t seen anybody unkiddingly say that orgasms are capitalism and stubbed toes are socialism, there isn’t much left stopping antisocialists from making that call either.

    >Nazis nationalized most of their war industry and still went to war.

    This is very, very misleading. Just because a business falls under state‐ownership doesn’t mean that the businessman’s autonomy is gone. Quoting Clarence Y.H. Lo’s Business Collaboration within the Nazi War Machine: Corporations and the State in the Austrian Semiperiphery:

    >During the [Third Reich’s] military buildup Gustav Krupp was chosen Führer der Wirtschaft (leader of the economy) in the “alter kruppscher Tradition” (old Krupp tradition) and later pledged not to offend [Fascism] (Manchester 1968:354, 367). In response to [Berlin’s] demands, Krupp increased its military production from RM 50 to 150 million between 1937/1938 to 1940/1941 (Manchester 1968:369; Overy 1994:136–38). > >Gustav Krupp personally lobbied Hitler between 1941 and 1943 for a special law that would change the Krupp Aktiengesellschaft corporation into a family enterprise that would pay no capital gains tax (which would have been RM 70 million) when Gustav Krupp passed ownership on to his heir (Overy 1994:140). In return for the family tax exemption, increased depreciation (raising profit, James 2012:202; 207), and interest‐free state loans, Krupp was willing to have his armaments production determined by [Axis] officials. > >The [Fascists], dependent on Krupp, were glad to see collaborative arrangements reducing the uncertainties (Pfeffer and Salancik 1978) of military supply (Overy 1994:137,139, 140).

    Furthermore, businesses that were beyond ‘state ownership’ still made substantial contributions to the Fascist war machine, and the presumption that the Fascist state micromanaged everything has a more serious consequence as it pardons capitalists involved in atrocities:

    >The point is that industrial behavior under [Fascism] cannot be reduced to simple structural explanations. Even within the context of a dictatorship that demanded high levels of production for war, industrialists made choices as individuals. They approached the SS for cheap labor; they decided whether to buy a Jewish company at a fraction of its value; they determined how forced and [neo]slave laborers would be treated in their factories.


    I suppose that this is only quibbling, though. The fact of the matter is that the Fascist empires never reduced let alone abolished capital, the law of value, and generalized commodity production.

    >Palestine is only important because it represents another coalition of the oppressed for them to colonize [and, from a more sinister POV, Israel is THE epitome of Western imperialism, all legacies of which must be overturned]. […] It doesn't matter the agent, except that a radical imperialistic reactionary group like Hamas/IRGC/Hezbollah is actually the perfect anti-duhring for Western dominance, since you have to assume the guise & tactics of the enemy in order to repeal it. […] The co-opting of causes makes sense, since in order for Marxism to be coherent & defensible in its totalitarianism, you have to view all relation through the same aesthetic (class struggle); and there seems to be an at least latent awareness on behalf of Marxists that this aesthetic needs to be forced on others. ("You don't understand the way in which you're oppressed; therefore, it's up to us to liberate you in the way that you are truly meant to be liberated." Note as well that the aim of the movement itself is not liberty [bad; individualistic], but liberation [good; collectivist].)

    I hope that I don’t have to explain how terrible this reply is.

    >The USSR, a Communist regime, spent 15-20% of GDP on military purposes; likely higher by some estimates. The US spent 5% during the same cold war period, and a bit less today. That includes military foreign aid. The facts paint the opposite conclusion.

    The U.S.S.R. increased its military spending to forcibly neocolonize somebody else’s land…? Oh, whom am I kidding. Of course antisocialists believe that.

    I could go on, but I’ll stop here so as to prevent further testing your patience.

    Nakba commemorated in Seattle Nakba commemorated in Seattle

    Seattle -- Each year Palestinians commemorate the Nakba (the Catastrophe) when, 76 years ago, 757,000 Palestinians were forcibly driven out of their homeland by Zionist troops with the complicity of the British Mandate. This was made possible by massacres like at Deir Yassin where Zionist troops bu

    Nakba commemorated in Seattle

    >On May 11, in downtown Seattle, 2,000 demonstrators marched and rallied to remember Nakba Day, chanting: “From the River to the Sea, Palestine is almost Free!” > >At the rally, Indigenous speakers and performers made statements in solidarity with Palestine. A “No Tech for Apartheid” spokesperson condemned Google, Microsoft and Boeing as all standing next to each other in spying and invading Palestine. > >A speaker from Samidoun, the Palestinian prisoners organization, affirmed their dedication to support and gain strength from Palestinian prisoners. She said, “They keep our struggle alive.”

    AnarchoBolshevik Anarcho-Bolshevik

    ‘Lemmygrad’s resident expert on fascism’ — GrainEater, 2024

    The political desperadoes and ignoramuses, who say they would “Rather be Dead than Red”, should be told that no one will stop them from committing suicide, but they have no right to provoke a third world war.’ — Morris Kominsky, 1970

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