What is the craziest thing that's ever happened in your life?
What is the craziest thing that's ever happened in your life?
Curious to know what people have encountered in their lives.
What is the craziest thing that's ever happened in your life?
Curious to know what people have encountered in their lives.
I was carrying some HVAC equipment down some stairs last year when I accidentally slip a little and the equipment cut my wrist wide open and blood started rushing out like crazy and my hand went numb instant. I immediately put pressure on my wrist to stop the bleeding and my brother drove me to the hospital. That ride there was so intense, I genuinely felt like i might bleed to death, or even have to lose my hand. It was so surreal, I kept thinking how horrible my family, friends, and my girlfriend of 5 years would feel if I died. In that moment I realized they're what matters. My job didn't matter, my social media accounts didn't matter, my materialistic items I owned didn't matter. Just the people who I love. After arriving the doctors did a great job at assuring me I'd be fine. I had surgery 2 days later, however, I couldn't move my wrist or hands for a while. Even now, about 14 months later, half my hand still feels mostly numb all the time, it's super sensitive, the scar is massive and hasn't fully healed, and I can't close my pinky finger no matter how hard I try. It definitely sucked a lot, mostly because I was in between jobs because I had was moving, so I couldn't work and my girlfriend had to cover so much expenses and guilt took over me like crazy and I felt so worthless. Then I felt even worse cause it caused me to gain so much weight, I even started feeling suicidal for a bit. I've learned to accept it though and my life is pretty much back to normal. I wasn't able to do so many simple things like wear pants with buttons, tie my shoes, using toilet paper was a struggle, driving was hard, locking my door was almost impossible because I needed my other hand to pull my door to get it to lock. Late last year I got a job in a retail store and have since gotten 2 promotions and making the most money I've ever made in my life. Around that time I also started eating healthier and I'm down 60 pounds! I'm glad I beat the suicidal thoughts and kept going. Life is awesome.
Forgot to mention it turned out I cut an artery and my ulnar nerve