Microsoft is not buying Valve and Counter-Strike for £12 billion
Microsoft is not buying Valve and Counter-Strike for £12 billion

Microsoft is not buying Valve & Counter-Strike for £12 billion - unsurprisingly

Microsoft is not buying Valve and Counter-Strike for £12 billion
Microsoft is not buying Valve & Counter-Strike for £12 billion - unsurprisingly
I'm a PC gamer and have been since I was a kid. It's literally my number one thing I do when I have free time is get on some games and hang with the boys. It's a big part of my life.
As game companies go, I don't trust Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Bethesda, Sony, Epic Games... It's a long list. Valve is the only company I even kinda trust (Which isn't even that much these days). If Microsoft bought Valve I'd probably never buy a PC game again. Because all the companies selling them would be companies I don't wanna give money.
But it's not true that they were buying it so it's a moot point. Just wanted to rant. :)
GabeN has pretty much all the moneys and doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who needs a dick shaped rocket to feel like his daddy loves him. The only way Valve is going anywhere is after he kicks it.
Without digging too far, seems hit net worth is around $6 billion. Obviously that's nothing compared to say Bezos but if he wanted to ride a dick-shaped rocket into space I'm sure he could arrange it. He does, however, own the sub that holds the records for deepest crewed dives in all 5 oceans:
As you said though, he seems to be pretty much chill and until the day he passes away I think Valve is safe. And that will be a sad day...
Wonder if it's piloted using a steamdeck or controller?
And he does invest heavily into Brain Computer Interface
He doesn't want a dick-shaped rocket, he's more into yachts, apparently. I understand he owns several large ones.
He did send a gnome into space on a rocket although it was for charity.
Preach on man... I feel the same way. If microshit bought Valve, I'd never buy another thing on the platform. And you could effectively forget Linux gaming as well.
well, it's not like existing contributions would disappear even if that happened; such is the beauty of open source
If Microsoft bought Valve I'd probably never buy a PC game again. Because all the companies selling them would be companies I don't wanna give money.
What about itch?
And GoG
GOG is a subsidiary of CD Projekt (which I personally don't trust after the disastrous release of Cyberpunk 2077, and the empty promises of bringing GOG Galaxy to Linux; they also stretch the definition of DRM-free in some cases).
Well, steam isn't even remotely DRM free. Valve is also far from flawless (allowing TF2 to be ran by hackers for literal years) and run by a multi billionaire. But sure, cyberpunk was unoptimized.
Ok? I didn't claim anything about Steam
Uhh this thread is about alternatives to Steam, so..
I was trying to say GOG isn't comparable to Itch...
Edit: Btw I buy games from all 3, if I didn't do business with every company I don't trust I'd probably starve by now
if microsoft bought valve, i would radicalize pretty badly. Not much else to do after ones only real hobby goes up in flames.