Do you people just hate anyone who receives money?
Crabs in a barrel
snatches at one of your aft claws get back down here you hothead!
People in general are very interested in the politics of who deserves recognition (in whatever form) over others. Fundamentally it's about an instinct towards "fairness."
You just gave away you have no idea what communism is.
nOt TrUe CoMmUnIsM
You would need an example to talk about that.
You smooth brains really stretch far for a meme eh?
Dam, I feel bad for people like you.
It's what mainlaind Taiwan started with.
I'm gonna need some real sources for this... And maybe even a definition.
"Communism is when the government does stuff." -The wandering spirit of the head of a very real University
My initial impression of this instance is that is a short step away from Lemmygrad.
No. But focusing on supporting one single app instead of the platform is not sustainable for the platform. This meme is just a reminder to support the platform as well.
I haven't seen a single call to action to donate to Lemmy other than the static sidebar on desktop. Something like that would be far more helpful than complaining about previous Sync users continuing to donate to Sync. Nothing is being taken from Lemmy, Sync already had a big user base and is bringing many of them over here thanks to the app. Let's call to action to them to donate to instances instead of complaining.
Accurate. I used Sync for Reddit until they were forced out. I then switched to Sync for Lemmy for the familiar interface, the ease of setup, etc. Sync literally brought me to Lemmy.
Since then I looked around and still prefer this app. On a side note: why does the UI for Voyager on Android look like some old version of iOS?
Hate all you want but Sync being popular is a good thing for Lemmy adoption.
But you are the one focusing on supporting one single app?
Who are you speaking of? How many users are on sync versus all the others?
My opinion is that what matters is how much money each part of the network receives.
For example, instances tend to be transparent about their funding. And we can see that some of them are just months away of being out of cash. Meanwhile, we see people subscribing(!) to a very expensive app that charges $20 to remove ads (and tracking and data collecting) otherwise.
I think is okay to keep people aware of these things. Getting defensive about it is just a waste of energy. For both sides.
Would you have ever posted something like this is sync didn't come out? Why didn't you post something like this before sync came out?
I'm assuming that it's because Sync is the first monitized app
I agree with you. It's not to attack sync users, it's just to remind them that there's an entire ecosystem dependent on donations