Do you people just hate anyone who receives money?
Crabs in a barrel
snatches at one of your aft claws get back down here you hothead!
People in general are very interested in the politics of who deserves recognition (in whatever form) over others. Fundamentally it's about an instinct towards "fairness."
You just gave away you have no idea what communism is.
My initial impression of this instance is that is a short step away from Lemmygrad.
No. But focusing on supporting one single app instead of the platform is not sustainable for the platform. This meme is just a reminder to support the platform as well.
I haven't seen a single call to action to donate to Lemmy other than the static sidebar on desktop. Something like that would be far more helpful than complaining about previous Sync users continuing to donate to Sync. Nothing is being taken from Lemmy, Sync already had a big user base and is bringing many of them over here thanks to the app. Let's call to action to them to donate to instances instead of complaining.
But you are the one focusing on supporting one single app?
Who are you speaking of? How many users are on sync versus all the others?
Would you have ever posted something like this is sync didn't come out? Why didn't you post something like this before sync came out?
I agree with you. It's not to attack sync users, it's just to remind them that there's an entire ecosystem dependent on donations
Oh no my $20 for a lifetime purchase of removing ads from an app I've enjoyed using for like a decade. 🥱
I think the point of the post is ain't nobody donating $20 to the Lemmy platform or host or other apps
This meme implies that Sync is taking all the donations though. The people donating to Sync didn't stop donating to Lemmy to do so
My instance shut down donos because they were bringing in way more than they needed and are sitting on years of server costs at current usage. I was donating when they were open, though.
I'm signed up the patreon for mine, they're gonna get more than $20 over time
A new platform like Lemmy needs to establish trust and reliability for a certain time period before it can expect people to give back something. Something that the Sync developer has established already for a decade now.
Assuming that Lemmy continues to flourish well, I will be perfectly happy to donate to Lemmy, in fact I'm quite sure that in the long run I'll donate a lot more to Lemmy than the one time purchase cost of Sync.
My instance doesn't take donations at the moment. I'll definitely contribute once there's something.
Sir that's not your $20, that's ops money to decide what you do with it
Here take the last of my reddit gold 🪙
Just like the lifetime purchase I made for Sync for Reddit, right?
I mean, take that up with Reddit. Hopefully, lemmy doesn't somehow stop people from using apps.
Besides I'm happy to pay for the development costs of him porting the entire thing to use lemmy instead super fast, whilst being really responsive to any issues and questions. Of the 5 apps on my phone, sync feels the best to me so I'm cool supporting it.
I saw an earlier post that showed Lemmy's recent rapid growth followed by a plateau and then slight decline. My feeling is that there is a very LOUD minority of Lemmy users that are trying to act as self-anointed gatekeepers and they're bringing the platform down as a direct consequence. It makes the platform look petty and small to new and existing users alike. If the top posts are continually about shaming other users then this platform isn't going to last. Let's focus on building communities and having interesting conversations rather than one upping each other.
When Sync lauched it was all anyone was talking about. I don't see the memes for and against Sync as people actually upset I just think it is the meta topic of the week. Like when beans were a meme following the "how can I not poop for three days?"
The Poop Warrior shall live on in our memories.
that may or may not be the case, but the reality of the situation is that it makes the whole foss community look a whole lot more off putting
Imo when it comes to topics like that, people tend to be able to just brush it off as a silly internet thing.
A silly internet thing is not necessarily equivalent a toxic community. I'm good with annoying posts, but a lot of people are taking other people's personal decisions a little too personally. I find that behaviour more annoying than I ever found the bean posts, tbh.
Why would someone spend their free time somewhere that they feel brings bad aspects to their life? Why would someone want to deal with a lot of negativity over (let's be honest) pretty minor things? Of course some users will get put off by that. It's why some people left Reddit years ago.
I just wanted to tell you how happy I was to see the Netscape logo as your icon. Brought me back to the old days of the internet.
They spent a month shitting on reddit now there's something new to shit on
agreed and it's slowly pushing me away from using lemmy
Nailed it. Some users are intent on making this reddit 2.0 with all the baggage. Ive seen entire subs be spam downvoted because some user had the time and hate.
It's me. I'm the loud minority. Redditors go home!
very LOUD minority
self-anointed gatekeepers
top posts are continually about shaming other users
Crabs in a bucket. No one's allowed to succeed, unless everyone™ does.
It's more like one dev made the best user experience on lemmy, so people give him money. At least that's the case for me.
We asked him to make sync for lemmy over in r/syncforreddit.
This. I tried lemmy. Didn't use it until sync came out. Now that lemmy is looking for engineers I'll donate some money.
Use Lemmy, y'all!
Nooo not like that!
I mean isn't that true for literally every user that doesn't pay? I'm not sure why we are mad at Sync users when we don't even have a strong call to action to donate to instances.
"use my instance please"
"No not like that!"
Holy fuck this is what we left Reddit to avoid...
Lemmy had a garbage web UI. And the other apps I have used are not nearly as smooth as sync.
You think Sync users don't also donate? I paid for sync and donated to Lemmy's development. Considering donating to my 2 main instances as well.
That's literally Reddit's argument against third party apps, the reason a good chunk of Lemmy users left reddit is they disagree with that approach...
Maybe Lemmy instances should bill third party apps for API calls, hmmm?
But it's fine if I cost an app dev their time and instances money and give nothing to no one? Genuine question because I don't understand all the sync hate.
How much has liftoff, jeroba, connect, etc paid?
We pay.
You assume.
It's junior level reasoning.
Oh fuck off.
But im using sync for free.
Why are people so angry about this?
Well you see, it's important to aggressively gatekeep anything that people start to use and enjoy.
It's just a meme because when Sync launched it was all over everyone's feeds. I don't think as many folks are as angry about it as it seems but it's definitely a good topic for meta memes.
Im just happy for the influx of posts commenta and votes since sync launched.
Before it was a good day if a post got 50 upvotes Now its common to see 200+ and theres a ton more comments.
Its improved the experience in my opinion.
If you are not paying for Sync you are getting ads. So you are still paying (attention, data, you are the product).
Additionally proprietary software has some long term disadvantages that are not visible at first. This is why one needs to always inform people about it as they do not understand these disadvantages.
The biggest issue is that the owners of the proprietary code can change its course whenever they like it. See for example the Reddit Apollo Dev who would have sold out the community for 10 million dollars:
See his own published audio and the discussion on HN:
This whining is so pathetic.
Christ, let me use my favorite app in peace instead of going "tsk tsk" and whinging about it when no one's stopping you from using other apps.
Like this is somehow the fault of sync's dev. Go ahead folks, the donate to lemmy button is at the top of the page, go ahead and click on it if your morals are so true.
Honestly. This isn't some centralized platform. Donating at least some of the profits to the people making the app possible seems fitting. While I don't agree with the API pricing of Reddit, I think it's fitting that it should cost something at least, if not only to cover wage for the people working on the API
Go ahead
Hey OP why don't you start by sharing your donation receipts to Lemmy?
Who let spez make a Lemmy account?
I've donated to Lemmy, Beehaw, and Mastodon and came here because Reddit killed Sync. Lemmy is full of gatekeepers and it's bringing the platform down. Half the posts are whining about reddit and the other half are whining because someone doesn't adhere to the perfect open source ethos and shun anything not completely free. It's getting tiring. No wonder Lemmy's active user count is decreasing.
Don't forget all the frothing at the mouth to talk up how wonderful communism is.
Why would people do this? We want the hughest amount of users we can, and for most people to believe in FOSS or even copyleft philosophy, but this just pushes people away. Just use whatever app you like best and maybe donate to incentivize the app you believe in. But to just relenlessly mock non-FOSS apps only hurts the community and doesn't foster growth.
You could say it doesn't fosster growth
And this kind of idiocy is why I'm glad there's a user block
Damn. This comment section...
Reddit left a lot of y'all really insecure and easily triggered. Anyone would think OP threatened your mother's life or something.
This is probably the 10000th post on sync
You missed a 0
This is such an annoying opinion.
The sync app dev is charging for a product. They know they have a market, albeit narrow. The income will be chunky and consistent.
The Lemmy devs provide a free platform and ask for donations. They know they have a market. It's enormous. The income is gratuity.
Neither party should be surprised about who is raking in how much cash or why. I'm sure they're not.
No user should be confused about why both parties are doing what they're doing. No one should be confused about how it's going for them. But for some reason y'all won't stfu about it.
It's just so asinine.
I downloaded Sync and thought wow nice ui, maybe I sould buy the adless version. Then I thought wtf, why is this so fucking expensive?
Not sure what you are talking about? I did not (yet) pay the 20€ for the ad free version of sync. But I did donate more than double that amount to the lemmy devs. And if my instance would accept donations, I also would have donated there
Same. I support dessamines on Patreon and I've dropped donations in several other places.
I'll pay for Sync again, eventually. But I'll stick to the ad supported version until it stabilizes.
20 dorra!
Lemmy users have money?
Yeah, but they don't like to spend it.
Give me a job that pays me enough to not care so much about it and then ask me to donate (I probably won't due to poverty trauma)
Just like all the other apps and services that didn't demand anything, I'll donate when I can afford it. It worked for textra, progression workout app, bitwarden, davinchi resolve, and one of the ad blockers for iPad, etc....
The lemmy instance I use and the app I'm currently using will come when I can afford it but not because they withhold features or sell my data to advertisers till I do.
That developer guy must have gotten very rich if we all 20 Lemmy Sync users bought his app.
I wonder what's the percentage of Sync users vs the rest, seeing how passionate some are about Lemmy, it probably means they are inundating Lemmy developers with donations and just want us to do the same.
Google Play reports 10k+ downloads, probably only a fraction have paid anything
This image is awful. Rich assholes would never allow the pipe to drip.
Not sure I would call the dev of sync a rich asshole. It's only one dude and the app is livelihood. He is very responsive to input and very good at what he does. It's a great app. Or it was, for reddit. Currently still some growing pains but impressed how well it is considering it's been only one month.
I think he was talking about the original image minus current additions
Are you saying that every one who pays for sync is an asshole ? I don't even know where to donate if I could right now .
Donate to the folks who run the instance you are on. From their own sidebar:, It is not hard to find.
I've been a long time Sync user and paid for everything he asked when it was Reddit. I'm $5 a month for my instance -
Haven't yet kicked in for Lemmy Sync. I feel good about sending some cash to the dev, but don't love subscriptions and the lifetime payment of $100 is a little too rich for me.
Lifetime $20 for ad free
Don't think you really need ultra, do you?
So dumb
Voyager for the win
lmao are you for real, if you don't like it just use one of the other apps or just use it and don't pay for it all of this complaining about it is just pathetic
Mans gotta eat. Sent from Sync for Lemmy.
Honestly why would I pay so much when I can use Summit for free? I don't mind supporting developers but 20$ is quite pricy. And the other price option are imho nuts. I paid for pro version of Boost for Reddit 4$, that's reasonable, maybe upto 10$. It's just an app for viewing content. It's not groundbreaking program or game.. And if you multiple the price x sales, the developers will make money anyway.
Wait, you have to pay for Sync?
No. But you have to pay for ad-free. The ultra subscription service is more expensive than it was under reddit Sync. I'm hoping the prices will go down as the app gets more popular. I'm guessing the dev is trying to make up for the lost revenue from shutting down the reddit app.
I downloaded Sync two days ago and I still haven't seen an ad. I'm not sure where they are.
There is a one time payment of about $20 (price may vary per region) that will stop ads and trackers will be turned off.
Ah, OK. I'm perfectly happy with Connect. Was just curious.
Yes I owned sync pro but bought it so long ago I didn't remember paying so much, thanks for confirming it's really more expensive under lemmy.
I used Sync Pro for Reddit (RIP) and loved it, that being said, reddit was full of ads.
Lemmy is not by design, therefore I am sticking with Connect. (Let me know if there is something better, that isn't Sync!)
Obviously my opinion, but infinity for lemmy has worked really great for me so far on Android!
IMO, Voyager.
is this complaining about sync or complaining about people not donating to other developers?
I do donate tho
No... no sync users donate. They used ALL THEIR MONEYZ to buy the app.
/s just to be sure
no, I donate my money to the 3rd party apps that are free
A proprietary app that earns ad money from a FOSS project
Also if you have ads you have Google trackers, if you have Google trackers you have tomfoolery going on (Spyware)
Sync is cool,but Jerboa is currently good-enough, while being free as in free beer, to wait until the recently released Infinity for Lemmy are being more robust.
Opinions are opinions. That is yours.
Mine is that I have used Jerboa since I joined Lemmy a couple months ago. It's improved a lot, and even in its latest iteration is nowhere near as polished and nice as sync. It was an easy decision to switch.
Infinity is even better... when it works and doesn't crash
Isn't jerboa sorta like the de facto official client?
I'm donating to and using sync free. I wanted to supper sync too, but the price is too much.
Could always run his own Lemmy server for Sync users, I guess. Could take the load off some of the others.
It would be unnecessary if Lemmy's web UI was actually reasonable. As it is, every single time I open the app, I have to log in again, then refresh the page to see anything at all. The news feed is paginated rather than endless scroll. When I press the back button on a comment thread, it takes me back to the page before the one I was looking at, so I lose my place. It's borderline unusable.
So I guess I'll give my ad eyeballs to the app that actually works.
every single time I open the app, I have to log in again, then refresh the page to see anything at all
That doesn't happen to me, check your browser.
good one but I'm using sync and my money isn't going anywhere
I prefer donating money to my Lemmy instance. it really helps them pay monthly VPS bills.
but, but.. the UX!
I feel like this is legitimately more true than a lot of people think. Say what you want about the average end user, but UX is a HUGE driver with regard to adoption and user uptake. You can have the best of everything else in your application, but if the UX sucks, folks just aren't going to use it
it's the problem with most FOSS app imo. people would like them more if the overall UX was better. most proprietary apps today have shit UX because of monetisation and all the confirm pop ups for data selling, but anyone will still choose proprietary over Foss because of the abysmal UX Foss has
I totally agree!
!This comment was possible through Sync. Sync "Why? Because fuck you, that's why"!<
Edit: my old shit posting methods don't work here :'(
I'm using connect for Lemi currently
Idk, I really like infinity for Lemmy! I'll try it tho :)
Alright your meme worked.
I already bought Sync, but I'm on lemmy every day, and my instance doesn't accept donations. May as well pitch in a little bit.
I know I'm probably in the minority here but.... I'm a desk jockey.
I don't use Lemmy on a handheld. I didn't use Reddit that way either. The web interface works well enough for me, or rather whatever uses is good when set to vaporwave-light. Try the different themes, some are better than others.
The pagination though... it's a little short for my taste but I prefer it over doomscrolling.
Yeah, you're annoying. Luckily, Sync has an easily accessible blocking feature. Goodbye.
That was super epic gamer of you 😎 sure showed him heheheh what will you use your awesome powers for next? Pls no block I want to see your brilliant content 🥺
To be fair, Sync for Lemmy is very good and I use it :)
WP engine
No, my data is not tha big
Don't you think the Sync dev might also be supporting the Lemmy devs?
I love when my feed is 50% sync fanboys trying to justify their shitware app to themselves
The web site here is actually good unlike reddit. Also, hello fellow rain world pfp
I have legit ptsd from creatures from rain world, 10/10 game
Yo, we ladies love it too. :)
Just download from mobilism and support the dev when possible, and the lemmy and foss client devs too