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Bulletins and News Discussion from December 23rd to December 29th, 2024 - The War on Christmas: Hypersonic Holidays

Image is from Futurama.

Happy holidays, fellow godless communists. We are in year three of the Five-Year Plan to eliminate all Christmas cheer and create a world free of the joys and festivity of Christmas. Nobody should have to be reminded that in our concrete brutalist communist strongholds, NO ornaments are allowed in December. Please report any Christmas trees, snowflakes, baubles, and presents to the evil secret police, and anybody caught violating their Volcel Pledge by having a tentative kiss under a mistletoe will be shot on sight.

Developments lately have been grim. Our Supreme Communist Dictator Brandon is being removed from office by Christmas-loving patriots, and soon, Christmas will adorn the White House for another four years. This is obviously very disappointing, but while Christmas joy is strictly prohibited, good vibes are still strongly encouraged. Revolutionary optimism (a term we only bring out when things are going very badly and we need to be delusional) shall triumph over defeatist rhetoric by stooges of the Christmas regime.

We must have hope. Our foreign allies aiding us in destroying Christmas now possess hypersonic weaponry, allowing us to compete with and overcome the engine technology powering Santa's sleigh. Abroad, they have destroyed factories and hit cities with missiles travelling at unimaginable speeds into precise targets, while the Christmas regime struggles to produce their own such missiles, as they are still reliant on aircraft bombing campaigns. Precision has a quality all its own, or something along those lines. We just have to hold out another two years or so, and I swear to you: we will live in a world without this accursed holiday.

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  • Is jacobin fucking high?

    One of Karl Marx’s most persistent points, from “On the Jewish Question” forward, is that despite the formal freedoms that we enjoy in a liberal state — the right to freedom of speech, for example, or freedom of religion — we are socially and in fact unfree. (As Bruno Leipold reports in his Citizen Marx, a lot of Marx’s evidence for this claim, particularly about religion, came from travelers’ reports to America, which Marx read assiduously.) That is what it means to live in a liberal society, says Marx: formally free, actually unfree.

    But lately I’ve been wondering whether we are not living in the reverse. Despite the efforts of right-wingers to bend the state in a repressive, less free direction, society seems more and more resistant to these efforts. Producing a situation that is, in some sense, the mirror image of what Marx described.

    You are totally free, unless you protest anything state deems important. Or strike in important industry. Look at my leftist "intellectuals", we are boned

    • They really allow anyone to write there.

      Pro-Palestine campus protests are effectively banned, right? The state doesn't have to be directly involved.

      The attacks on economic rights and economic freedoms provided during the New Deal and Social Democratic era also extents to the social freedoms.

      The only reason why the state allows some dissent, instead of putting people in jail is because it doesn't see much threats.

    • I call this style the "Nuh uh" school of sociopolitical analysis, just assert bullshit without data or even a formal structure and use people who actually knew what they were talking about as a crutch or in this case a punching bag

    • Doesn't even make sense. The mirror image would be something like a misrepresentation of the USSR where the government is presented as over-bearing and bureaucratic but through it people's economic/work life and social/non-work life were expanded greatly compared to what their lives would be like under capitalist development.

      Also, when would they say this inversion took place in liberal society exactly? Also, also, if they're pointing out that people are resisting an oppressive state them that's not a mirror image but a 3rd square in their little chart of formally/actually free/unfree.

      Formally free / Actually free (communism)
      Formally free / Actually unfree (liberalism, as Marx described)
      Formally unfree / Actually unfree (fascism?, what imperial society is careening to)
      Formally unfree / Actually free (his "mirror", what I'd say is socialist development?

    • These people are like megachurch owners who quote Marxism like scripture to make themselves sound trustworthy and enlightened, despite not having even a surface level understanding of the material. Western radlibs eat this shit up and the imperial core thrives once again.