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A little rant about the Android operating system

A little rant about the Android operating system
Everyone felt weird when I said I was using custom ROMs. Most of them haven't heard about anything beyond stock android. I wrote a blog trying to normalise it.

#Android #OpenSource #Privacy #Linux


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  • google is asshole

    • Out of all the people you could blame, you literally chose to blame the single least affected party here. Google has actually taken great strides to make custom ROMs as easy as humanly possible without stepping on the toes of vendors.

      Google does a lot of stuff people should hate, but this is not one of them.

      • Google has actually taken great strides to make custom ROMs as easy as humanly possible

        I guess that is besides:

        • slowly, but surely, stopping development of many AOSP core apps in favour of their own proprietary apps.
        • ensuring many of their apps are basically unusable with a custom ROM
        • making it so easy for app devs to block custom ROMs

        Dunno, but that's all Google stuff.

        • I highly disagree with this assessment.

          First, addressing your first point. Yes, they are stopping development of some core AOSP apps, but we are talking about apps which have had very good, oftentimes way better, alternative FOSS applications anyways. I really don't see this being an issue at all.

          For the second and third part. Google can sometimes do this with their core apps. Sometimes I suppose but GAPPs works on pretty much any custom ROM I've ever tried it on. Whether it be open gaps or microg. If you're talking about things like Google Play Certification and safety net, I also disagree there. It's a tool that Google provides if application devs don't want to use it they don't need to. Many devs DO want it. That's not Google's fault.

          Application developers want, and sometimes need this level of security. Regardless of what anybody says, attestation is indeed a critical part of security.

      • I'm not talking about ROMs I'm talking about google.

        • why post it on an android post then? go to degoogled or something.

          • because Android is google? it's supposed to be this Grand unified ecosystem, Google apps on a Google operating system on a Google phone, but anytime you have an issue with one of them, they all blame every other department so nobody helps you. Google has been hiding accessibility features behind paywalls since Android 11 as well.

            • can you give a few examples of the a11y issues that don't have at least somewhat well known alternatives that work more or less the same way?

              Personally I run android completely without gapps or even aurora store, the only proprietary apps I do actually use is discord my retarded router's only method of accsessing the settings, eero app

              • I'm afraid I don't understand the question. are you asking if you can work around the broken multitasking feature? the only way you can do that is by cracking apps so that they'll play in the background

                • what's broken about multitasking? It's working fine for me on Android 14. I use split view and desktop mode fairly often without issues, any specific applications that are broken?

                  • you used to be able to navigate around the lower screen as if it were your phone screen with the top screen just minimized. now, the two apps that you haven't split screen are tied together when you hit the recents button or the home button.

                    • ah I see, I personally don't use more then two windows at the same time unless I'm on desktop mode (with free form windows) so the change for me was a welcome feature.I never thought it a problem, but I can see how it would be now for others. It would indeed be nice if they configured the behavior

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