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You know what I would really love? A custom rom browser.
  • sure thats portable, but you would need a lot of devices for that

  • You know what I would really love? A custom rom browser.
  • this would be... somewhat possible, you can't really boot GSI images, however the folk at BlissOS do have an android generic project that makes porting custom roms to x86 a lot easier. By porting android images to generic x86, we can serve them as temporary VMs, just like (I've actually been thinking about doing something like this for bliss specifically but funding says no lol).

    This is contingent on roms being ported to x86 though, off the top of my head there are images floating around for

    • Bliss (Obviously)
    • Lineage OS,
    • Vanilla AOSP,

    and specific verisons of

    • Project sakura (A11 iirc)
    • CarbonROM A10
    • Bootleggers A10
    • RessurectionRemix
    • Pixel Experience
    • Dirty Unicorns
    • Tesla

    I believe there are also images of LMODroid and Calyx floating around... somewhere

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • This is for sure the case for vendor solutions, but AOSP itself is still quite the lean OS. Android also has GO variants which perform even better at low resources, (Bliss also has builds of these if one is curious). They are extremely responsive. I don't think Bliss as A14 go builds, but we do have A13 go builds, and they are extremely responsive on very low end hardware, the bar is actually support for SSE.

    Bliss currently has a hard requirement on SSE 4.2 or greater due to a load of changes (occasionally some work is made on lowering this but it's slow and a lack of real motivation), but pretty much everything I have tested that is supported works fairly well, from my old i3 desktops, my atoms and celerons etc.

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • it should have pretty good support but you may need to use this script to spoof the device for some stuff

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • its easy to test BlissOS is open source and can be installed on any relatively modern PC or in a VM, coms with foss and gapps variants, install foss

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • this really isn't true at all. android works great on 2Gb of ram, you don't really hit issues until you load gapps. If you don't it works great. I actually run BlissOS on my old Asus t100ta and Im not the only one.

    When you do nothing something like xfce works great, but when you actually start doing things like browsing the web, watching youtube etc then it starts to really become a slog. Meanwhile something like BlissOS is actually usable even when watching 1440p content (gpu not strong enough to test UHD)

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • ah my bad, I misread, I thought you had tried sudo waydroid app install.

    Failed to get service waydroidplatform usually happens when something fails when communciating to the container, this usually means the container is partially loaded so you will need to stop it and start again, you may even need to do a full reboot

  • Waydroid in a VM
  • currently hyper-v has no graphics, qemu reccomended but hyperv should work if you force sofware rendering for gpu

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • google play games is still really good, it's more or less just android inside of crosvm, usually android emulators are based on virtualbox, some are based on qemu

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • libhoudini is optimized for Intel, NDK for AMD, but some apps may be incompatible with one or the other.

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • The charm of Unix systems used to be flexibility, buy Wayland seems to be an extinction-level event for traditional window management. Nothing fills the gap of FVWM or WindowMaker. But gosh, I can get 92 flavours of tiling compositor and windows that ripple when dragged.

    I think this is "temporarily" true as we get more kits that make wayland development trivial I think it wont be so bad, right now wayland is still very immature, and will be for a long time.

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • for many people YES! Both wayland and x11 can work very nicely when nested. For many people wayland will be remain unusable for a very long time, and for many other they are finding that now x11 is unusable for them.

    It's not a great situation, but with xwayland and running wayland compositors nested (really wish we had an "way11" too, but per app cage works for me) many people's usecase will remain to be covered

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • don't run sudo that breaks things

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • can you report your issues to the waydroid github or check on the fedora forums? the matrix and telegram chats are always open to help too if you have a bit of patience.

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • AOSP doesn't have that much bloat, it's far lighter then your typical linux distro, It's vendors that bloat it up, Custom roms are extremely light, This is BlissOS running on 2Gb of ram

    It's far more responsive then many linux distros would be since android and it's applications are optimized around low ram and low system resource in general

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • this is not really quite true, we have always been able to run androidx86/BlissOS in qemu which works about "as well" but with less integration, IE no "native like" windows

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • most android apps are architecure agnostic "java, kotlin etc" and even apps that are often ship "Universal binaries" which include x86, or split builds for arm and x86

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • some android kernels are, but AOSP itself can run perfectly happy on a vanilla kernel, just make sure your kernel was compilled with BINDER enabled, which yes, is upstream

  • Extremely positive experience with Waydroid
  • see reply to casey's replly

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