Around 50 billion disposable drink cups are used every year in the US, but in the city of Petaluma, we will see if Americans have the discipline to reduce this footprint.
The city numbers around 60,000 people, and will participate in the Reuseable Cup Project. The aim is to furnish 30 local restaurants, from Starbucks to Taco Bell, with identical, durable, plastic drink cups, which customers and diners can use and then either leave on the table, or deposit in a network of dropoff bins around the city.
Sugar is addictive and plenty of people lack self control. If you include a giant source of sugar with a meal for a few cents people are going to buy it. If you don't include it you can increase public health and reduce pollution. Unfortunately people don't like to be told what is good for them.
This only punishes those with financial ocd or lesser means. Those without self control will spend their money without control too. Plus you need cups for water too. People drink when they eat either way.