ABC shuts down official Twitter accounts due to 'toxic interactions'
ABC shuts down official Twitter accounts due to 'toxic interactions'

ABC exits Twitter: Australia’s national broadcaster shuts down almost all accounts on Elon Musk’s X

ABC shuts down official Twitter accounts due to 'toxic interactions'
ABC exits Twitter: Australia’s national broadcaster shuts down almost all accounts on Elon Musk’s X
Reading the article with the letter X in place of Twitter makes me feel like I am reading a pre-generated article with someone forgetting to replace the placeholder with the brand name.
Meta, x alphabet... All these renamings and they all suck donkey balls. Not one cool name. And all 3 have gotten SIGNIFICANTLY worse.
Nah, they'd fit pretty good to the dystopia you'll be / you're already living in. Don't tell me the acronyms of GAFAM (Google (Alphabet), Apple, Facebook (Meta), Amazon and Microsoft ) and FAANG ( Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google ) don't sound like some end-of-world ushering big corps à la umbrella corporation.
MAMAA (Meta Alphabet Microsoft Amazon Apple) also fits our cyberpunk dystopia quite well.
If you switch Meta and Microsoft, and Alphabet and Apple, you almost have it sorted by market cap.
We're two companies short of MAMA-MIA
Intel and we just need Qualcomm to change their name.
All restaurants are Taco Bell.
Not in my timeline, they're not!
LOL! That seems like a natural evolution of Carl's Jr's weird, male oriented marketing.
It's from the movie Idiocracy, for those unaware. Their slogan used to be "Don't bother me, I'm eating!"
Ah, I started that movie, but I never finished it. I really should watch it again. Although I guess I can just read the news for the prequel.
embedded tweets just look like they have a close button now